You think that an accountant can earn Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 per month, then you are totally wrong. As per my thinking, an accountant can earn unlimited money. He can earn enough which can not be estimated. If he will try to count his money, then he can not count. With this money, he can fulfill his whole dreams of life. Now, for you, above question "How much can an accountant earn?" is not important for you. You will surely ask next question from me. How can accountant earn this money??? Yes, am I right!
Listen my voice!
You know knowledge is great money. It is a supreme treasure because it cannot be stolen, it is priceless and always imperishable. By just transferring it to other, your money will increase.
All dear accountants, you have great knowledge of accounting. This knowledge is your money. If you want to give free it with plus way ( 5+5 = 10), your this earning will increase with multiply way ( 5X 5 = 25 ). It means, if you will teach accounting 5 more students free of cost, your total number of students will be 10 and your earning will be 25. You can allege on that this 25, you will not get in cash form. But you are wrong because Knowledge gives discipline, from discipline comes worthiness, from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy. It means if you have taken the decision to provide your accounting knowledge day and night. You will get discipline. With this discipline, your value will increase. As per accounting rule, your value is your goodwill which will have market price. It will give you also unexpected wealth which you can not imagine. Moreover this wealth will not bring sadness for you. Great teacher Chankiya had praised this great wealth in following words.
Listen my voice!
You know knowledge is great money. It is a supreme treasure because it cannot be stolen, it is priceless and always imperishable. By just transferring it to other, your money will increase.
All dear accountants, you have great knowledge of accounting. This knowledge is your money. If you want to give free it with plus way ( 5+5 = 10), your this earning will increase with multiply way ( 5X 5 = 25 ). It means, if you will teach accounting 5 more students free of cost, your total number of students will be 10 and your earning will be 25. You can allege on that this 25, you will not get in cash form. But you are wrong because Knowledge gives discipline, from discipline comes worthiness, from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy. It means if you have taken the decision to provide your accounting knowledge day and night. You will get discipline. With this discipline, your value will increase. As per accounting rule, your value is your goodwill which will have market price. It will give you also unexpected wealth which you can not imagine. Moreover this wealth will not bring sadness for you. Great teacher Chankiya had praised this great wealth in following words.
वाह विनोद जी क्या बात कही है किन्तु लेखांकन में इस समृद्धि के मूल्यांकन, अभिलेखन, संक्षिप्तीकरण व निर्वचन की क्षमता नहीं है.