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4 Tips to Improve Accounts Department

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Accounts department is the backbone of all the departments of any organisation because all department gets the power from accounts department. If accounts department shows lower fund, no department will survive. All department's budget will quake, if account department do any mistake of recording any expense or
income. So, today, I think that I have to write tips for improving account department. Accounts department becomes with chief-accountant, accountants, account assistants and account clerk. If all these guys will become good, whole accounts department will improve.

1st Tip : Firm Determination of Improvement 

Accounts department is just like a sport team. When all players like accountants and account assistants will be firm determinant for its improvement, then accounts department can set the example for other. This improvement should in behaviour of staff. This improvement in their learning capability. This improvement should be in their honesty. This improvement should be in their dedication. This improvement should be in their more concentration on their work.

All the staff of accounts department should take the meeting before starting their work and say

Today, we are improving in our quality!

Today, we are perfectly improving in our quality!

See, we are improving!

See, we have almost improved!

Improved! Quite Improved!

Now, we never decrease our quality!

2nd Tip : Practice of Improvement 

Improvement is just like a habit. Practice makes not only a man perfect but whole department can perfect. Every practice of small improvement in their work will be the victory of big improvement. A small mistake in the work is the way to go to big mistake. Never take rest before correcting a very small mistake.

3rd Tip : Take Benefit from Good Opportunities 

Accounts department can only improve, if it will learn to take benefits from good opportunities. Think, what are the main opportunities of accounts department. For example, you have find that our organisation can get fund at very cheap rate. Take this opportunity for bringing business from cash shortage and to help business to utilize it better way.

4th Tip : Contribute as Voluntary Service

We know, every accountant gets pay for his service. But if everybody will do work for money, then how will we bring improvement in accounts department. Not only accounts department, we can not improvement in any area. I can take my example. My duty is 8 hours. But, today, I am writing this content in 1:00 (Midnight). Why? Because I remember, some of subscribers want to read this content in next morning. I do not want to disappoint all these subscribers. Like me, you should also think. Money is just source but we can make difference if we contribute as voluntary service for accounts department. They have to contribute more time for following purpose.

a) For providing Quick and accurate service.
b) For making regular Monthly financial statements.
c) For making Annual accounts on the time without delay.
d) For getting updates for Tax returns - for individuals, companies (inc LTCs) and partnerships
c) To create new ideas of Provisions of tax
d) To create the ideas to reduce Sales Tax.
e) To help employees for creating their Payroll and pay them fastly.
f) To analyze the Management reports
g) To improve the Budgeting skills.
h) To improve cash through Cashflow forecasting
i) Proactive management of accounts payable and  receivable
j) Bank reconciliations
k) Creditor control, entry and payment
l) To learn accounting software installation, training and support
m) General business assistance


: 1
  1. How do you brings about IMPROVEMENT in a company where proper accounting standards are not practice.
    For example a company where the MD is all and all no rooms for budget,no voucher for expenses,or letting the account get timely information in respect to inflow or out flow?
    kindly send me a response now.

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Accounting Education: 4 Tips to Improve Accounts Department
4 Tips to Improve Accounts Department
Accounting Education
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