There are three meaning of Restock. All meaning should be known by Accountant because he has to record the stock properly.
1. When We Buy New Stock
Restock means to fill the stock with new materials and products. Restock is important in the factory where is stock of raw material is very less. So, we start to restocking. Restock is also necessary in the sales showroom where we have sold almost all the products. So, to fill all stock whose demand is very good by demanding from production department or purchase department. When restock process will be started, purchase department will start to buy new inventory.
2. When there is Sale Return
Restock term is also used when goods are returned from customers. At that time, this stock is kept separate from other stock. After improvement its quality, it is included in fresh stock for selling. If there is the default of customer, company may get restock fees for returning goods.
3. When Businessman Changes the Location of Stock
In the showroom, business changes the location of old stock. You know there are two main location of keeping the stock in the showroom. One where customer can see and other where customer can not see. So, when businessman see that his stock which is not being seen by customers, he restock it where customer can easily see. It is also called rotation of stock. When company uses any specific method of valuation of stock, restock is the best way. For example, we are using the FIFO method for valuation of stock, at that time, if we have some stock which has not been sold, we can easily restock it on the location where the stock already has sold. So, cost of closing stock will be the cost of unsold stock which is newly restock.
More Resources of Valuation of Stock
Average Cost Method
Simple Average Method
Weighted Average Method
1. When We Buy New Stock
Restock means to fill the stock with new materials and products. Restock is important in the factory where is stock of raw material is very less. So, we start to restocking. Restock is also necessary in the sales showroom where we have sold almost all the products. So, to fill all stock whose demand is very good by demanding from production department or purchase department. When restock process will be started, purchase department will start to buy new inventory.
2. When there is Sale Return
Restock term is also used when goods are returned from customers. At that time, this stock is kept separate from other stock. After improvement its quality, it is included in fresh stock for selling. If there is the default of customer, company may get restock fees for returning goods.
3. When Businessman Changes the Location of Stock
In the showroom, business changes the location of old stock. You know there are two main location of keeping the stock in the showroom. One where customer can see and other where customer can not see. So, when businessman see that his stock which is not being seen by customers, he restock it where customer can easily see. It is also called rotation of stock. When company uses any specific method of valuation of stock, restock is the best way. For example, we are using the FIFO method for valuation of stock, at that time, if we have some stock which has not been sold, we can easily restock it on the location where the stock already has sold. So, cost of closing stock will be the cost of unsold stock which is newly restock.
More Resources of Valuation of Stock
Average Cost Method
Simple Average Method
Weighted Average Method