First of All, I am sorry, I have written the title "How to Pass in Accounting" because I am not writing any tips to pass in accounting. But in this content, I am giving the steps to come out from thinking to pass in accounting. When you come out from this narrow thinking, then you can think, "how to become genius in accounting"
You see rat race. When a rat is carrying one piece of bread, other rats start same act. This was their life. But you are not rat. Never keep very small aim in the life. You are human being and king of the world. Just targeting pass in accounting or any other subject should not your aim. You aim should to learn and be perfect in accounting. Every class is just like a step to be perfect in accounting. Just passing first class accounting will not the step. It is just cheating with your life. Never cheat with your life. Fail and pass both are good. Do best should be your aim. Follow my small tips, I think, these inspirational tips will be helpful to grow in the field of accounting.
1st Tip. What is Accounting?
For example this is your paper question. You will written right what is accounting? But from my point of view, learn "what is accounting?"
a) Accounting is just the way which I have to cover.
b) I am in Delhi and I have to go to Mumbai. I have to learn all steps for reaching from Delhi to Mumbai. I will learn different ways for reaching from Delhi to Mumbai. When I will reach Mumbai by any way and by any steps. All will be practical. So, accounting is nothing more than the Distance from Delhi to Mumbai. You have to learn the steps, how to become perfect in accounting instead how to pass in accounting. I did not pass CA. I did not pass ICWAI but I can take challenge, I can teach the students about what is accounting and how to become perfect in accounting. No matter what class you have passed. Matter is how much did you learn? Did you reach from Delhi to Mumbai.
I remembered, I reached Mumbai and lived Mumbai for a week from my city. Now, I am perfect. I can take a challenge from anyone that I know how to reach Mumbai. I want to see in the position that you will give the challenge to the world that you are perfect in accounting. You know what to do practical in accounting and how to do?
2nd Tip : Never Become Football
Football is not a live like human being. By thinking just passing, passing, and fearing from failing and failing, you are just acting like football. When the examination is coming. It is just hit to you and you just start to react like a football. Means, you are just crying pass, how to pass? Every reaction will get next hit of fear because you are fearing. You are fearing from failing. Yes, true. So, you have become the football.
You see rat race. When a rat is carrying one piece of bread, other rats start same act. This was their life. But you are not rat. Never keep very small aim in the life. You are human being and king of the world. Just targeting pass in accounting or any other subject should not your aim. You aim should to learn and be perfect in accounting. Every class is just like a step to be perfect in accounting. Just passing first class accounting will not the step. It is just cheating with your life. Never cheat with your life. Fail and pass both are good. Do best should be your aim. Follow my small tips, I think, these inspirational tips will be helpful to grow in the field of accounting.
1st Tip. What is Accounting?
For example this is your paper question. You will written right what is accounting? But from my point of view, learn "what is accounting?"
a) Accounting is just the way which I have to cover.
b) I am in Delhi and I have to go to Mumbai. I have to learn all steps for reaching from Delhi to Mumbai. I will learn different ways for reaching from Delhi to Mumbai. When I will reach Mumbai by any way and by any steps. All will be practical. So, accounting is nothing more than the Distance from Delhi to Mumbai. You have to learn the steps, how to become perfect in accounting instead how to pass in accounting. I did not pass CA. I did not pass ICWAI but I can take challenge, I can teach the students about what is accounting and how to become perfect in accounting. No matter what class you have passed. Matter is how much did you learn? Did you reach from Delhi to Mumbai.
I remembered, I reached Mumbai and lived Mumbai for a week from my city. Now, I am perfect. I can take a challenge from anyone that I know how to reach Mumbai. I want to see in the position that you will give the challenge to the world that you are perfect in accounting. You know what to do practical in accounting and how to do?
2nd Tip : Never Become Football
Football is not a live like human being. By thinking just passing, passing, and fearing from failing and failing, you are just acting like football. When the examination is coming. It is just hit to you and you just start to react like a football. Means, you are just crying pass, how to pass? Every reaction will get next hit of fear because you are fearing. You are fearing from failing. Yes, true. So, you have become the football.
Come out from this thinking. React like a human being. Be positive. You see when you hit the football, it will come again to you. It means, what you think, same will happen. Take the dream of your bright future in accounting. Take the dream of your success in accounting. Every positive thinking and positive attitude will give you power to become perfect in accounting because when you do practice of football, you become the champion in playing of football. Like this, when you will start to be positive toward your learning and studying in accounting, you will give more time for self-study. Your positive thinking will be your motivation. This motivation will grow to you and you will become successful in accounting.
Related : Steps to Learn Accounting on Your Own