Saving of money is the excess of your personal incomes over your personal expenses. If you will consume what you have earned, it means, you did not save the money. No saving means no resource of money which you can use. So, to save money is big reserve which you can use for your business or personal use.
You are the person who is interested in accounting and finance. For motivating to you for saving money, we are writing 10 benefits only for you.
1. To Increase Confidence
If you save money, you can feel confident in the time when your earning resources will stop. For example, you are selling any product offline and you are earning good money but one day, you see, there is not any customer of your product because your product became old. But other side, your expenses will not decrease. You also need more money for shifting from old business to new business. If you have saved money, you can easily survive in this mis-happening of your business.
2. Saving is Diamond
Your saved money is just like your hidden diamond because when you will collect your all saved money, it will be more than what you have saved because when you will collect your all saved money, it will be more than what you have saved because your saved money will generate earning for you.
3. To Stop Waste of Money
If you have the good habit of saving small part of your total money, you can stop to waste same money. When we do not save the money, we will surely waste our money for buying useless and luxuries For example, you have bought a new car instead of saving Rs. 10,00,000. Now, this car will increase your per month expenses. On the other side, you have deposited your saving in the bank and bought car from earning of your saving and then bought car from same earning. Now, you have to decide which is better. To save or to consume your principle.
4. For Financial Support
If you face any accident, you can realize the value of saving. A real brother will not come fro your help but your saved money will surely be helpful. So, from today, give me promise to save some money for the treatment in case any accident happens.
5. For Bright Future
Saving is helpful for making bright future. I can give the examples of successful businessmen. All have saved their money by reducing their useless expenses. Same money, they have invested in their business and get reward.
6. For Bringing Patience
Saving increases your capacity of patience because for saving the money, you have to ban on your limitless desires.More you save the money, more you will get patience.
7. For Becoming Healthy
Saving is helpful for making you healthy. Today is the time of inflation. Everything's cost is increasing at fast rate. If you go to market, you will not know when Rs. 500 has reduced from your pocket. So, if you have consumed everything what you have earned. One day, you will become a man or a woman with zero money in your pocket. If you become disable to operate your business due to old age or any other thing, you will realize that you are unable to pay your and your family expenses. At that time, you will feel tension. Same tension will bring thousands of diseases for you. So, if you want to become healthy for long time, you have to start to save money.
8. For Bringing Happiness
Saving brings happiness. When you see that your saved every Rs. 1 has created Rs. 1 crore, you will become mad with this happiness.
9. For Bringing Positive Thinking
Saving brings positive thinking in you because it will automatically create good earning resources for you. You will become financial independent. You can think better than a person who has no money.
10. For Obeying the Order of God
Saving is the order of God because clouds saved the water after following the order of God. Same water is fallen down on the earth. You enjoy in same raining water. So, for welfare of the world, we have obey the order of God and we will start to save money.