In the old time, stock market was the place where investors go physically for buying or selling the shares of different companies. When they saw that their stock's prices were decreasing, they sold the shares and when they expected that any company's share will increase, they tried to best to buy such shares.
But today, Indian stock market working has totally changed. No share is not bought or sold physically. All shares are bought and sold online. So, today stock market work online. Every Indian can buy or sell the shares in this virtual stock market. For this, they need Demat Account. Your Demat Account is opened through Investment brokers or sub-brokers. When you open your Demat account, you will be free to buy or sell shares online. This Demat account is connected with stock exchanges in India.
For Example, you live in Delhi, you can buy or sell any share of any company which are registered in different stock exchange in India. There are lots of stock exchanges which register the companies. Names of these stock exchanges are Bombay stock exchange, national stock exchange, Jaipur stock exchange, Pune stock exchange, Hyderabad stock exchange, Cochin stock exchange, Bangalore stock exchange, madras stock exchange, madhya pradesh stock exchange, Ludhiana stock exchange association. All these stock exchange stock exchanges also register the name of different brokers. For example Ludhiana stock exchange association has 284 brokers.
Main Works of Stock Exchange in India
1. Stock Exchange in India collects money for big corporate through trading of shares.
2. Stock exchange in India provides the updates of latest price of shares through quotes.
3. Regulate the Investors and to stop fraudulent dealing.
4. Regulate the Listed companies.
5. Its updated prices quotes are helpful for investment bank to invest in the stock of companies.
But today, Indian stock market working has totally changed. No share is not bought or sold physically. All shares are bought and sold online. So, today stock market work online. Every Indian can buy or sell the shares in this virtual stock market. For this, they need Demat Account. Your Demat Account is opened through Investment brokers or sub-brokers. When you open your Demat account, you will be free to buy or sell shares online. This Demat account is connected with stock exchanges in India.
For Example, you live in Delhi, you can buy or sell any share of any company which are registered in different stock exchange in India. There are lots of stock exchanges which register the companies. Names of these stock exchanges are Bombay stock exchange, national stock exchange, Jaipur stock exchange, Pune stock exchange, Hyderabad stock exchange, Cochin stock exchange, Bangalore stock exchange, madras stock exchange, madhya pradesh stock exchange, Ludhiana stock exchange association. All these stock exchange stock exchanges also register the name of different brokers. For example Ludhiana stock exchange association has 284 brokers.
Main Works of Stock Exchange in India
1. Stock Exchange in India collects money for big corporate through trading of shares.
2. Stock exchange in India provides the updates of latest price of shares through quotes.
3. Regulate the Investors and to stop fraudulent dealing.
4. Regulate the Listed companies.
5. Its updated prices quotes are helpful for investment bank to invest in the stock of companies.