Today is 30th march 2013. Same date, I was born. Same date, millions of people may bear because no one knows what happens in whole universe. This universe has created by god. Every neno second, unlimited souls get new body and unlimited souls leave their body. So, from God’s point of view, this is normal happening. But, from a person who was born, birthday is special.
It is the time when the human being can do self analysis. He can think, “Did he achieve his aim of life?” Why did God send him on the earth?” What did he do in his previous year? So, there are so many questions whose answers should be asked from yourself. Aim of life and reason of sending by god both are spiritual. Our aim of life is the peace of mind. Our mind is running very fast like a horse. It do not peace 24 hours. If we learn the peace of mind in every situation, it will be our great achievement.
OK, today, I am writing some inspirational message for you. I hope it will be useful for you.
1. Control on Mind
You all are my students. My main duty is to teach you how to think better and positive. For this, you should learn control on mind. When you will control on mind, there will not be any difficulty to learn anything. You need not fill your mind's all space with different facts. In education, you should only to learn control on your mind. Let me explain. When I published any content on accounting education. I shared it on different social networking sites. It is good but without seeing any good or bad. Can I live social networking. For experiment, I did not share 15 days any new content on any social networking website. It is just a small control over the desire of your mind. Like this, you can control on every desire of your mind. If you have full control on your mind, you will get enough energy which can be used in education. For example, you have studied any book. You did remember anything. Do you know what is the reason of this. Your mind is not here during the time of study. Control your mind and again study. You will see the magic. You will see, you will learn everything.
2. Control on Your Food
Food is not just source of energy but it affects on our mind. For example, if you do not eat anything for 5 days. Your mind will forget to think anything. Flow of desire will stop. From this example, we understand that food is also big supplier for our mind. So, it should be pure.
a) I did not eat meat, non-veg and eggs from my birth. I am happy because all non-veg. will never bring any peace of mind. All non-veg. become after cruelty on animals. Same sign can be seen in our mind's thinking. A person who eat meat can not concentrate his mind. So, for controlling the mind, he or she should leave to eat the meat.
b) I did not drink the tea for 25 years. Tea is all harmful for health and controlling the mind. So, it should leave as soon as possible.
c) I did not drink the cold drinks and fast foods for 15 years (coca cola, Pepsi and other). For purity of mind, its sacrifice is very necessary.
3. Control on Laziness
Laziness is big enemy of education. God has given use whole day which starts from morning. We should early in the morning. This time will be full peace in the the environment. You should do small exercise and pray of God. After this, you will study. Every day, you should do this. With this, you will control on your laziness. During the laziness, your eyes will start to close. So, take some water and wash your face for 5 to 10 times. It will be helpful for controlling on laziness. If you are passive regarding your work, it is your laziness. Be active. Do what you want to do. Every time is the great time. Never leave your today work on tomorrow because tomorrow will not come.
a) You can get some inspiration from me. I am always against to become laziness. In previous month March 2013, I went to West Bengal for spending 15 days holidays. I can easily leave my duty and become lazy during free time in holidays. But I hate laziness. So, I carried my laptop and internet 3G wireless modem. You have seen some updates in Accounting education which I did from West Bengal during 18th to 31st March 2013. When God has given all the powers why do you feel lazy. Be confident and do your duty.
b) For becoming productive, do some exercise. It will heat to you for removing your laziness.
From your Online teacher at Accounting Education
Vinod Kumar
Related Messages:
1. Message on My 32nd Birthday
2. Message on My 31st Birthday
3. Message on My 30th Birthday
Life is Gift, Enjoy it |
Picture on my 33rd Birthday in Temple ( West Bengal) |
OK, today, I am writing some inspirational message for you. I hope it will be useful for you.
1. Control on Mind
You all are my students. My main duty is to teach you how to think better and positive. For this, you should learn control on mind. When you will control on mind, there will not be any difficulty to learn anything. You need not fill your mind's all space with different facts. In education, you should only to learn control on your mind. Let me explain. When I published any content on accounting education. I shared it on different social networking sites. It is good but without seeing any good or bad. Can I live social networking. For experiment, I did not share 15 days any new content on any social networking website. It is just a small control over the desire of your mind. Like this, you can control on every desire of your mind. If you have full control on your mind, you will get enough energy which can be used in education. For example, you have studied any book. You did remember anything. Do you know what is the reason of this. Your mind is not here during the time of study. Control your mind and again study. You will see the magic. You will see, you will learn everything.
2. Control on Your Food
Food is not just source of energy but it affects on our mind. For example, if you do not eat anything for 5 days. Your mind will forget to think anything. Flow of desire will stop. From this example, we understand that food is also big supplier for our mind. So, it should be pure.
a) I did not eat meat, non-veg and eggs from my birth. I am happy because all non-veg. will never bring any peace of mind. All non-veg. become after cruelty on animals. Same sign can be seen in our mind's thinking. A person who eat meat can not concentrate his mind. So, for controlling the mind, he or she should leave to eat the meat.
b) I did not drink the tea for 25 years. Tea is all harmful for health and controlling the mind. So, it should leave as soon as possible.
c) I did not drink the cold drinks and fast foods for 15 years (coca cola, Pepsi and other). For purity of mind, its sacrifice is very necessary.
3. Control on Laziness
Laziness is big enemy of education. God has given use whole day which starts from morning. We should early in the morning. This time will be full peace in the the environment. You should do small exercise and pray of God. After this, you will study. Every day, you should do this. With this, you will control on your laziness. During the laziness, your eyes will start to close. So, take some water and wash your face for 5 to 10 times. It will be helpful for controlling on laziness. If you are passive regarding your work, it is your laziness. Be active. Do what you want to do. Every time is the great time. Never leave your today work on tomorrow because tomorrow will not come.
a) You can get some inspiration from me. I am always against to become laziness. In previous month March 2013, I went to West Bengal for spending 15 days holidays. I can easily leave my duty and become lazy during free time in holidays. But I hate laziness. So, I carried my laptop and internet 3G wireless modem. You have seen some updates in Accounting education which I did from West Bengal during 18th to 31st March 2013. When God has given all the powers why do you feel lazy. Be confident and do your duty.
b) For becoming productive, do some exercise. It will heat to you for removing your laziness.
From your Online teacher at Accounting Education
Vinod Kumar
Related Messages:
1. Message on My 32nd Birthday
2. Message on My 31st Birthday
3. Message on My 30th Birthday