Recently, one of my friend told me that his child's teacher had punished his child badly because he was very naughty in the classroom. I felt sad. It was the wrong decision to give the punishment to naughty children.
There are 100 ways to improve the naughty children. One out of them is to give physical punishment. There are also 99 ways with this, you can teach naughty children without physical punishment. So, this content, I am discussing this with teachers.
1. Proper Utilize His Extra Energy
His teacher should think why is the child naughty. Reason behind is his God gifted extra energy. Teacher should teach him, how can he use his extra energy. If he does not understand what he is saying him. Teacher should do some practical. For example, he can give the duty to water to the plants. He can use his energy for cleaning white or blackboard. He can use energy for completing lots other works.
2. Give more time
Give more your time for teaching such children. If naughty child does any wrong activity, you should teach him the bad effect of this. Your given extra time for teaching naughty student will be helpful for bringing discipline in the classroom. You can tell the benefits of discipline in the classroom.
3. Do More Experiments
People say, necessity is the mother of invention. Yes, but do more experiments will give you new direction for handling such children. You can say to complete him home work at the school. You can say to make pictures. Every experiment, check whether his naughty activity will bring him wonderful quality. For example, some children fights with other. You can do experiment by motivate him to play the school games. If he win the competition, it means, we are wrong to punish him. By punishing only, we are stopping his wonderful quality.
4. Make Flexible Discipline
Make your discipline flexible for such naughty children because your discipline may be barrier for developing such children. Your strict discipline may help him to use his energy in wrong side. Bring love in your heart. For example, if he is interested to break other children's stationary, never ban him to come school. It is your defeat because you are not good teacher who can make an ideal for such children. Make a flexible discipline for them. Give him a big wood in his hand. Give him freedom to break him. Everytime, if he break the stationary of other children, use this formula. One day, when this naughty child break this big wood, encourage him to join gym for weight lifting. It may be possible, same naughty child will become tomorrow's genius weightlifter of the world.
5. Make the Leader
If a child to show bad face to other. Make him the leader of the class. Order him, you are the leader. A leader is the person who takes the decision and other all follow his decision. If you show your bad face to other child, it means other will show you your own face. Do you like to see your own bad face. Be smart. Be handsome. Other will follow you. I hope, to make him leader will bring some good qualities in him.
6. Control Only Bad Behaviour
Teacher should punish only for bad behaviour. Instead of using stick, there are lots of other ways for punishing the children. Such punishment may also helpful for children. For example, you can say all those naughty children who disturb the class will go for completing the round of school playground by running.
7. Motivate Him
Everytime, teacher should motivate naughty child. Do you know there are lots of benefit for becoming naughty.
1. It is the sign, the child is healthy.
2. People are eating lots of food for getting energy, naughty children have already extra energy for doing any work.
3. Do you know? All naughty activities are done with full of passion. Otherwise, teacher or other students can not disturb. This passion is the secrete of all success. You may be teacher but it is not sure you are successful. You can learn same passion from such naughty children. This learning may be your big challenge. One side you are teacher. Second side you disturb from such children. How can you learn? But remember, without working with passion, you will never get success in your life. If you leave this opportunity, you will not get another. In my following, lecture, I told that passion in any activity is 10 times more powerful for making you successful than your all knowledge.
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Category : Teaching Learning Resource Center
There are 100 ways to improve the naughty children. One out of them is to give physical punishment. There are also 99 ways with this, you can teach naughty children without physical punishment. So, this content, I am discussing this with teachers.
1. Proper Utilize His Extra Energy
His teacher should think why is the child naughty. Reason behind is his God gifted extra energy. Teacher should teach him, how can he use his extra energy. If he does not understand what he is saying him. Teacher should do some practical. For example, he can give the duty to water to the plants. He can use his energy for cleaning white or blackboard. He can use energy for completing lots other works.
2. Give more time
Give more your time for teaching such children. If naughty child does any wrong activity, you should teach him the bad effect of this. Your given extra time for teaching naughty student will be helpful for bringing discipline in the classroom. You can tell the benefits of discipline in the classroom.
3. Do More Experiments
People say, necessity is the mother of invention. Yes, but do more experiments will give you new direction for handling such children. You can say to complete him home work at the school. You can say to make pictures. Every experiment, check whether his naughty activity will bring him wonderful quality. For example, some children fights with other. You can do experiment by motivate him to play the school games. If he win the competition, it means, we are wrong to punish him. By punishing only, we are stopping his wonderful quality.
4. Make Flexible Discipline
Make your discipline flexible for such naughty children because your discipline may be barrier for developing such children. Your strict discipline may help him to use his energy in wrong side. Bring love in your heart. For example, if he is interested to break other children's stationary, never ban him to come school. It is your defeat because you are not good teacher who can make an ideal for such children. Make a flexible discipline for them. Give him a big wood in his hand. Give him freedom to break him. Everytime, if he break the stationary of other children, use this formula. One day, when this naughty child break this big wood, encourage him to join gym for weight lifting. It may be possible, same naughty child will become tomorrow's genius weightlifter of the world.
5. Make the Leader
If a child to show bad face to other. Make him the leader of the class. Order him, you are the leader. A leader is the person who takes the decision and other all follow his decision. If you show your bad face to other child, it means other will show you your own face. Do you like to see your own bad face. Be smart. Be handsome. Other will follow you. I hope, to make him leader will bring some good qualities in him.
6. Control Only Bad Behaviour
Teacher should punish only for bad behaviour. Instead of using stick, there are lots of other ways for punishing the children. Such punishment may also helpful for children. For example, you can say all those naughty children who disturb the class will go for completing the round of school playground by running.
7. Motivate Him
Everytime, teacher should motivate naughty child. Do you know there are lots of benefit for becoming naughty.
1. It is the sign, the child is healthy.
2. People are eating lots of food for getting energy, naughty children have already extra energy for doing any work.
3. Do you know? All naughty activities are done with full of passion. Otherwise, teacher or other students can not disturb. This passion is the secrete of all success. You may be teacher but it is not sure you are successful. You can learn same passion from such naughty children. This learning may be your big challenge. One side you are teacher. Second side you disturb from such children. How can you learn? But remember, without working with passion, you will never get success in your life. If you leave this opportunity, you will not get another. In my following, lecture, I told that passion in any activity is 10 times more powerful for making you successful than your all knowledge.
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Category : Teaching Learning Resource Center