Welcome in the second part of our motivational lecture on the topic of "Enthusiasm Makes the Difference" Before learning tips in this part, please remember the tips of "Enthusiasm Makes the Difference - Part 1" at here.
In second part, we will explain following questions' answers on the basis of enthusiasm power.
5. How can Enthusiasm Terminate your Stress?
When we do not complete our target, we capture in the disease of stress. For example, you have to cover the syllabus of your books, but you did not cover it due to your personal problems. At that time, you may feel stress at the time of examinations. Not just students but all person feel stress when they do not achieve their target. Enthusiasm can help you to terminate your stress.
Fill your brain with Enthusiasm in Exam. days : I think, a work which is done with in 5 minutes will give better result. If you work same work in 5 hours without enthusiasm, it will not give you result. For get your whole year. Faith in God and say yourself, I can cover whole syllabus within these few exam days because my mind, my body and my soul is full of enthusiasm. My these enthusiasm thoughts will go to this universe and whole nature help me to get success in my examination.
All those who practice the enthusiasm in daily life will never face the stress because it is not chance that your target will not complete if you are full of passion. For example, you are in the care of your family and absent from the school. At that time you can study at 3 :00 to 6 : 00 a.m. in morning time. Your enthusiasm will give you power to get up early in the morning and study.
Never Keep Blank Space of Brain : Stress is related to brain. If your brain's space is blank, stress can cover it. Fill it with faith of God. Remember God all the time. Feel, he is near to you for your help. Feel, he is ready to complete your work and demand only thanks from us. Take an experiment. Declare holiday any simple day. Go to home and start thanks to God with full enthusiasm. O, God, thanks for making me healthy. O, God thanks for circulation of blood and breathing me. O, god, thanks for your given food and water. O, God thanks for natural light. O, God thanks for giving two hands for working. O, God thanks for giving me a beautiful home. O, God thanks for giving me great friends. O, God thanks for giving me this smart brain who is remembering you. O, God thanks million times. O, God thanks for billion time. You are so kind. You are so great. You provides the food to those who are the water and in the stone. Every day billions of flowers's production is the proof that you want to make us full of enthusiasm. Thanks for this. Thanks for this. Thanks for this. Endless thanks.
6. How does Enthusiasm Bring Magic for Solving Your Problems?
Following 7 enthusiastic word can bring magic for solving your problems :
"Seed of solution is in the problem."
Without understanding the problem, you can give the solution because problem's analysis will reach to you the corner of solution. If you have the passion for providing solution, you have to listen the problems with full of love and passion. If you will grow the tree of problem, then you can get the solution seeds. I am also thankful to those who write the problems in Accounting Education because from all these problems, I get the seeds of solution which are not just not benefit for me but other also. List of all Seeds of Solutions can be read at here . All these accounting, finance and education solution was born because someone had grown the tree of their problems. I am thankful to great personality who wrote above enthusiastic word. When I write these words, I do not fear from problem. Problem becomes the tree who gives me the fruit and seed of solution. You should also remember above one line when you are in the team of problem troubleshooters.
Enthusiasm word has been taken from greek word entheos. It means God is in you and you are filled with God. When we start problem with learning the meaning of enthusiasm, God's power helps us for solving the problem.
New Problems Makes Us Healthy and Increase Our Life : If you are fearing from problems, you are going to your death. After death, your all problems will stop. Do you want to die for decreasing your problems. Everyday increase your problem because it will increase your life. Do you believe in my logic? If yes, welcome to new problem with full of enthusiasm. It is increasing our life. God will give us new day in this life, if we bear one new problem in this world. It will only be possible, if you forget from fearing new problems and welcome new problems with enthusiasm. It will magic for your life.
7. How does Enthusiasm Give Power in the Complex Problems?
Sometime, you can face the bundle of complex problems. Its solution is not in your hand and not in other expert's hand. What to do at that time. For example, after test, Doctor says you that you are the patient of HIV AIDS. There is no medicine of AIDS. What will you do. Suicide and ready for death. No, dear no. Only bring enthusiastic thoughts in your mind.
"What is life? Life is the life which are enjoying in this second, in this hour and in this day. Tomorrow is lie. A person who say, I will live in tomorrow, he is speaking big lie because tomorrow may be earthquake and he can die before the person die from HIV AIDS. So, enjoy your today life with full passion." Start all good works which you have to do after 50. Today, you can make orphan home. Take all money from your bank deposits and make it for helping all orphan and helpless children. Make Zoo for supporting helpless animals and birds. Donate your today time for welfare activities. Start pray of God today for peace and happiness your mind. Start to plant the trees. After your death, it will provide free pure air to whole world. Start help to other AIDS Patient. This enthusiasm will give you power to keep patience in this disease.
Again Thanks for Reading Second Part, Soon you will read its third part in which we will answer following questions.
8. How to Get Positive Enthusiasm?
9. How to Bring Happiness in Future with Enthusiasm?
10. How is Enthusiasm a Big Inspiration?