When I think to write the steps to make finance interesting. I have to select first step. This step will create only interest in your students for learning finance with full of fun. Before, writing this, first step, I want to ask from you, why are you interested to eat the bread? Simple answer for stability of health. For security of your existence in the form of good health, we all need to eat the food and do exercise.
So, to learn which food and which exercise is best for us is very interesting topic for us. When this, topic will be interested for us, then, how to make the bread? How to fulfill millions of desires?, will be also interested topic for us. Choice of food will be second topic when we have solve the problem of financial health. Finance makes our financial health. It will strong us financially. Without this, we can not think about a life. So, to learn the finance is must. Now, as teacher, you have to create this curiosity in the students and your students will learn more and more finance from you.
Now, we come to the steps of making finance interesting.
1st Step : Ask the Dreams of Students
When you start first class of finance by asking the dream of students, your students will surely explain it in detail. It is the first step because students may not be interested to understand billion dollars merge of A company with B company but they will surely be interested to share the dreams to a person who is the finance Guru. Whole finance study starts from this magic step. One day, I went to go to see magic show in which magician start his magic show by asking same question from one child. Child replied, “ I want to become engineer, then I want to marry, then, I want my own child. All audience started to clap. Because, this is big plan and many are tired before dreaming but the child was smart than them. But, magician succeeded in his mission. As a teacher, you are also on the mission. Mission is to make finance interesting. When your students will reply by different answers, you have to stress only one sentence.
Whatever your dreams and future desires, as a teacher, I promise to you, if you will learn finance, it will be helpful to you to achieve your dreams easily and fastly because finance means the steps to achieve dreams. Finance means the effective use of money. Finance means to increase your wealth. Finance means to increase your standard of living. So, make your dreams as your target. Make finance is vehicle which will carry you to your target.
2nd Step : Speak Your Latest Poem on Finance
Your students will surely love the poems. Start to speak your latest poem on the finance like, I have written new.
• My mind is also ready for enjoying in cars, helicopters and five star hotels.
• But a Laxman Rekha (fire line) has been drawn around my middle class home.
• I am taking the pain why God has made me such a middle class person.
• But, I am still dreaming to becoming billionaire with the finance knowledge.
• All billionaires are injuring to my heart when they fight each others for becoming no. 1.
• As a teacher, I left this idea of collecting billion dollars wealth and lock in swiss bank.
• I am idealist, I know, all billionaires knows the finance better but still they are poor for helping helpless.
• I am crying what their wealth will come which they collect from their knowledge when they will not use it for welfare.
• O God, now, make me billionaire from my heart instead from ego richness and give me power to help to helpless from my heart.
3rd Step : Expert Meet Up
You should invite the professionals who succeeded in the finance area. They may be the CEO or directors of any company. No, professional rejects the request of a teacher. So, never make you are only expert in the world. Be a student first. Invite them. All these professionals are waiting this golden opportunities when they will share their success story to young students of finance. For this, make a fixed written schedule with them. Give written information to the respected professional before the week instead mobile call. It will give the signal that as a teacher, you are the first who are really interested to teach your students. When you are the interested, your students will surely be interested.
4th Step : Use Info-graphics
Info-graphics is a picture but it is a clear direction in it which will tell you what do you have to learn in the finance. Many years, ago, I have made same Finance info-graphics and many finance students have obtained benefits from it and enjoy it by reading. I hope, you and your students will also enjoy to study it. For reading it, you can go at here.
5th Step : Make it Game
Take some balls in your hand and through on the sky. Now, explain the finance. When one ball will through, out of two balls, say, it is the investment. We see, its movement. Before falling its level, we have to save it at any cost. Never invest all the money, save it in Govt. security because it is a ball which is always in your hand. Take two ball in two hands and say, one ball is asset and other ball is liabilities. When a business will increase its liabilities by any way, assets will automatically increase. When a business will increase assets, liabilities will automatically increase. You have to see, how does business increase the liabilities? For example, you can keep banana in the left hand and weight your hand below. Say, banana is the debt. It will increase the weight of body but it will increase also cough. It means, debt will increase your assets but it is fixed liability whose interest you must pay whether your business earn or not earn, ok. So, always be careful to invest in such business who increases their liabilities through debt. Now, take, three other balls. One ball will be risk which you have to control. Risk will be the loss of money and you have to control it. Second is boom. Get opportunity and cash your investment at boom time. Third ball is the return on investment. Try to stable it for bright future.
Related : How to Make Accounting Interesting
So, to learn which food and which exercise is best for us is very interesting topic for us. When this, topic will be interested for us, then, how to make the bread? How to fulfill millions of desires?, will be also interested topic for us. Choice of food will be second topic when we have solve the problem of financial health. Finance makes our financial health. It will strong us financially. Without this, we can not think about a life. So, to learn the finance is must. Now, as teacher, you have to create this curiosity in the students and your students will learn more and more finance from you.
Now, we come to the steps of making finance interesting.
1st Step : Ask the Dreams of Students
When you start first class of finance by asking the dream of students, your students will surely explain it in detail. It is the first step because students may not be interested to understand billion dollars merge of A company with B company but they will surely be interested to share the dreams to a person who is the finance Guru. Whole finance study starts from this magic step. One day, I went to go to see magic show in which magician start his magic show by asking same question from one child. Child replied, “ I want to become engineer, then I want to marry, then, I want my own child. All audience started to clap. Because, this is big plan and many are tired before dreaming but the child was smart than them. But, magician succeeded in his mission. As a teacher, you are also on the mission. Mission is to make finance interesting. When your students will reply by different answers, you have to stress only one sentence.
Whatever your dreams and future desires, as a teacher, I promise to you, if you will learn finance, it will be helpful to you to achieve your dreams easily and fastly because finance means the steps to achieve dreams. Finance means the effective use of money. Finance means to increase your wealth. Finance means to increase your standard of living. So, make your dreams as your target. Make finance is vehicle which will carry you to your target.
2nd Step : Speak Your Latest Poem on Finance
Your students will surely love the poems. Start to speak your latest poem on the finance like, I have written new.
• My mind is also ready for enjoying in cars, helicopters and five star hotels.
• But a Laxman Rekha (fire line) has been drawn around my middle class home.
• I am taking the pain why God has made me such a middle class person.
• But, I am still dreaming to becoming billionaire with the finance knowledge.
• All billionaires are injuring to my heart when they fight each others for becoming no. 1.
• As a teacher, I left this idea of collecting billion dollars wealth and lock in swiss bank.
• I am idealist, I know, all billionaires knows the finance better but still they are poor for helping helpless.
• I am crying what their wealth will come which they collect from their knowledge when they will not use it for welfare.
• O God, now, make me billionaire from my heart instead from ego richness and give me power to help to helpless from my heart.
3rd Step : Expert Meet Up
You should invite the professionals who succeeded in the finance area. They may be the CEO or directors of any company. No, professional rejects the request of a teacher. So, never make you are only expert in the world. Be a student first. Invite them. All these professionals are waiting this golden opportunities when they will share their success story to young students of finance. For this, make a fixed written schedule with them. Give written information to the respected professional before the week instead mobile call. It will give the signal that as a teacher, you are the first who are really interested to teach your students. When you are the interested, your students will surely be interested.
4th Step : Use Info-graphics
Info-graphics is a picture but it is a clear direction in it which will tell you what do you have to learn in the finance. Many years, ago, I have made same Finance info-graphics and many finance students have obtained benefits from it and enjoy it by reading. I hope, you and your students will also enjoy to study it. For reading it, you can go at here.
5th Step : Make it Game
Take some balls in your hand and through on the sky. Now, explain the finance. When one ball will through, out of two balls, say, it is the investment. We see, its movement. Before falling its level, we have to save it at any cost. Never invest all the money, save it in Govt. security because it is a ball which is always in your hand. Take two ball in two hands and say, one ball is asset and other ball is liabilities. When a business will increase its liabilities by any way, assets will automatically increase. When a business will increase assets, liabilities will automatically increase. You have to see, how does business increase the liabilities? For example, you can keep banana in the left hand and weight your hand below. Say, banana is the debt. It will increase the weight of body but it will increase also cough. It means, debt will increase your assets but it is fixed liability whose interest you must pay whether your business earn or not earn, ok. So, always be careful to invest in such business who increases their liabilities through debt. Now, take, three other balls. One ball will be risk which you have to control. Risk will be the loss of money and you have to control it. Second is boom. Get opportunity and cash your investment at boom time. Third ball is the return on investment. Try to stable it for bright future.
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