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How to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur

Recently, I got an email from one Indian who is working in any USA Company and who wants to become a successful young entrepreneur. He wants to get direction from me for becoming a successful young entrepreneur. Before, I will unplug my tips for becoming a successful young entrepreneur, I want to show his original email.

Hallo Vinod,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my email. My name is Deepak Haridas and I want to become an aspiring entrepreneur like you. I just quit my job in US and am planning to start an educational non-profit in India (Kerala specifically). The problem is that I really need some direction and guidance from a person who has walked along this line and you fit the bill perfectly.

I was wondering if you could spare some time to have a chat with me about my idea and give me some feedback on it.

I look forward to your reply.


Deepak Haridas

Dear Deepak Haridas, I am personally thankful to you for making me a successful and aspiring entrepreneur. In reality, I a simple human being who is interested to stand financially on my own foot and guides others through my knowledge. Yes, it is true, you can not go forward one step, if you have no money. Our basic needs are compulsory. But thanks God who have us a wonderful brain which helps us to come out of just collecting only small  basic needs because all these basic needs are being collecting by all animals without any cost. So, we just have to use God's gifted brain for few minutes and we can get our way to achieve the success as entrepreneur. Now, I come to the tips.

Tips for Becoming a Successful Young Entrepreneur 

1. To Donate Half of Your Small Earning 

Not to wonder! I am not asking your full small earning  for donation. I am also not asking to donate this half money to me. I am just asking you to donate half of your small money for helpless and needy people. As per my view, best donation is for providing free education. But before free education, we have to donate for their food and their shelter.

 Now, you can learn my experiment on this >>

Many years ago, I was getting Rs. 1000 per month. I started to donate only 10% of this amount and reached upto Rs. 1,00,000 per month after this. I was like you. Why should donate money instead of investing this money in the business? But, I was a genuine thinking. When I was become rich, I will donate. But, when I reached at Rs. 1,00,000 per month, I started to donate just 5% of this. So, I did two big mistake.

1. I should not think like that because when a person will become rich, he will never donate. When a person will become successful, he will never donate big amount because selfish will become big barrier on the way.

2. Why did I not donate 50%. If I donated 50% of Rs. 1000 and this was became a good habit, it is sure, I will earn Rs. 50 Lakh per month. Because success will always come on the proportion of your donation.

There is Big relationship between your success as entrepreneur and donation. >>

Your given donation for helpless people will support you. You will think big. You will make a big target for helpless people. Whole nature will support you for achieving your pure target. Opportunities will open the doors only for you.

So, If you are earning only Rs. 100 as pocket money from parent. Donate Half of Rs. 100. If you will not donate half of your earning, you will never donate in future. Because future is lie and I do not like the people who speaks lie.

2. To Start Your Business as it is Your New Day of Your Life

I do not know in which you are dealing. What is your business? But start your business everyday as it is your new day. Forget your all defeat and failure which you have gotten in previous day or past days, months and years. Every day, you have to speak following lines three times in a day for one month. I think after one month it will become your habit and you can speak without reading these lines.

" Today is my new day. I will start my business by forgetting all my past failures in my business. Today, I will learn some new things. Today, I leave my some bad things. Today, I will give new birth to my good habits. Today, I will leave my some bad habits."

 3. To Start Your Business as it is Your Last Day of Your Life 

Remember,  life is no long. Its validity is only today. No one can take guarantee of your next day. So, why are you wasting time to remember your past's failure. Forget it. You must forget it. Because today is your last day. So, every second is more worthy than other days. You often says, I will do it tomorrow because you are expert for thinking that you will live 100 years. So, start the work which is one of most important to you. What to do, do today. Because, you will die at the end of this day.

Only this thinking makes you successful. I am also live this day as this is my last day. So, I love my today work. I enjoy my today life. Today, I stop waste my time for jealously with other because I have only last day which I want to live. Today  is not like money which I will save in the bank account for enjoying tomorrow. So, I have to consume it for my best way. Today, I will not become lazy because tomorrow, I will not live. So, I have to do work this time. Because this is my last day, so, I will distribute only love for others.

4. To Start Your Business with Full Control on Mind

If you want to become a successful young entrepreneur, you must control on your mind. Sometime, our mind will go out of our control. For example, your customer will abuse to you for charging higher prices. You will start to abuse. This is the revenge which you want to take by abusing. It means, your customer's mind is not in control but your mind is also not in control. Instead of abusing, you can find the reason of charging higher prices. There are five main weaknesses of mind which you have to control.

i) Control on Sexual Desire
ii) Control on Anger
iii) Control on Greed
iv) Control on Fascination
v) Control on Ego

All above weakness consume your power. You just control these things and it will increase your power and concentration. Same concentration and power, you will use for growing your business.

5. To Start Your Business with Magic

We all love the magic. It is sure, you have seen the magic in your city or in any movie. We feel wonder to see, how did he do same? If you learn the magic, it is sure, you can show it in your business. All the customers will attract and you will become the winner. Following are the main principles of learning magic.

a) Feel, you are greatest  miracle of the world. In whole world, no one like you. God has made you unique. Proof is, your  face is different. Your voice is different. Your writing is different. Your thinking is different. You have to take benefit of your a separated personality. For example, I am writer of this site, you have seen other sites also but my style is different. That is the reason, you come here to read. Like me, you can create your own creation in your business. It may be your talking style. It may be your showing style. It may be anything. Creation will create the magic.

b) When you take any help from anybody, give thanks to him. Your heart must fill with the gratefulness of other. Everyday, thanks to God after counting your millions of gift which he have given us for doing anything. Everyday, thanks to your parent who has supported you. Everyday, thankful to the nature who is supporting us for our living. Everyday, thanks to your society, everybody in the society is working for you. Everyday, thanks to your customers, who come and bring new opportunities for you. Everyday, do any good work and thanks of god that he has made for doing such a good work.

6. To Laugh Every Day

No one can laugh except human being. So, as a human being, you should practice for laughing everyday. There is big relation in laughing and your success as businessperson. Laughing will reduce your all tension. Laughing will increase your energy.

a) First of all, you should laugh on you. Think like me, "Why are you taking tensions? When life is so small. It is truth, no one can take anything from this earth, still, I am collecting money and forget to use of great gift of good which I obtained in the form of laughing."

b) Laugh in your pain, in your failure and in your defeat by thinking, "This time will also pass." When there is the time limit of pain, why are you feel sad, it will surely go. When you are a fail person, never feel sad, this time will also pass and your will reach to your success.

c) Feel, when you will laugh, you will become flower and your body will send a very sweet and nice smell. No one can save from you.

7. To Increase Your Value

With your own efforts, you have to increase your own value. Today, your value is low because you have fixed it. You are the owner of your life. No demand and supply of laborers will apply on you. You, yes, only you can increase your value. I can explain it with my life. I left 20 + jobs. All are great but still I thought, it is low of my value. Then, I entered in the business. It was on me to take the decision to do job or to do business. Like me, it is on you, what value, you will fix for giving your time. No one can give a second for saving you life, then why are selling your time at very cheap rates.

a) Remember, your have to increase your value upto 1000 times of your present value. How can it be possible? Yes, it can be possible like a seed of wheat. If we sow it, we will receive 10 times, if then we sow, we receive 100 times, if we make a series of sowing, we will receive 1000 times of one seed of wheat. Same will apply. Do your work. Every time, you will get failure, Never fear it. It is necessary for your success. Every failure will increase your value up to 1000 times. Every failure  will increase your tolerance power.

b) Fix your target of your value. Make the good environment for this and it is sure, you will achieve it.

8. To Never Give Up

You must never give up until you will achieve the success. Your courage for your success will carry you to same success. Never live on your luck. Luck is not your life. You are not coming in this world for defeating. When your target is success, then never measure it in few steps, your every fight will be a step. Your every struggle is your step. Take the steps, you will achieve your target. Never fear from any other. Never make your value small. When a small ant has power to kill the big elephant, you are still young, you will also kill your failure. Ant is small but his power is high. You have small money but your aim is big. Do work like an ant. He makes the target to the weak part of big animal. Elephant's ear is weak part of his body. Same thing apply on you. You have small money. See the opportunity where you can do your business in a area in which there are unlimited opportunities. Never think about your defeat. Dear never give up.

9. To Start Work from Today

Throw above rules in the dustbin if you do not do the work. Start work from today. Start your work from this time. Start your business from this early morning.  You have listen all good things. It is the time to act upon this. When doctor says to me, "Salt increases the blood pressure." I am also patient of high blood pressure. If after listening this free advice, I do not leave the salt. I should not right to take any advice from anybody. Today is the good time to leave the salt by eating the food without salt. Because if today, I will start to eat the food without salt, I will eat everyday food without salt. This is truth. I have sacrificed the salt. This was not planning but this was done by action.

Great word, "Action" and "Act Upon"

10. To Pray God Everyday for Direction

Every day, you should pray god for direction. It will always good because God is so kind he will give the direction when we pray. You can demand the direction to solving your business problem. You can demand the direction for attracting new customers. In your mind, in your heart and in your brain, God will direct to you. You only keep peace and close eyes for some time and you will feel, God is giving your direction.

O, dear God, direct me the way of success and comfort.

O, dear God, give me the direction to get the eligibility according to my opportunities.

O, dear God, teach me, how to speak with love.

O, dear God, help me to tolerate and to become polite in my problems and failures.

O, dear God, give me the work in which other people became unsuccessful and give me power to success in it.

O, dear God, give me life to achieve my targets and also help me to live everyday as it is my last day.

O, dear God, help me to never give up and try all the times.

O, dear God, help me to adopt good habits and leave bad habits.

O, dear God, fill me the water of love.

In end, O, dear God, help me and guide me  for becoming a successful young entrepreneur.

Read also part 2 of "How to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur?" at here

Related : Accounting Prayer


: 2
  1. Amazing magic wordings. I have become your fan after reading this article. May Allah bless you.

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Accounting Education: How to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur
How to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur
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