Studying and success in the education should be your real target. But when you will study, you may disturb with lots of thinking or other work. So, we are providing you some tips for saving your time for studying. How, you will write it in your notebook.
When you disturb from anything during the time of study. Write it in your list. Write also all the things which disturb you to study. When you will make this list, you can find the solutions. Without written list, you will just wonder in the sky because written is the proof. Otherwise when you bring your mind from one thing, your mind will carry to other thing for disturbing you. You can not debate with your mind. If you have the written list. You can start debate with your mind. For example,
a) I am lazy for cleaning my office.
b) I do not do the work on the time and work late night for completing my work.
In my case, I have written two problems. So, I can solve this problem because, I am knowing my weakness. Laziness is the wastage of time. Not to do the work at the proper time is not also good. I have taken the determination, I will not to do this in the future. Like me, you can also take promise not to waste the time on the listed things which disturbs your concentration.
Time is the great investment of the world. It is the time who made a simple person to the great scientist. It is the time who made great sportsmen, great writers, great teachers, great artists and great leader. No one can become great if he do not invest his time in the study. Your brain will become zero if you will not give the water of new knowledge. It can only be possible through study. So, remember it all the time, investment your time in the study will give better return than any other investment. This will make your thinking big. For example, you are college going student. You are still going on your bicycle due to limited source of your father income. You are demanding the new bike from your father and your father have rejected your demand. At the time of studying, you are still thinking this. But when you are thinking this. Think again and think, what you are studying is nothing but it is the investment. To buy a new bike of Rs. 50,000 or Rs. 60,000 is a very very small demand. Your concentration on the study is the great investment who will give you millions of bikes within the second. So, do not worry and keep study.
Proof. : We can give the proof of Google Inc. which is the creation of Larry Page, Sergey Bri who are the founder of Google Inc. Now, his company is giving US$ 12.76 billion income per year because they both invested their time to study when they can achieve this through time investment, then you can also get anything from your study.
For saving the time for your studying, you have to do other work with full of passion and fastly. With this, you can save many time. For example, you have to make your food. Make it with full of passion. It will become fastly. You are washing your clothes. Wash with full of passion. When you will do all the work for passion. Your energy will increase. Your laziness will go and it will increase your speed. With this energy and speed, you can save time for your study.
Related : Time Table of Study
1. Make the List of Things Which Disturb You in Your Study
When you disturb from anything during the time of study. Write it in your list. Write also all the things which disturb you to study. When you will make this list, you can find the solutions. Without written list, you will just wonder in the sky because written is the proof. Otherwise when you bring your mind from one thing, your mind will carry to other thing for disturbing you. You can not debate with your mind. If you have the written list. You can start debate with your mind. For example,
a) I am lazy for cleaning my office.
b) I do not do the work on the time and work late night for completing my work.
In my case, I have written two problems. So, I can solve this problem because, I am knowing my weakness. Laziness is the wastage of time. Not to do the work at the proper time is not also good. I have taken the determination, I will not to do this in the future. Like me, you can also take promise not to waste the time on the listed things which disturbs your concentration.
2. Think Study as Your Investment
Time is the great investment of the world. It is the time who made a simple person to the great scientist. It is the time who made great sportsmen, great writers, great teachers, great artists and great leader. No one can become great if he do not invest his time in the study. Your brain will become zero if you will not give the water of new knowledge. It can only be possible through study. So, remember it all the time, investment your time in the study will give better return than any other investment. This will make your thinking big. For example, you are college going student. You are still going on your bicycle due to limited source of your father income. You are demanding the new bike from your father and your father have rejected your demand. At the time of studying, you are still thinking this. But when you are thinking this. Think again and think, what you are studying is nothing but it is the investment. To buy a new bike of Rs. 50,000 or Rs. 60,000 is a very very small demand. Your concentration on the study is the great investment who will give you millions of bikes within the second. So, do not worry and keep study.
Proof. : We can give the proof of Google Inc. which is the creation of Larry Page, Sergey Bri who are the founder of Google Inc. Now, his company is giving US$ 12.76 billion income per year because they both invested their time to study when they can achieve this through time investment, then you can also get anything from your study.
3. To Do other Work with Full of Passion
For saving the time for your studying, you have to do other work with full of passion and fastly. With this, you can save many time. For example, you have to make your food. Make it with full of passion. It will become fastly. You are washing your clothes. Wash with full of passion. When you will do all the work for passion. Your energy will increase. Your laziness will go and it will increase your speed. With this energy and speed, you can save time for your study.
Related : Time Table of Study