In my life, there were so many times when I tired and gave up courage. After research, I found, I was wrong. Now, I am trying to become so positive by following great quote "Never Give Up." There are lots of benefits of never give up which I am writing in following list.

1st Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Do Anything
Yes, it is reality, if you start to follow never give up in your present situation, you can get the benefit of doing anything. When think and determine, we must not give up at any cost, our whole mind, body and brain will concentrate on our success. So, we get only success by doing any impossible work.
2nd Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Convert Your Failure into Your Success
Every morning when you get up, you can see your future failure or future success. When, you say, I never give up. you are just motivating yourself. If you are failure, one day, you will be surely successful. Great people of world did not give and after many time failure, they got success in their field.
3rd Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Give Peace to Mind
Our mind may be our main problem. All the fearing thoughts come from it. You can give it peace through applying of great positive thought "never give up." Suppose you are fearing of happening anything. If you has become so brave through your bravery thoughts, this type of fear will not able to attack on you. Your mind will not do any effect on your better decisions.
4th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Convert Your Difficulties into Easiness
There are lots of difficulties which everybody faces in the life. Through never give up, you can convert your difficulties into your easiness. For example, to learn the swimming is difficult. You have given up your hope of learning it due to its difficulties and your fear from water. But repeating thinking, I will never give up my dream of learning swimming. Again and again think this. Due to this, a new energy will come in you. It will make this difficulty as the possibility of learning swimming. When you learned swimming, you can discover new easy style of swimming taking long breathing. So, everything is in your hand.
5th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You will get Happiness in End
When we never give up and learn something new. We will surely get happiness in the end. It will increase our blood without any cost. We just accept any type of difficult challenge. We have to hard work. We have to do the efforts in our blood's last movement. Our struggle with our never give up thoughts will bring happiness and shine on our face. Only then, we can enjoy our life.
6th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Increase Your Potentiality
When you whole feeling are full of never give up thoughts, you see possibilities everywhere. By achieving these opportunities and possibilities, you can increase your potentiality. For example, you or your relatives are suffering from kidney failure. If you or your relatives are so negative and stressful and give up their hope of living, how can they increase their potentiality. But when they think never give up at last breath, they will get power to search on net about which fruits are useful for recovering kidney failure. For example, papaya is helpful for recovering from kidney failure. He or she can eat it for one month and get recovery from kidney failure. So, He or she will start to eat and within few days, he or she get the health. He or she will get more efficiency for work. All will start with good thoughts and positive thought of never give up. So, use it and get its benefit.
7th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Create a New Example for Whole World
You can do a work which is impossible through your great positive thinking of never give up. When you will do this, people will feel it as wonder of the world. They will start to take it as example. Open wikipedia, you can see lots of great person's example.
For example :
Who invented the telephone : Alexander Graham Bell
Who invented the bicycle : Pierre Lallement
Be example like this because if Alexander Graham Bell gave up or Pierre Lallement gave up, world can not take their names as example. So never give up and be the example for others.
8th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Feel Better Situation
All the time of your whole, situations will not good as per your thinking because God has not make you the creation of the situations, you have to create situations. So, never give up if situations are adverse. If you have no money, never think, you never become rich. Yes, situation is really adverse as per economics or accounting rule, if you have no money, you can not do business. If you can not do business, you can not become rich. But your this great thought is except of accounting or economics rule. You can become rich even you have no money but you think, you can struggle and hardwork upto your last breath for generating money and becoming rich. All are not born in rich people's home. But, there are lots of poor and middle class people have become millionaire and billionaire with their dedication and hard work. When they can become, you can also become. So, never give up.
9th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Make Better World
Cowards never make better world because with small hard work, they tire and give up. They only spread negative thoughts in the world. With your negative thoughts, others will also become lazy. If you start to think and follow never give up in any situation. In this world, there are lots of tough situation where you can use your knowledge and expertise for solving the problem. Your given solution will help the people of the world. So, wold become better.
10th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You Deserve for Your Success
For deserving anything, you need ability and quality. For getting ability and quality, you need practice. For practice, you never give up your hard work. Slowly forward in your target, you will surely achieve this. For example, you have to life 100 kgs weight. At current time, you are lifting only 60 kgs. It is big challenge. But it is not impossible. You can lift 100 Kgs weight, if you do practice for 2 or 3 years. 2 or 3 hours daily in Gym workout. If you give up within week or month, you can not get this success. So, for long run, your existence is only possible by motivating yourself. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up.
I never surrender.
I never surrender.
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1st Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Do Anything
Yes, it is reality, if you start to follow never give up in your present situation, you can get the benefit of doing anything. When think and determine, we must not give up at any cost, our whole mind, body and brain will concentrate on our success. So, we get only success by doing any impossible work.
2nd Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Convert Your Failure into Your Success
Every morning when you get up, you can see your future failure or future success. When, you say, I never give up. you are just motivating yourself. If you are failure, one day, you will be surely successful. Great people of world did not give and after many time failure, they got success in their field.
3rd Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Give Peace to Mind
Our mind may be our main problem. All the fearing thoughts come from it. You can give it peace through applying of great positive thought "never give up." Suppose you are fearing of happening anything. If you has become so brave through your bravery thoughts, this type of fear will not able to attack on you. Your mind will not do any effect on your better decisions.
4th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Convert Your Difficulties into Easiness
There are lots of difficulties which everybody faces in the life. Through never give up, you can convert your difficulties into your easiness. For example, to learn the swimming is difficult. You have given up your hope of learning it due to its difficulties and your fear from water. But repeating thinking, I will never give up my dream of learning swimming. Again and again think this. Due to this, a new energy will come in you. It will make this difficulty as the possibility of learning swimming. When you learned swimming, you can discover new easy style of swimming taking long breathing. So, everything is in your hand.
5th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You will get Happiness in End
When we never give up and learn something new. We will surely get happiness in the end. It will increase our blood without any cost. We just accept any type of difficult challenge. We have to hard work. We have to do the efforts in our blood's last movement. Our struggle with our never give up thoughts will bring happiness and shine on our face. Only then, we can enjoy our life.
6th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Increase Your Potentiality
When you whole feeling are full of never give up thoughts, you see possibilities everywhere. By achieving these opportunities and possibilities, you can increase your potentiality. For example, you or your relatives are suffering from kidney failure. If you or your relatives are so negative and stressful and give up their hope of living, how can they increase their potentiality. But when they think never give up at last breath, they will get power to search on net about which fruits are useful for recovering kidney failure. For example, papaya is helpful for recovering from kidney failure. He or she can eat it for one month and get recovery from kidney failure. So, He or she will start to eat and within few days, he or she get the health. He or she will get more efficiency for work. All will start with good thoughts and positive thought of never give up. So, use it and get its benefit.
7th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Create a New Example for Whole World
You can do a work which is impossible through your great positive thinking of never give up. When you will do this, people will feel it as wonder of the world. They will start to take it as example. Open wikipedia, you can see lots of great person's example.
For example :
Who invented the telephone : Alexander Graham Bell
Who invented the bicycle : Pierre Lallement
Be example like this because if Alexander Graham Bell gave up or Pierre Lallement gave up, world can not take their names as example. So never give up and be the example for others.
8th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Feel Better Situation
All the time of your whole, situations will not good as per your thinking because God has not make you the creation of the situations, you have to create situations. So, never give up if situations are adverse. If you have no money, never think, you never become rich. Yes, situation is really adverse as per economics or accounting rule, if you have no money, you can not do business. If you can not do business, you can not become rich. But your this great thought is except of accounting or economics rule. You can become rich even you have no money but you think, you can struggle and hardwork upto your last breath for generating money and becoming rich. All are not born in rich people's home. But, there are lots of poor and middle class people have become millionaire and billionaire with their dedication and hard work. When they can become, you can also become. So, never give up.
9th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You can Make Better World
Cowards never make better world because with small hard work, they tire and give up. They only spread negative thoughts in the world. With your negative thoughts, others will also become lazy. If you start to think and follow never give up in any situation. In this world, there are lots of tough situation where you can use your knowledge and expertise for solving the problem. Your given solution will help the people of the world. So, wold become better.
10th Benefit : With Never Give Up, You Deserve for Your Success
For deserving anything, you need ability and quality. For getting ability and quality, you need practice. For practice, you never give up your hard work. Slowly forward in your target, you will surely achieve this. For example, you have to life 100 kgs weight. At current time, you are lifting only 60 kgs. It is big challenge. But it is not impossible. You can lift 100 Kgs weight, if you do practice for 2 or 3 years. 2 or 3 hours daily in Gym workout. If you give up within week or month, you can not get this success. So, for long run, your existence is only possible by motivating yourself. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up. I never give up.
I never surrender.
I never surrender.
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