If you invest your money in the area where prices are changed fastly, then you need to reconcile your own investments and investment accounts. With this reconcile investments, you can find all the reasons of not matching your investment account with latest value of investment which is showing your share account or share index or mutual account.
Following are the simple steps of reconciliation of investments.
1st Step Get Latest Statement of Shares and Mutual Funds from Your Broker
There are lots of fluctuations in the share and mutual fund market. You need to update and calculate your current worth on the basis of these fluctuations. So, it is necessary to get latest statement of shares and mutual funds from your broker. This will be the base of reconciliation of investment.
2nd Step : Compare Latest Statement of Shares and Mutual Funds with Your Investment Accounts
Take a blank paper and pen. Start to compare latest statement of shares and mutual funds and your investment accounts. There are lots of reasons, you will find. Not it in your blank page.
3rd Step : Make Reconciliation Statement
Take your Total Investment Closing Balance and
a) Interest and Dividend which is received and include in Your Investments but you still did not add in your investment accounts.
b) Add the total increase of investments from your book value. Many accounting software will add the updates from different shares and mutual funds index from online market automatically. If not, you have to add manually.
c) Add the value which are you withdraw and recorded in your investment accounts but the company accounts forget to deduct same.
a) If you have withdraw any money from your shares or mutual fund by giving advance guidance to your broker. You can say to broker, please withdraw 50% value in next month's 1st day. But if you not deduct, you have to deduct now.
b) All automatically deducted fees from your shares and mutual fund accounts. When you see it in the investment statements, you need to deduct same.
c) If your share or mutual funds value is decreased but you did not update your investment accounts, you need to deduct the total decrease in your book value of shares and mutual funds.
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Following are the simple steps of reconciliation of investments.
1st Step Get Latest Statement of Shares and Mutual Funds from Your Broker
There are lots of fluctuations in the share and mutual fund market. You need to update and calculate your current worth on the basis of these fluctuations. So, it is necessary to get latest statement of shares and mutual funds from your broker. This will be the base of reconciliation of investment.
2nd Step : Compare Latest Statement of Shares and Mutual Funds with Your Investment Accounts
Take a blank paper and pen. Start to compare latest statement of shares and mutual funds and your investment accounts. There are lots of reasons, you will find. Not it in your blank page.
3rd Step : Make Reconciliation Statement
Take your Total Investment Closing Balance and
a) Interest and Dividend which is received and include in Your Investments but you still did not add in your investment accounts.
b) Add the total increase of investments from your book value. Many accounting software will add the updates from different shares and mutual funds index from online market automatically. If not, you have to add manually.
c) Add the value which are you withdraw and recorded in your investment accounts but the company accounts forget to deduct same.
a) If you have withdraw any money from your shares or mutual fund by giving advance guidance to your broker. You can say to broker, please withdraw 50% value in next month's 1st day. But if you not deduct, you have to deduct now.
b) All automatically deducted fees from your shares and mutual fund accounts. When you see it in the investment statements, you need to deduct same.
c) If your share or mutual funds value is decreased but you did not update your investment accounts, you need to deduct the total decrease in your book value of shares and mutual funds.
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