1. Think and Become Billionaire
With your thinking, you can become billionaire. If you do not think about your personality as billionaire, you can not become billionaire. You should take following action for making your thinking for becoming billionaire.
a) When other can become billionaire, why can I not become billionaire? All others are same human body, mind and brain. So, I am also eligible to become billionaire when they got success to become billionaire.
b) When I do same hard work like other billionaire, I can also become billionaire.
c) Think, some millions when joins, a billion becomes. When I am millionaire, it means, now, I have to join just some millions for becoming billionaire. When I can earn million, I need to earn wide my range of earning for converting my millions into billions.
2. Take Big Investment Decisions
For becoming billionaire, you need to take big investment decisions. Suppose, you have to invest your 1 million capital in any business. So, there is also risk of loss of your investment. You should take big investment decisions with proper planning. Always analyze the substitute. For example, you can invest your money in A or B project. Also try to find project C. So, more substitutes will help you to do investment at lowest Risk and highest profit project.
3. Motivation from Billionaires
By reading the biographies and autobiographies of billionaires, you can get motivation for becoming billionaire. Following are few examples of billionaires.
g) Henry Ford
k) Naresh Goyal
You should also study The World's Billionaires and List of countries by the number of US dollar billionaires .
4. Use Advance Technology
Today is the time of new technology. Whether you know mobile technology or aircraft technology. All those who used new technology in these field became billionaire. Why are you back from using new technology in your business. Use new technology and see result. Everywhere there are new technology whether it is the area of accounting or IT. You just use them for your business benefits.
5. Develop New Cities
If you are in hurry to become billionaire from millionaire, you should develop village into new cities. New city means, new shops, new colonies, new factories and high rates of properties. All will help you to become billionaire.
6. Increase Your Knowledge
Knowledge has big money. For example, if wikipedia is encyclopedia of knowledge. Who made it can become billionaire in one day by just showing small advertising on its above space because who Internet users are using wikipedia for getting knowledge. All are gaining benefits from it. In your brain, 1000 wikipedia can absorb. So, you just struggle to increase your knowledge. You will see magic inside you. With this knowledge, there is not any difficulty for becoming billionaire.
7. Concentration of Your Mind
When you have became millionaire, problems have born with that time. So, automatically tensions will also increase. With these tensions, you may mislead from your dreams and targets. Concentrate again your mind by praying of God. Only God can help you to control your mind and you will see, soon, your dream of becoming billionaire from millionaire will complete.
8. Changes in Your Investments
Instead of investment in one industry, you should change your investments. More changes in the investments will give your more opportunities to get success because if you are facing loss from one sector, you can recover from other sector. This step will help you to become billionaire from your million investment.
9. Tax Planning
Better tax planning will help you increase more fund for more investment. There are lots of tax consultants who can help you, how can save your income tax. Take help from them. Now, invested saved tax in business. So, way will clear to become billionaire without taking loan outside. Saved money from tax can help you the internal fund for new investments.
10. Make Your Own Brand
You should pay more for making your brand. If you have made your brand, it can easily remember by public. So, next time when anybody thinks about buying any product or service, they can get from your brand. It can easy to share with others. So, more and more advertising on making of your brand will help you to earn multiple and one day with its help you will become billionaire.
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