Yesterday was the end of 2014. I was in any facebook friend's wall where I found a very motivated points of never too late. I copied this banner and now it is first content of accounting education.
Before starting new content, I wish happy new year 2015 to all my students, friends and readers. I pray to God, this new year will come in your life with more happiness, peace, good health and success. Now see following motivational banner and understand its points in detail.
Before starting new content, I wish happy new year 2015 to all my students, friends and readers. I pray to God, this new year will come in your life with more happiness, peace, good health and success. Now see following motivational banner and understand its points in detail.
1. Start Over
Start over is idiom. It means begin again. In 2014, there may be sad year. You started any project or business or any new relation and you had failed. No, problem. 2015 is new year and this is the beginning of year. You should start again with your full energy. You have full one year. So, if you will start it, hope you complete it before the end of this new year.
From my Personal Life : Previous year 2014, I tried to make partnership with my friend but I failed due to not agree on some conditions of partnership. So, today is new year and I am also starting to talk with my friend to do partnership with new and improved condition. Hope, I will get success in it.
2. Chase Your Dreams
Chase your dreams is very motivational saying. If you have to hunt, you should hunt your dreams instead of any innocent animals. You can not get your dream if you will not follow your dreams. In 2015, you have big time to chase and achieve your dreams. For example, you have to do CA. From 2015, you should start your study with full dedication. Make only one target to get CA degree. You will surely get it.
From My Personal Life : After making second floor, I made temporary shed on the second floor. But in raining days, there was leakage in it. So, I had a dream of making third floor. It need money. But I was seeing the benefits of third floor. One side, I will save from water leakage in raining days and second, I can do more work in the sun in winter days. I chased my dreams and at the end of 2014, I achieved.
3. Create Healthy Relationship
If you will delay in creating healthy relationship, you will too late and you will feel sad. For example, if you have issue with your wife or husband, you should solve it fastly, otherwise distance between you and your wife will increase and it create the wall of bad relation. Sit and solve your all issue today because today is 1st jan. 2015 and enjoy whole year with your wife.
From My Personal Life : I was not good relations with my brothers. I took services of my brothers as my employees. They think, I did not behave good with them. So, from 4 months, I tried to my best to create healthy relationship with my brothers. Thanks God, now, my relations with them are good. Now, they think, I am good.
4. Understand God's Power
If you still could not understand God's power, try to spend time to understand God's power. It is true, science is more powerful but we can not forget great scientist of the world whose name is God. His calculation is great. His inventions are great. His facility to human is great. When one scientist has invented electricity, we all thanks to him. But, God has invented sun from billions years ago and every year his invention used fuel for giving us heat and light. Still, we delay to give thanks to God. Only say Oh, dear God thank you very much every morning. He can do everything because he is great magician. Trust in him. Faith in him.
From My Personal Life : I faced many accidents in my life. I saved because I felt one power was helping me. He was my God. His way of protecting me is wonderful.
5. Change Your Ways
If you are in bad situations, you should change your ways. With changing your way, you will get new ideas and new opportunities. I searched and I found a very good poem on this. Read this and you get motivation from this.
You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be
Change the way you live (Change the way you live)
You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be
Try to be positive, ah-ahh
Take your life
Take it in your hands
Starting from today
It’s all yours
Bring the sunshine out
And blow the clouds away
Your world is what you want
Starting from today
You can do it if you try
I’ll leave it up to you
It’ll bring you brand new life (A brand new life)
Make you feel you’ve achieved something you can call your own
I’m here to show you that you’re not alone, no
You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be (Be who you wanna be)
Change the way you live (Change the way you live)
You can go where you want to go
Be who you want to be (Oh-ohh, yeah-hey)
Be confident, think positive
If you think, you think about your past
And it wasn’t what you wanted it to be
Have an open mind and things will be alright
The world is what you make it, believe and you’ll achieve, yeah
You can do it if you try
I’ll leave it up to you
It’ll bring you brand new life (A brand new life)
Make you feel you’ve achieved something you can call your own
I’m here to show you that you’re not alone, no
You can go where you want to go (You can go)
Be who you want to be (Oh-oh, yeah)
Change the way you live (Gotta change the way you live)
You can go where you want to go (Ohh, yeah)
Be who you want to be
Be confident, think positive (Eh-eh, hey)
Forget how it was (How it was)
Think how it could be (Could be, yeah)
Only you can take your life to heights
You’ve so much to give (Give)
You’ve so much to see (See)
I’m positive you’ll be alright
Things are gonna be alright
Things are gonna be alright (Oh-oh-ohh)
You can go where you want to go (Ohh, yeah, oh)
Be who you want to be (Yeah)
Change the way you live (Change the way you live today)
You can go where you want to go (You gotta change the way you live)
Be who you want to be (Oh-ho, yeah)
Be confident, think positive
You can go where you want to go (You can go)
Be who you want to be (You can be who you want to be)
Change the way you live (You can be who you want to be, yeah)
You can go where you want to go (All you got to do is change the way you live)
Be who you want to be
Be confident, think positive
You can be (You can be)
You can change (You can change)
You can live (You can live)
You can go (You can go)
You can live your life (The way you want to)
The way you want (Change the way you live)
You can be (You can be)
You can change (You can change)
You can live your life (You can live your life)
You can take it in your hands today, today
From my Personal Life : From few months, I changed my business models. I think, if there is slum in any business, you can cover this loss from other business. It can only be possible if you have power to change your ways according to the situations. It is good quality of any personality.
6. Be Positive
If you think negative side of life. Leave it immediately. It will bring disease for your body and mind. You can increase your happiness by becoming positive.
From My Personal Life : From long time, I leave to think negative. I get up every day with more and more positive thoughts and my whole day spends in it.
7. Hope
Hope is the base of life. Never become late in thinking of hopeful thoughts. After every night, there is the morning. So, if you are dark, there will be still light. So, be patient and wait for this.
From My Personal Life : My mother was under chronic diseases. Still, she was so hopeful for life. She wanted to live this life. Upto her death, she was living her hopeful life. Even she was so painful due to chronic diseases. I also learned hope from my mother.
8. Accept the Lord
These days PK movie in media due to representing some religious issues in wrongful way (Still, I did not see the movie, so, I can not say personally, it represent religion with wrong or correct way). Remember, money is not everything. We all have to accept the Lord. Way of reaching to him may be different. God equal loves to all his poor, rich, intelligent and dull children. We accept his existence. Never try to break the trust of God with any way. Movie media should make the bridge instead of wall for accepting lord.
From My Personal Life : I am lucky on this point. I accepted God and its existence from my beginning of life.
9. Make a Difference
In world, you can make a difference by doing great work. You can make the difference by helping poor. You can make a difference by reducing pollution. You can make a difference by planting trees in new year. There are lots of ways. So, never be late because in the history of Great persons, there should also be your name.
From My Personal Life : In this 2015, I have decided to give employment 10 new unemployed people. I think, with this, I can make a difference.
10. Forgive the Person Who Hurt You
This is great quality. So, never late to forgive the person who hurt you. It is the opportunity of becoming angel. So, never leave this opportunity. All great saint had forgive the person who hurt them. Then why can you not do?
From My Personal Life : I will also remember this great point.
11. Learn Something New
If you want to learn something new, start from today. Forget your age. Age is not barrier in it. If you think, you will learn something new tomorrow, this tomorrow will not come in your life. So, never too late in learning something new.
From My Personal Life : Every day when I start teaching, my aim is to learn something new. Due to this, I teach good. I think, learning something new will helpful in achieving your all targets.
12. Do What You have Wanted Always to Do
Life is to small. Do today what you have wanted always to do. If you want to teach, start from today. If you want to become singer. Start from today. If you have wanted always to become Prime minister. Start its try from today. Yes, today is in your hand. Not yesterday nor tomorrow.
From My Personal Life : I am the follower of the quote, " Today is the last day of my life. I will live what I think"
13. Say, I am Sorry
Never shy or fear for saying sorry. If you will late, there will no value of sorry. So, if you have done mistake, say sorry today.
From My Personal Life : In the past quarrel with my elder brother, I told some bad words. So, today is 1st Jan. 2015, I say sorry from my heart. Effect of this, we are now good friends.
14. Be Inspired
You need energy. So, you can get this energy by becoming inspired. Every motivated quote can change your life. So, read them. Every person's good advice can change your life. So, listen them. This nature can give lots of inspiration. So, see this nature from today.
From My Personal Life : Lots of motivational books which I read, had changed my life. All my self-confidence from these great motivational books. So, you can also get same energy by be inspired from anything of the world.
15. Put Your Past in Your Past
Past can be helpful for us for learning from mistakes which we have done in past but it is also source of tension. If you have done any mistake in past, never copy and paste in your present and in future. Learn from it and never do in future. So, put your past in your past.
From My Personal Life : I am follower of motivational quote, " You should not worry about the milk that falls into the groove."