If you are in school or college or university for getting education, you may face the problem of lack of energy when you go in the morning or come back after attending periods in classroom. There are lots of reasons behind this. We do not go deep all these reasons. Our aim of this content is just to motivate to you to boost energy for studying.
Following are its Main Steps
1. To Eat Healthy Food Daily
If you will start to eat healthy food daily, your energy will automatically increase. Healthy food means vegetarian food. Because it can easily be digested by our intestine. After fast digesting, your body can get enough energy. But, remember, there are lots things in vegetarian which should not eat, otherwise, your energy level will decrease when you will start studying. Never drink tea. Never use sugar. Never use refined oil. Never use cold drink. Never use water after eating food. Always use your kitchen garden's fruits and vegetables. Always use milk and milk products. Some students are so many addicted of tea. They say if they do not drink tea, they can sleep in the classroom. It is totally wrong. Just throw some water on the face, your all laziness will go to 9-2-11.
2. To Do Exercise Morning and Evening Daily
Get up early in the morning. Make your small home gym. If you can not buy barbell. No problem. Use big stone and body-weight exercises increase your muscle where your energy will store for long period studying. In body-weight exercises, you do 50 to 100 push ups. You can also do dips and pull ups by going to a park where you can see lots of pull up bars. Morning and evening exercises will make you strong. With this, you can win on evil thoughts. All these evil thoughts will consume your energy very fastly. Same energy will now supply to studying which is good work for every student of the world.
3. To Get 8 Hour Sleep Daily
Out of 24 hours, you must sleep 8 hours. Today time is of whatsapp, facebook, and other social network. Students are becoming mad by starting chat through their smart phone in the mid-night I want to ask what will you get. It is just wastage of energy and when there is zero balance of energy due to shortage of proper sleep, you start searching internet by writing keyword, "How to Boost Energy for Studying" How can it possible. Even Google uncle will not boost your energy, if you will not change your bad habit. Today is Monday 31th Aug. 2015, give me promise. It should be your determination that you will sleep at 9:00 p.m. and get up 5:00 a.m. Follow this rule just for one month and compare your energy level. It will increase 5 times with biggest speed.
4. To Do Yog and Meditation Daily
There is big power in yog and meditation. So, do it daily. Through yog and meditation, we try to reach to God. Name of God is one great power in the world who can increase your energy for studying. Do you know which is more powerful than name of God. Yes dear. Our tongue is more powerful because without its help, we can speak the name of God. Ok, do you know which is more powerful than our tongue. Yes dear. Our mind is more powerful than tongue. Without tongue, we can speak anything in our mind. There is one more power thing than mind. It is our thoughts. Food is more powerful than our thoughts. Water is more powerful than food. Fire is more powerful than water because it helps to bring rain on the earth. Sky is more powerful than fire. Our memory is more powerful than sky because without memory, we can not understand why is sky more powerful than fire. Our hope is more powerful than memory. With the help of good hopes, we can achieve good memory. Our soul is more powerful than all the hopes of life. If there is no soul in the body, there is no value of anything in your life. Hindus and Sikh give dead body to fire and Muslim and Christian give same dead body to earth. But you know who have made our soul. Soul is also made by God. So, God is more powerful than soul and we can remember God by speaking his name. So, this cycle will end on the name of God. So, try to best to devote your time for Yog and meditation daily. It will surely give direct energy from God.
5. To Study in Natural Environment
As a human being, we are affected from environment. If you as student study in AC, it will affect your health. God has also made the AC in nature. Just go to any Park and start study. Teacher should also teach in natural environment. It will boost the energy of both teacher and student.
6. To Get Help for Solving Your Subject's Problems
Some time, student is unable to solve the problem. So, he or she think that study is useless because he or she can not understand what is in written text book. So, when he or she will sit on the chair for studying, he or she will feel lack of energy. If you as student is facing same problem, you need a tutor or guide who will solve your subject's problem. It will increase your confidence. With this, you will solve all unsolved problem yourself. By doing this, you will get satisfaction and a great level of energy, you will get.
Following are its Main Steps
1. To Eat Healthy Food Daily
If you will start to eat healthy food daily, your energy will automatically increase. Healthy food means vegetarian food. Because it can easily be digested by our intestine. After fast digesting, your body can get enough energy. But, remember, there are lots things in vegetarian which should not eat, otherwise, your energy level will decrease when you will start studying. Never drink tea. Never use sugar. Never use refined oil. Never use cold drink. Never use water after eating food. Always use your kitchen garden's fruits and vegetables. Always use milk and milk products. Some students are so many addicted of tea. They say if they do not drink tea, they can sleep in the classroom. It is totally wrong. Just throw some water on the face, your all laziness will go to 9-2-11.
2. To Do Exercise Morning and Evening Daily
Get up early in the morning. Make your small home gym. If you can not buy barbell. No problem. Use big stone and body-weight exercises increase your muscle where your energy will store for long period studying. In body-weight exercises, you do 50 to 100 push ups. You can also do dips and pull ups by going to a park where you can see lots of pull up bars. Morning and evening exercises will make you strong. With this, you can win on evil thoughts. All these evil thoughts will consume your energy very fastly. Same energy will now supply to studying which is good work for every student of the world.
3. To Get 8 Hour Sleep Daily
Out of 24 hours, you must sleep 8 hours. Today time is of whatsapp, facebook, and other social network. Students are becoming mad by starting chat through their smart phone in the mid-night I want to ask what will you get. It is just wastage of energy and when there is zero balance of energy due to shortage of proper sleep, you start searching internet by writing keyword, "How to Boost Energy for Studying" How can it possible. Even Google uncle will not boost your energy, if you will not change your bad habit. Today is Monday 31th Aug. 2015, give me promise. It should be your determination that you will sleep at 9:00 p.m. and get up 5:00 a.m. Follow this rule just for one month and compare your energy level. It will increase 5 times with biggest speed.
4. To Do Yog and Meditation Daily
There is big power in yog and meditation. So, do it daily. Through yog and meditation, we try to reach to God. Name of God is one great power in the world who can increase your energy for studying. Do you know which is more powerful than name of God. Yes dear. Our tongue is more powerful because without its help, we can speak the name of God. Ok, do you know which is more powerful than our tongue. Yes dear. Our mind is more powerful than tongue. Without tongue, we can speak anything in our mind. There is one more power thing than mind. It is our thoughts. Food is more powerful than our thoughts. Water is more powerful than food. Fire is more powerful than water because it helps to bring rain on the earth. Sky is more powerful than fire. Our memory is more powerful than sky because without memory, we can not understand why is sky more powerful than fire. Our hope is more powerful than memory. With the help of good hopes, we can achieve good memory. Our soul is more powerful than all the hopes of life. If there is no soul in the body, there is no value of anything in your life. Hindus and Sikh give dead body to fire and Muslim and Christian give same dead body to earth. But you know who have made our soul. Soul is also made by God. So, God is more powerful than soul and we can remember God by speaking his name. So, this cycle will end on the name of God. So, try to best to devote your time for Yog and meditation daily. It will surely give direct energy from God.
5. To Study in Natural Environment
As a human being, we are affected from environment. If you as student study in AC, it will affect your health. God has also made the AC in nature. Just go to any Park and start study. Teacher should also teach in natural environment. It will boost the energy of both teacher and student.
6. To Get Help for Solving Your Subject's Problems
Some time, student is unable to solve the problem. So, he or she think that study is useless because he or she can not understand what is in written text book. So, when he or she will sit on the chair for studying, he or she will feel lack of energy. If you as student is facing same problem, you need a tutor or guide who will solve your subject's problem. It will increase your confidence. With this, you will solve all unsolved problem yourself. By doing this, you will get satisfaction and a great level of energy, you will get.