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19 Tips to Decrease Expenses

Today is Sunday and it is free time for me. So, I am reading the book "Complications of the world" which I started from last page, there is the list of 19 tips for decreasing the expenses but there is no explanation. So, I am trying to explain it in my own words.

1.Before Expense See Your Correct Monthly Incomes

Yes, it is very essential. Every-time, level of monthly revenue will not same. Source of revenue may decrease due to loss in company. If you will become habitual of doing expenses without seeing the income, you will capture in liability which will be so terrible. So, make a high-quality routine to work out your correct monthly income. On this basis, make the budget of your monthly operating cost.

2. Do not Copy for Doing Expenses

I think, author has written this enormous point. On my words, in no way do copy for doing expenses. Never see your fellow citizen has made big and decorated residence. Never attempt to buy AC automobile if your companion has bought it. If you want to copy, copy his way of earning big wealth. With this, you will get idea for earning great money. If you will just copy for doing expenses, one day, you will turn into bankrupt because your earnings level and other person's earnings level may be diverse. Without reaching level of income of other person, you cannot run like him for doing expenses.

3. To Increase Expenses is Easy but to Decrease Expenses is Difficult

It is simple saying. When you will do any expense. You are just doing the practice. It will create habit in you. When you have faced big loss in your business and your incomes came Rs. 10,000 from Rs. 50,000, you can not stop yourself from doing more expenses because you have the addiction of doing expenses. So, never make it as your addiction. Control on yourself even you are earning big income.

4. To buy only Good things 

You will see that excellence product will always expensive. But no one purchase it because it is costly. But if you think long run, it will be inexpensive. For example, we can take the old mobile or new mobile of reputed corporation. Old mobile or cheap mobile will have lots of defects and you will fix it. Restore cost will more than actual good mobile's cost. So, for decreasing the expenses, it is good tip to delay the buying but buy quality manufactured goods.

5. Create Space Before Buying Things

Sometime, you do not have the spare store. You buy lots of home devices and keep in open area where there is big chance of damage. So, remember fifth tip to decrease your expenses by creating space or store first before buying any new thing.

6. Use Email Instead of Phone

Email is better than phone. It will save your cost of talking. Sometime, you can not control on your paid expenses if you will talk on phone. Email account is so cheap. With any Internet plan of Rs. 200, you can email enough without more charges. But phone is more costly than this plan.

7. Eat the Fresh Fruits of Current Season

In every season, there are lots of cheap fresh fruit whose cost is very less than the fruits which are prepared through artificial environment. For example, this is time of apple whose cost is Rs. 50 per kg and same time, you can buy mango whose cost is Rs. 250 per kg which is off-season fruit. So, better is to buy apple instead of mango if you want to decrease your expenses and increase the level of your health.

8. Do not Use Electricity excessively 

If you are going outside and lights and fan are on, it will surely increase your electricity bill. So, if you want to decrease your electricity expenses, you should off the lights and fan when you go outside.

9. Less Use of Vehicles

Vehicles consume the petrol. Less, you will use the vehicles, less you will get petrol bill. If you want to decrease your expenses, never use vehicles when you go to exercise. If you have time, use your bicycle. It will keep you fit and save the cost of petrol and repair of vehicles. Sometime, you can use public vehicles which will be cheap than your private vehicle.

10. Pay Bills on the Time

If you will delay the payment of bill, you will have to pay penalty. So, save this penalty by pay bill on the time.

11. Less Talk on Mobile

Talk on mobile is the art. If you will learn, you can close the talk 5 times faster. So, you have to learn it. Talk to the point. Never carry it long. It is not free. Small cost will become big if you will waste your money energy in useless talking.

12. Celebrate the Festivals with Simple Ways

We all can celebrate the festivals with simple ways. All most all the religions, you see that people waste the money by exploiting the environment. On side, it will increase your expenses and second side, your health will not ok. So, leave the firework in festival times. It should simple and cheap.

13. Don't Create Relations in Hurry

Don't add friends and add friends in facebook. Sometime, facebook can ask the question, do you know him or her personally. By asking, he is giving warning to you, never waste your money. More friends will increase your responsibility. In this, your financial responsibility will also increase. If you have not enough money to take this weight, then do not create relation in hurry. Take the test of other person before add in your friendship. It will surely decrease your expenses.

14. Do Work in Morning Time

In the morning time, you can go to natural light. You will well again. In the morning time, there will enough power in your brain. So, with this, you can save electrical energy. You can save your medicine bill. You can get more idea of earning cash which will cover up your partial expenses. 

15. Don't Work in Late Nights

After 10:00 p.m., if you do the work, it is serious wrong. Night is for sleep and day is for work. Rest your body. It is free charger which is more powerful than drinking of 5 kgs. milk. If you sleep good, it means, you have drink 5 kgs. milk. So, one side its cost will decrease and second side you enjoy this drink.

16. Save Yourselves from Drugs

Never drink alcohol. Never smoke. Never use any other drugs or addiction like gambling. All will increase your expenses. But, you are full determined. So, never use drugs because your soul is against this. Listen its voice.

17. Don't go to Court

It means, never quarrel. Live in the environment of peace. Never increase any issue which will help you to go to court. When two persons speak lie, they go to court. When two persons speak truth, no, one can go to court. All these places are full of lie where Witness, advocate and judge may take your hard earned money. Instead waste your money in court, just donate for helpless.

18. Never Quarrel in Distribution of Property

When we die, we need on six feet. So, never quarrel for demanding more land and property. With peace, you can earn more. With peace, you can decrease your expenses which you will spend on fighting. In end, you will end this fight with peace. So, it is better, in the time of beginning, you should follow peace.

19. Satisfy in Small things

If you have small cycle, be satisfy in it. If you will satisfy, God will think, you have eligible for clearing the next test of patience. With satisfaction and patience, you will get big reward. For eating fruits, you need to wait for 10 years. For increasing wealth and decreasing the expenses, you have to learn to satisfy in small things.


Reference of Book 


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Accounting Education: 19 Tips to Decrease Expenses
19 Tips to Decrease Expenses
Accounting Education
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