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30 Secrets to Simplifying Your Life

Why am I writing 30 Secrets to Simplifying Your Life? Answer is simple, this website is read by educators, accountants, students and  businesspersons. All are living life with full of stress and tension. If they learn 30 secrets  to simplifying their life, they can real enjoy of their life.

Following are the main 30 points which you have to understand for simplifying your life.

1. Remember Simple Life is Evergreen

Always remember that simple life is evergreen life. Read the story of all great personalities of the world. All were simple. Our thoughts  should be high. They do not go to adopt fashions. Lots of expenses are done for showing others. What is its benefit. Wear clean dress instead  of costly dress. A plant will evergreen if he will get water. A human being can live evergreen if  he gets the water of good  thoughts.

2. Everything should be in Balance

If you have to get money, you have to give the product or service. If you will give less products  or less service, it will be imbalance. It will be cheating. Cheater can not simplify to his life. You want to keep simple your life, then you have to learn to balance to everything.  First you have to balance in your business  accounting. Never cheat through accounting books. We should know earned  money may be the helpful for life but it is not our main target of life. There is always existence of  witness and his name is soul. So, try to balance in life, your life will become simple.

3. Lift should be Truthful

Truth is the life because you can know that you will die one day. Truthful life is the great life. All those who speak truth, need not to remember anything. Truth will automatically keep in your memory. If you will start to speak lie, you have to remember lots of things, otherwise, other will know, you are speaking lie. For hiding one lie,  you have to speak other lie. With 100 lie, you will become  cheater. So, know this secret by speaking truth always.

4. Today, We have to Complete Our Work

You should complete today work today. Otherwise, you will bring tension in your brain. Never take big projects in one day. Start from small. But, it is good  habit to complete your small  work today. If you will not complete your small work, after 10 days, it will become big. Never leave today work on tomorrow. Never take tension of do or don't. Never faith in luck. If you will do, you will get success.

5. Pay the Bills on the Time

If you will pay the bills on the  time, you will get peace in your mind. It will make your life simple because if you will not pay the bill on the time, penalty will add in your previous bill. Amount of bill will increase with fast rate. In end, you have to stop same useful service. So, if you have taken any service, make a habit to pay its bills on the time.

6. Less Desires

Try to decrease  your desires. Bazaar is increasing its fast speed. It is  increasing with useless things. Everyday when I open email, lots of email, I got from email marketing team to sell useless products. Never think to buy all such. Such desire will increase  tension in your life. Desires  are  the  fire and if  you think, it is the  oil which increases the fire  instead to remove it. For this, you have to control on your mind. Check your need, if  you do not need, never  buy it.

7. Be Positive

Human being has to live in positive way in any situation of life. Remember, there is nothing is our own here. Why are we weeping? Everything which we have lost, is from earning someone? So, never disappoint by thinking negative. See birds. They are  so positive than human being. They collect for eating today but we collect for 1000 years. So, if we will unable to store, we feel negative. So, get inspiration from birds.

8. Note Your Work First 

For simplifying your life, you should keep notebook. Note everything which you have to do. With this, your stress will decrease. We can do anything but we can not do everything. With notebook, you can see it. You can give preference of important works. So, you will get more satisfaction from it.

9. Understand Your Children' Habits

You have read in the newspapers about the sue-side cases of school children. They kill themselves due to fail in the exams. Why? Because they are fearing from society. They are fearing from their parents. On their children death, parent's life is very stressful. If you do not want such case, you need to understand your children's habits. Your duty is to motivate instead becoming strict.

10. Morning Life is Simple Life

Morning life is always simple life. Think on the basis of nature. In the night time, there is lack of light. So, you do not see anything. It is the time of rest. So, if you do same time, it will be harmful for your health. So, create relationship with morning life.

11. Vegetarian Life

Lots of diseases will happen due to eating of non-veg. food. With this, you will face trouble. Instead of facing health trouble in future, it is better to learn simple life in current time which can only be possible with vegetarian life. It means, only use vegetarian food for eating.

12. Take Next Step by Keeping First Step

Never take the next step if you are not strong in first step. People forget to making strong first step and take the next step. With this, their life become complex. Know its reason. First they will weak from basement. Second, there is the chance to slip where they are know. Third, they are doing against the natural rule of walking which will apply everywhere.

13. Never Play Gambling with Your Life

Gambling, here means waste of time. When you play the gambling of money, it will waste our money. It will waste our reputation. Someone may also quarrel because there is big cheating in this area. Like this, if you will start to waste your time by seeing the luck, your life will become complex. Just go to big hospital, everyday, many people die due to heart- attack. Why? Because they have made their life complex by playing the gambling of life. They expect more by doing less.

14. Keep Few but True Friends

Never run for making friends like facebook or LinkedIn companies. All friends may no be true. Keep few but true friends who will help you when you need. They will surely be God gifts for you.

15. Keep Good Family Relation

Quarrel starts mostly after marriage. If there are two rivers who are going opposite side, these  will never go on same side. Like this, if anyone in the family has just opposite thought, how can not keep peace in the family. Yes, river can not go opposite side but you can change because you are not river, you are human being. If you want to make simple your life, you have to learn this secret. This secret will bring  happiness in your family life. Try to behave with happy and peaceful way.

16. Far from Drugs Addictions

All evil works are done after using drugs. Anyone can blackmail to you if you are drugs addicted. So, control on your mind. Never see short term relief by taking drugs. Far from drugs. Do meditation and exercise. It is best for making simple life.

17. Make Your Time Table

I have already told the importance of time table. I have already made the time table of students. Time is so worthy. You can save each second and utilize it better way if you make advance schedule with your strict time table. It will surely simplify your life.

18. Never Anger

If you are alone and other side is the team and you are speaking with anger. It will be your foolishness. Because other team can kill you. Use your brain and be cool. Give direction to your mind and brain. Start 100 to 1 back counting. Start to speak the name of God 100 times. Leave this environment where you are emotionally anger. Anger will weak your body and brain. So, enjoy the peaceful life.

19. Never Compromise Health with  Taste

Health and taste are the enemy. If you love taste, you have to hate the good health. Now, it is in your hand what you like. Almost all tasty things will no nutritional value. Never go to ads. Most TV and Internet Ads for eating will speak white lie. Start to cook at home. It will surely make you healthy and simple.

20. Save Your Life from Court

Few days ago, my friend was beaten by some dons on quarrel among them. One other friend has told my friend, go to court and punish them with the help of false report against them. I am very against them. I told him, with one lie, you have to speak 1000 lie and end is of truth. Because truth is winner in the end. So, never go to court if you have to get support of false statement against don. If you are in truth, there is no shy. But lots of people go to court just for speaking lie. So, go to peaceful place instead of court if you want to make simple your life.

21. Eating and Earning is not Life

Life is not limited upto eating and earning. No one can make boundary in your life by saying, your life has made only for eating food and earning money if you do not accept it. No policy will stop you upto this level. Think, this life is for achieving some great aim.

For example

  • Every morning, I ride on my bicycle. It is great machine which was discovered great scientist. There is no need of petrol. Other-side, there is great exercise of your body machine. If the scientist thinks like you that life is the name of eating and earning. Bicycle never comes in this world. That was great aim of scientist. Now, think what should your great aim in your life. 

22. Agreement

Do agreement with your life.

  • Agree, you will get up in the morning
  • Agree, you will do some exercise
  • Agree, you will never speak lie at any cost.

23. Eat for Life

We can not forget eating. But eating should be for life. Eat fruits. Eat vegetables. Because it is the petrol for life. But we use only petrol which is under control of petrol tank. No more than this. So, we have to eat only upto the limited level. Only think about eating food and food will make you an animal. You are not the patient of sugar. Be healthy and control your eating habits.

24. Be Spiritual

There are lots of spiritual books which can teach you, how can live simple life. Search them every day life searching Google, youtube and facebook.

25. God is True Friend

Faith in God. God can help you when all sources will stop. God is true friend.

26. Exercise For Good Health

Warm up your whole body. Run 5 kms. Then Do 20 pull ups. Then Do 50 push ups. Then 20 Kgs. Dumbbells for 20 times. Do this exercise every day. It will make you healthy and simple.

27. Know Something New Everyday 

Curiosity to know something new is wonderful exercise of your brain. It is the brain who made Google. It is the brain who made NASA. It is the brain who wants every scientist, teacher, doctor, surgeon, engineer. You can get all people's brain if you make your curiosity to know something new everyday.

28. Decrease Your Expenses

I already told 19 tips to decrease the expenses. It will surely simplify your life.

29. Good Direction

There are two roads on your street. One is going bad direction and other is going to good direction. In bad direction, you will see Cinema where you can waste your time. In good direction, you can see this accounting education website where you can read some good contents free of cost. So, decision is in your hand. Whether you have to go to good direction or bad direction. My mother told me always. It is better not to go anywhere if you forget your direction and there is no guide near you. Wait and pray to God. You will surely get direction. Guide may be the Voice of God from inside of your body which will surely give you good direction.

30. Good Speaking

If word which we speak will touch to sky and then it will come to us and hit to our body and our brain and our mind. If you speak bad, it means, you will become bad because reaction of bad speaking is 10 times more than what you are speaking bad. OMG, my business has failed. Why? You have made it fail by speaking bad. Now, start good speaking and you will speak. Thanks God!

(Now, What can you do? You can read my reference books and watch my reference VCDs Set or you can share this motivational content or you can ask any question relating to this content through healthy debate. )

Reference of Books and  VCDs



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Accounting Education: 30 Secrets to Simplifying Your Life
30 Secrets to Simplifying Your Life
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