In accounting, proforma is most used term. It means standard format of any accounting document or financial statement. With the help of proforma, accountant can add the figures to convert it in actual financial statement of company. So, it has also market. Many accounting professionals make their own proforma on the basis of GAAP rules. It also help to estimate if we add estimate figure in it. There are many proformas in the pocket of CAs for calculating estimated accounting ratios.
You can learn to make proforma by study past made proforma. For example, if you see the proforma of Invoice which is given to whom you have given the service. In this, you see, 14% service tax which will include in total amount. In your own new proforma, you can show 14.5% because service tax has increased. So, more you update your proforma, more you can easily use in accounting.
If you have legal doubts or you are just learning to make the proforma of your document, you can show disclaimer below of your proforma.
On proforma basis balance sheet is shown if any company is interested to get money from shareholders instead of showing rough balance sheet.
Anybody can create any proforma in accounting if he or she has specialization in it. For example, if your business is to buy and selling of properties, you can develop the proforma of current prices of properties in different colonies of your city.
Following are the main Proformas
1. Balance Sheet Proforma
2. Income Statement Proforma
3. Proforma of Invoice
4. Cash flow statement Proforma
5. Proforma of Quotation
You can learn to make proforma by study past made proforma. For example, if you see the proforma of Invoice which is given to whom you have given the service. In this, you see, 14% service tax which will include in total amount. In your own new proforma, you can show 14.5% because service tax has increased. So, more you update your proforma, more you can easily use in accounting.
If you have legal doubts or you are just learning to make the proforma of your document, you can show disclaimer below of your proforma.
On proforma basis balance sheet is shown if any company is interested to get money from shareholders instead of showing rough balance sheet.
Anybody can create any proforma in accounting if he or she has specialization in it. For example, if your business is to buy and selling of properties, you can develop the proforma of current prices of properties in different colonies of your city.
Following are the main Proformas
1. Balance Sheet Proforma
2. Income Statement Proforma
3. Proforma of Invoice
4. Cash flow statement Proforma
5. Proforma of Quotation