Before this, I have already told you "The 15 Reasons of Buying My Written Journal Entries Made Easy Book?" From this content, you can know from me, why should you buy this ebook? Today, I will cover what can you learn from this book.
After publishing this ebook, still I did not explain the topics in its description. But in simple words, if anybody know me what is in this book. I have a very simple answer.
This is not a academic book. We are not covering any academic syllabus in it. This is totally practical and professional book. We have covered all topics in it which will grow your accounting profession. You will buy it and you will real feel good.
1. This is not Academic Accounting Book
Just go to market and you can find lots of academic accounting books with range of Rs. 300 to Rs. 500 But this eBook's MRP is Rs. 2000 and we are selling it at 50% Discount. Why? Because all the topics are totally different from academic book. This is our original creation. So, get it and then find what are the topics in it.
2. Practical Book
This is practical and professional book. Every day, I attend lots of calls relating to query of this book. People have curiosity to know what is in it. What are the main topics which this book covered? For those, I want to share my words.
This is a practical book for those who want to learn practical. Forget all your knowledge of your accounting. It may be 10 years or 5 years.Now, again start it. There are two types of person, we will find.
1. It is very difficult to get whole 5 to 10 years knowledge.
2. Only, I forget 5 to 10 years knowledge. My brain is ok. It is very easy with my ok brain.
From both who is practical. Yes, second is practical because his thinking is practical and my book will remind him everything about whole 5 to 10 years knowledge within 5 to 10 minutes.
3. All Topics for Your Growth as Accounting Profession
It is my promise, it will grow you as accounting profession. This is not one day investment. This is not one year investment. This is your all time investment. So, its sub title is "Must for every accounting professional."
4. We want to Change Your Measurement to Check the Quality Education
One of main reason of not showing the list of topics in my journal entries made easy is
I want to change your measurement to check the quality of any education book. Up to this, time, you just go to book shop and read the topics. If you like the topics, you buy the book and then you leave it. I am also go to book shop. I find the writers. Because he has inspired my life. I have known him through different media. I have trust. This write will surely inspire my life. So, I buy it without single eye on it. Just read accounting education. Here are 3000 contents. Read all of them. Know about me. Who am I? What do I do? How does I write? Then, you need not ask me same question.
It is just like to abuse me as teacher when you measure my quality education with the number of pages of my book, no. of CDs of my educational products. I am not doing the business of selling blank papers or blank CDs. These are the medium for sending my quality education to your home. Marketing value of 500 blank pages are just Rs. 135 but my one book has only 20 pages and its price is Rs. 2000. Market value of one CD is Rs. 10 but marketing value of my one educational CD is Rs. 1000. For writing 20 pages and creating educational videos in one CD, I did 15 years hard work, research, dedication, devotion, passion, innovation, sacrifice, experiment, patience, reading, travelling, learning and practice (It is easy to say anything but it is very difficult to do anything). Thanks
4. Topics will Save Your Time from Confusion
Yes, it is sure. It will save your time from your all confusions relating to passing the journal entry of any transaction of the world.
Confusion of anything will disturb your mind. Disturbance in mind will increase your high blood pressure. High blood pressure will stop your digestion system. Your all organs like heart, kidney and liver will not do the proper function. So, it is sure, you have to pay the big bill to doctor. So, save your this amount and order today.
Just click our Journal Entries Made Easy Book and buy by using your debit card, credit card, net banking. If you have any doubt, then please email