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100 Steps to Success - Part 3

Welcome in 3rd part of my experimented 100 steps to success. In third part, we will discuss, 5 to 9 steps. We are not writing, all steps in one content because we know, you can not become doctor in one day. So, every day, we will discuss 5 to 10 steps which you can absorb and use in your life for getting success.

5th Step : Every Problem Brings New Opportunities
6th Step : Try to Finding Good Things
7th Step : Up and Downs are Better for Life
8th Step : Bring Flexibility in Life
9th Step : Break the Rules and Policies

5th Step : Every Problem Brings New Opportunities

You should think always when you will face any new problem. Every problem will bring new opportunity for you. I saw a person who was unemployment. Now, he started his agency for placement of other employees. If he did not the problem of unemployment, how can realize this problem and how can he make the best solution for this. Now, there is big crowd in his placement shop because he did hard work to place people in good companies. Now, he need not job because he has successful placement business.

In your case, if you think your problem as your opportunity, it will surely become your opportunity. Otherwise, you will become the patient of stress. What will you gain from it. Never disappoint from problem. It is gift for you. It will surely bring new opportunity of biggest success.

6th Step : Try to Finding Good Things

Instead of becoming lazing and sitting all the time on bed and seeing TV, you should try to finding some good things. It may be to water the plants and food to animals. This try may be your hobby and then it may lead to the way of Success. So, always try to finding some good things. Make your home as lab. where you should try to find good things.

7th Step : Up and Downs are Better for Life

Up and Downs are necessary for better life. When you fall from above, it means you just down from ups. Now, It is sure, you will go to up. It is the power of nature. Just go to park. Take the two children with equal weight and size. Sit them up Ups and down machine. Both will enjoy it. Every body who will down with full power will up also same power. So, if you have the difficulties. Enjoy it. It is just down and next part will be up. So, you have to ready to go ups.

8th Step : Bring Flexibility in Life

You know, I am doing eCommerce Business also. One day, I delivered a Stone hand atta chakki to a customer. After delivery, he sent me whatapp message. In this message, he showed me 20 pieces of my delivered hand atta chakki. I told him, it was not flexible that so, it had broken in 20 pieces. Never become so inflexible, you will break in pieces. For success, you have to save your life from breaking like stone or glass.

For example, if you want to flexibility in life, you will have to start movement exercise. If you want to bring flexibility in your life, you have to start movement exercise in brain and mind.

9th Step : Break the Rules and Policies

I am not teaching about breaking the rules and policies of any law of any country because it made for your help. Except this, there are lots of other rules and policies which made by other for your success. Why you are going under the control of other. For example,

1. You are writer in News agency. You have to write for them what they need whether it is true or fake. It is the rule and policy of news agency. Now, break its rules and policies. You will get the suspend letter. By getting suspend letter, you should not feel sad. You can write good. Why are you writing under the rules and policies of other. Make your own rule and policies. When do you write, how do you write and why do you write, all will be decided by you not by other. For example, I am writing this time. Since 2008, I am writing. More than 3000 contents, I have written and still, I am writing because I have also broke the rules and policies by resignation my jobs and suspended me from job. That is the reason, today, I am a successful writer.

2. Do the experiment of breaking the rules and policies of company. It will surely break all relationship with you. What does it mean? It means, it wants to control on you through their rules and policies. Now, after breaking the rules and policies, you have to make your company and your rules and your policies. With this, you will create new definition of success.

All these steps are in my latest book 100 steps to Success, if you want to buy it, please contact me at my email vinod@svtuition.org

Part 1 | Part 2Part 4 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | 


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Accounting Education: 100 Steps to Success - Part 3
100 Steps to Success - Part 3
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