Your interest in my written content always inspire me. One more way, you can also inspire me. Please share my content also. Every time, one I see zero share by you, it disappoint me to write new. Hope, you will surely share it to your friend. Ok, come to the 100th Steps to Success - Part 7.
In this part, we have covered the things which you never do, otherwise you will slip from upper step of success to lower step of success. Read it and follow it.
24th Step : Never Panic by Facing Difficulties
25th Step : Never Trust in Situations
26th Step : Never Fear from Falling
27th Step : Never Think about Fear
28th Step : Never Take Tension and Be Happy
29th Step : Never Mad with Anger. Control on it
30th Step : Never Waste Time in Small Things
31st Step : Never Estimates Your Fears
32nd Step : Never Fear from Challenges of Life
33rd Step : Game of Life Never Ends up to your Wining
24th Step : Never Panic by Facing Difficulties
One of wrong step, people often takes. They become panic by facing the difficulties. One by one, I explain these wrong step.
a) A student see the example date. He or she becomes panic because she did not do hard work. But now by becoming backing he or she is increasing the level of difficulties.
b) An husband who did not save money for his upcoming child birth. He becomes panic when his near born child in the hand of doctors and he is unable to pay his fees.
Instead of becoming panic, student should do hard work. If he can not do hard work, I work hard for them and sell my notes online. It is my 100% money back gaurantee, if he or she will read my notes only one day, it will get success. So, any student need not be panic.
Instead of becoming panic, husband should request the donation for his cause. If any husband is in this difficult situation, I will support him by collecting donation for him if he is unable to save the life of his new born child. There are lots of new ways, so, you should never panic by facing difficulty and success will near to you.
25th Step : Never Trust in Situations
Yesterday, I was doing chat on Whatsapp with my fan who wants to become Crorpati ( Billionaire ). She want to get idea from me.I requested him to buy and read my book "Success MADE Easy". She trusts in the situation. She told me, how can my small book make him crorpati? and who will buy? I said to him, "You have trust in your bad situations or your current situations, so, you do not have the trust in my words and in my book. In this book, I tried to make success easy and simple. For becoming rich, you have to keep trust on it instead of your situations. We are the creator of situations instead of victim of situations. Second, Who will buy? It means, you again trust in your current situations. You are busy in your current situation, you unable to sell your single book. This is India and its population is 1.2 billion and if only 20000 person will buy this book, anyone can become crorpati in one day. Trust in you not in situations.
26th Step : Never Fear from Falling
Today, evening, I went to hospital for helping my friend whose new born baby is under the jaundice. She is upset because lack of money and paying money for costly medicine. I have motivated. Never feel upset. You did not fall. There are millions of people who have fallen by wasting their money in drinks and gambling and after getting inspiration, they live again a better life. I am always with you and get inspiration from all millions of people of the world. Never and never fear from falling. Fall and stand again and forget when did you fall. This is the way of life.
27th Step : Never Think about Fear
There are main three rules to win the fear. Fear is big enemy of success. So, you have to learn how to win fear.
a) Death is certain
b) One day, we all die
c) No one die before the date of death.
So, you should never think about fear. Death fear is the greatest fear. So, if you will win it, then you have to win whole other fears.
Same rule can be apply on anything.
a) Failure is certain. So, you should not fear from failure.
b) One day, we all failure. So, never fear from it. It is the normal part of life.
c) No one fail before he accepts it You are the winner, so, you never think the fear.
28th Step : Never Take Tension and Be Happy
This is 4th point of never. It means, you never do it. It means, you never think about it. It means, your behavior never be like this. Never take tension and be happy.
a) Treatment of past tension
Remember : The milk which fall on the road, will never come in glass. What happened with you in past, forget it. Never take tension of past and be happy.
b) Treatment of Future Tension
Life is only for today who can give the guarantee of tomorrow. So, why should I waste my today great day by taking tension of future. If I will be happy today. It will make me healthy tomorrow. Health is wealth. Health is the success of life.
29th Step : Never Mad with Anger. Control on it
You see the mad in Indian city. From my childhood, I saw many mad. They have no control on brain. They do not know what they are doing. A person with full of anger is like a mad person. For getting success, you never to become mad with anger, you have to learn to control.
Anger is great source of energy, you have to use it. I can give you the example.
For example, You have been suspended from your job by your boss. Now, you will surely be anger because you are doing good. You may think to take revenge from your bad boss. Same anger may harm your own health. So, this is great source of energy, you can harm you or other with this. But what is the better. Better is to use this energy to start a better company than your boss. Everytime, when you feel any setback or difficulty, remember the insult in the form of suspension and feel your anger and start to do more work than what you were doing in job. Becoming successful business person will be the best revenue to your boss instead criticize every-time about your boss.
30th Step : Never Waste Time in Small Things
Time is energy. If you will waste your time in small things, how can you do big things for success. For example, I sell books online. I have lots of employees for this project. One day, I have carried some books for packing in my employee's room. My employee was not setting for duty. After one day, I have asked about packing of same books. He checked, books were not in his duty room. I felt angry by saying where you stole these books. With few seconds, I got cool by remembering great point. When I was going for keeping books in his room, I was busy from lots of other project in my mind. So, there may be my mistake. I should not doubt on employee. This small thing and my trust is book. So, I did not waste my time in debate and tried to find the books and I got it from second room. So, it was my mistake. Some time, such small things become big issue. So, try to avoid these issues for getting success. Remember, Never waste time in small things.
31st Step : Never Estimates Your Fears
Some people has bad habit. They estimate their fears. This is one of biggest negative nature. Fear will become big if you have estimated that it will be big. As per my experience in Naturopathy, I have lots of patients who are not ill but they estimate the big danger of his very very small illness. Actually, all patients are psychological patient. They do not know, how to help himself.
First thing : Estimates never be true all the time. If you are the expert of probability. But small mistake in it, you will calculate wrong chance of happening anything. I am teaching maths from 15 years and still, I never say, it is my correct estimate. So, when it is relating to fear. Why do you take risk by wrong estimating of your fear.
Second thing : Fear has one big quality, it has big sensor. One single thought of estimation about fear will increase the size of fear and it will be uncontrollable and result will be your failure and wastage of your energy which you have used for getting success.
32nd Step : Never Fear from Challenges of Life
In childhood, I was very interested in long long jump. Every jump gave me power to take new challenge. Life is the name of challenge. It is not the thing of fear. It is not the dog which will cut you. It is test of your physical and mental power. So, never fear from giving the test.
33rd Step : Game of Life Never Ends up to your Wining
Every-time, you have to think, game of life never ends up to your winning. It will be keep always in your mind. Mind will make you such a shape, you will gain the ability of winning. Winning of the game is always existing. You only need to think it and you will win the game.
All these steps are in my latest book 100 steps to Success, if you want to buy it, please contact me at my email
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
In this part, we have covered the things which you never do, otherwise you will slip from upper step of success to lower step of success. Read it and follow it.
24th Step : Never Panic by Facing Difficulties
25th Step : Never Trust in Situations
26th Step : Never Fear from Falling
27th Step : Never Think about Fear
28th Step : Never Take Tension and Be Happy
29th Step : Never Mad with Anger. Control on it
30th Step : Never Waste Time in Small Things
31st Step : Never Estimates Your Fears
32nd Step : Never Fear from Challenges of Life
33rd Step : Game of Life Never Ends up to your Wining
24th Step : Never Panic by Facing Difficulties
One of wrong step, people often takes. They become panic by facing the difficulties. One by one, I explain these wrong step.
a) A student see the example date. He or she becomes panic because she did not do hard work. But now by becoming backing he or she is increasing the level of difficulties.
b) An husband who did not save money for his upcoming child birth. He becomes panic when his near born child in the hand of doctors and he is unable to pay his fees.
Instead of becoming panic, student should do hard work. If he can not do hard work, I work hard for them and sell my notes online. It is my 100% money back gaurantee, if he or she will read my notes only one day, it will get success. So, any student need not be panic.
Instead of becoming panic, husband should request the donation for his cause. If any husband is in this difficult situation, I will support him by collecting donation for him if he is unable to save the life of his new born child. There are lots of new ways, so, you should never panic by facing difficulty and success will near to you.
25th Step : Never Trust in Situations
Yesterday, I was doing chat on Whatsapp with my fan who wants to become Crorpati ( Billionaire ). She want to get idea from me.I requested him to buy and read my book "Success MADE Easy". She trusts in the situation. She told me, how can my small book make him crorpati? and who will buy? I said to him, "You have trust in your bad situations or your current situations, so, you do not have the trust in my words and in my book. In this book, I tried to make success easy and simple. For becoming rich, you have to keep trust on it instead of your situations. We are the creator of situations instead of victim of situations. Second, Who will buy? It means, you again trust in your current situations. You are busy in your current situation, you unable to sell your single book. This is India and its population is 1.2 billion and if only 20000 person will buy this book, anyone can become crorpati in one day. Trust in you not in situations.
26th Step : Never Fear from Falling
Today, evening, I went to hospital for helping my friend whose new born baby is under the jaundice. She is upset because lack of money and paying money for costly medicine. I have motivated. Never feel upset. You did not fall. There are millions of people who have fallen by wasting their money in drinks and gambling and after getting inspiration, they live again a better life. I am always with you and get inspiration from all millions of people of the world. Never and never fear from falling. Fall and stand again and forget when did you fall. This is the way of life.
27th Step : Never Think about Fear
There are main three rules to win the fear. Fear is big enemy of success. So, you have to learn how to win fear.
a) Death is certain
b) One day, we all die
c) No one die before the date of death.
So, you should never think about fear. Death fear is the greatest fear. So, if you will win it, then you have to win whole other fears.
Same rule can be apply on anything.
a) Failure is certain. So, you should not fear from failure.
b) One day, we all failure. So, never fear from it. It is the normal part of life.
c) No one fail before he accepts it You are the winner, so, you never think the fear.
28th Step : Never Take Tension and Be Happy
This is 4th point of never. It means, you never do it. It means, you never think about it. It means, your behavior never be like this. Never take tension and be happy.
a) Treatment of past tension
Remember : The milk which fall on the road, will never come in glass. What happened with you in past, forget it. Never take tension of past and be happy.
b) Treatment of Future Tension
Life is only for today who can give the guarantee of tomorrow. So, why should I waste my today great day by taking tension of future. If I will be happy today. It will make me healthy tomorrow. Health is wealth. Health is the success of life.
29th Step : Never Mad with Anger. Control on it
You see the mad in Indian city. From my childhood, I saw many mad. They have no control on brain. They do not know what they are doing. A person with full of anger is like a mad person. For getting success, you never to become mad with anger, you have to learn to control.
Anger is great source of energy, you have to use it. I can give you the example.
For example, You have been suspended from your job by your boss. Now, you will surely be anger because you are doing good. You may think to take revenge from your bad boss. Same anger may harm your own health. So, this is great source of energy, you can harm you or other with this. But what is the better. Better is to use this energy to start a better company than your boss. Everytime, when you feel any setback or difficulty, remember the insult in the form of suspension and feel your anger and start to do more work than what you were doing in job. Becoming successful business person will be the best revenue to your boss instead criticize every-time about your boss.
30th Step : Never Waste Time in Small Things
Time is energy. If you will waste your time in small things, how can you do big things for success. For example, I sell books online. I have lots of employees for this project. One day, I have carried some books for packing in my employee's room. My employee was not setting for duty. After one day, I have asked about packing of same books. He checked, books were not in his duty room. I felt angry by saying where you stole these books. With few seconds, I got cool by remembering great point. When I was going for keeping books in his room, I was busy from lots of other project in my mind. So, there may be my mistake. I should not doubt on employee. This small thing and my trust is book. So, I did not waste my time in debate and tried to find the books and I got it from second room. So, it was my mistake. Some time, such small things become big issue. So, try to avoid these issues for getting success. Remember, Never waste time in small things.
31st Step : Never Estimates Your Fears
Some people has bad habit. They estimate their fears. This is one of biggest negative nature. Fear will become big if you have estimated that it will be big. As per my experience in Naturopathy, I have lots of patients who are not ill but they estimate the big danger of his very very small illness. Actually, all patients are psychological patient. They do not know, how to help himself.
First thing : Estimates never be true all the time. If you are the expert of probability. But small mistake in it, you will calculate wrong chance of happening anything. I am teaching maths from 15 years and still, I never say, it is my correct estimate. So, when it is relating to fear. Why do you take risk by wrong estimating of your fear.
Second thing : Fear has one big quality, it has big sensor. One single thought of estimation about fear will increase the size of fear and it will be uncontrollable and result will be your failure and wastage of your energy which you have used for getting success.
32nd Step : Never Fear from Challenges of Life
In childhood, I was very interested in long long jump. Every jump gave me power to take new challenge. Life is the name of challenge. It is not the thing of fear. It is not the dog which will cut you. It is test of your physical and mental power. So, never fear from giving the test.
33rd Step : Game of Life Never Ends up to your Wining
Every-time, you have to think, game of life never ends up to your winning. It will be keep always in your mind. Mind will make you such a shape, you will gain the ability of winning. Winning of the game is always existing. You only need to think it and you will win the game.
All these steps are in my latest book 100 steps to Success, if you want to buy it, please contact me at my email
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 8 | Part 9 |