Welcome in the 9th part of 100 steps to success. In this part, we will take 38th step to 45th step and near half way of success.
38th Step : Remind it, Every Difficulty is the Opportunity of Learning Something New
It is great factor, how do you think about difficulty. One person thinks, difficulty will make you helpless. Other person thinks, difficulty will bring opportunity of learning something new. Now, it is on you. As per 38th step, you have to remind yourself always, every difficulty is the opportunity of learning something new. For example. You did not walk at 1 :00 am in midnight. You can think different facts. But, if anytime, you need to to walk 1 :00 am in midnight, you are also learning, how to walk in 1 :00 am in midnight. That is great. I have also walked 1 :00 am in midnight and I have faced 6 to 7 barking dogs. I did not know, how to win the fight with them. My friend knew and he taught me new lesson of my life. This one example, in your life, there may be lots of examples. So, concentrate your mind on this. Every difficulty is the opportunity of learning something new.
39th Step : Look Big Dreams
If you want to see dreams, see big and bigger and biggest. Small dream has no value. I already told in past step, you have to trust what you think and what you are looking. Reality is in sea of future. Your looking habit of big dreams with trust will surely help you to achieve all such dreams.
40th Step : Without Looking Dream, How can You Fulfill it
Live your life in dreams and for dreams. All those who do not take the dreams, how can they fulfill it. Close your eye and see what do you want to do. Write it on the blank paper. It is your dream. Whole day, you can make the list of dreams. So, more you have the dreams, more you have power to select your preference out of these dreams. Short list your dreams. Focus on it and achieve it.
41st Step : People must Laugh on Your Dream
Are you taking correct past steps and now, you are on the correct 41st step?, its correct measurement is simple. Tell your dreams to people and people will start to laugh on your dreams. People will say, you have idiot dreams and it has no existence in present time. It is impossible to achieve your dreams. You have not capital. You have not human resource. Your dreams are only dreams, it is not connected with your reality. You have to treat on your dreams. You have not to care all such laugh who think, you are one of biggest fool of the world. Do, hard work on your dreams. It has great possibility because people are giving signal by laughing on your dreams.
42nd Step : Choose Success instead of Luck
Luck is the barrier of success. If you will start trust on luck, you will not do anything for getting success. It will bring laziness. It will bring laziness in your creative mind. When creative mind will sleep, we will waste our energy in useless project by evil mind projects. So, always choose success instead of luck.
43rd Step : Life takes Test First and Give Lesson After this
When you was in school or college, your teacher gave lesson first before taking your test. But in real life, your life will take your test first and give lesson after this. Whether you did mistake or other had done mistake, it is just like test. Learn from it and use it and keep it as great lesson of your life.
44th Step : Setback is not End of Life
Setback is never end of life. Setback comes in everybody's life. These setback may be in the form of your financial trouble, chronic disease to your relative, death of your close relative or friend or any other setback may happen in your life. At any setback you have to feel peace from your inner mind. Never feel anger or blame on other for this setback. Never think to suicide. Be positive and with positive energy, try to come out of setback. It will be great step of your success.
45th Step : Response is Better than Reaction
You have to give response of any event or happening. Never react. Reaction is the waste of energy. But response will give you productive energy. For example, you have taken the medicine of your illness but soon, you see other problems on your body. What is it? It means, your body has started to react on the medicine. But on every mis-happening, you can start to response. Say, mis-happenings are good. Everything what is happening is good. It is great response.
All these steps are in my latest book 100 steps to Success, if you want to buy it, please contact me at my email vinod@svtuition.org
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 |
38th Step : Remind it, Every Difficulty is the Opportunity of Learning Something New
It is great factor, how do you think about difficulty. One person thinks, difficulty will make you helpless. Other person thinks, difficulty will bring opportunity of learning something new. Now, it is on you. As per 38th step, you have to remind yourself always, every difficulty is the opportunity of learning something new. For example. You did not walk at 1 :00 am in midnight. You can think different facts. But, if anytime, you need to to walk 1 :00 am in midnight, you are also learning, how to walk in 1 :00 am in midnight. That is great. I have also walked 1 :00 am in midnight and I have faced 6 to 7 barking dogs. I did not know, how to win the fight with them. My friend knew and he taught me new lesson of my life. This one example, in your life, there may be lots of examples. So, concentrate your mind on this. Every difficulty is the opportunity of learning something new.
39th Step : Look Big Dreams
If you want to see dreams, see big and bigger and biggest. Small dream has no value. I already told in past step, you have to trust what you think and what you are looking. Reality is in sea of future. Your looking habit of big dreams with trust will surely help you to achieve all such dreams.
40th Step : Without Looking Dream, How can You Fulfill it
Live your life in dreams and for dreams. All those who do not take the dreams, how can they fulfill it. Close your eye and see what do you want to do. Write it on the blank paper. It is your dream. Whole day, you can make the list of dreams. So, more you have the dreams, more you have power to select your preference out of these dreams. Short list your dreams. Focus on it and achieve it.
41st Step : People must Laugh on Your Dream
Are you taking correct past steps and now, you are on the correct 41st step?, its correct measurement is simple. Tell your dreams to people and people will start to laugh on your dreams. People will say, you have idiot dreams and it has no existence in present time. It is impossible to achieve your dreams. You have not capital. You have not human resource. Your dreams are only dreams, it is not connected with your reality. You have to treat on your dreams. You have not to care all such laugh who think, you are one of biggest fool of the world. Do, hard work on your dreams. It has great possibility because people are giving signal by laughing on your dreams.
42nd Step : Choose Success instead of Luck
Luck is the barrier of success. If you will start trust on luck, you will not do anything for getting success. It will bring laziness. It will bring laziness in your creative mind. When creative mind will sleep, we will waste our energy in useless project by evil mind projects. So, always choose success instead of luck.
43rd Step : Life takes Test First and Give Lesson After this
When you was in school or college, your teacher gave lesson first before taking your test. But in real life, your life will take your test first and give lesson after this. Whether you did mistake or other had done mistake, it is just like test. Learn from it and use it and keep it as great lesson of your life.
44th Step : Setback is not End of Life
Setback is never end of life. Setback comes in everybody's life. These setback may be in the form of your financial trouble, chronic disease to your relative, death of your close relative or friend or any other setback may happen in your life. At any setback you have to feel peace from your inner mind. Never feel anger or blame on other for this setback. Never think to suicide. Be positive and with positive energy, try to come out of setback. It will be great step of your success.
45th Step : Response is Better than Reaction
You have to give response of any event or happening. Never react. Reaction is the waste of energy. But response will give you productive energy. For example, you have taken the medicine of your illness but soon, you see other problems on your body. What is it? It means, your body has started to react on the medicine. But on every mis-happening, you can start to response. Say, mis-happenings are good. Everything what is happening is good. It is great response.
All these steps are in my latest book 100 steps to Success, if you want to buy it, please contact me at my email vinod@svtuition.org
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 |