Whether anybody earns less or more but own hard earned money will bring happiness. More happiness will come when we will share this monthly earning. It will surely inspire other because other can find it as example and it will be easy to follow it. One of biggest mistake, I did not share monthly reports of other advertising account in past, otherwise that would surely motivate you. So, I do not want to repeat the mistake.
Following are the Main Review Points of My Infolinks March 2016 Earning
1. Increasing Trend
I have earned $ 38.54 which is more than all previous months. Following is the list of all previous month income from infolinks
Sept. 2015 earning = $ 1.01
Oct. 2015 earning = $17.51 ( 91% Increase)
Nov. 2015 earning = $ 23.37 (25% Increase)
Dec.2015 earning = $ 22.92 (1.96% Decrease)
Jan. 2016 earning = $ 7.16 ( 220% Decrease)
Feb. 2016 earning = $ 20.52 (65.10% Increase )
March 2016 earning = $ 38.54 (11% increase)
There is 11% increase of march infolinks earning from Feb. earning. In march, infolinks has launched new product of ads and its name is inarticle ads. I think, there is good impact of it on earning.
2. Comparing of My First 7 Months Other advertising account Income with First 7 Months Infolinks Earning
At the time of writing this content, I has very tired by doing whole day work. My old cheques file of first 7 months earning in my safe. So, I am trusting on my memory (I will surely add correct facts after checking the detail from cheques). As per my memory, I had earned only $ 100 in first 9 months and as per Infolinks, I have earned $ 130 in first 7 months. it means, first 7 month earning of other online advertising account was less than infolinks. By knowing this fact, I am feeling happy because what is today is better than past.
3. Overall Infolinks Earning Trend
Previous payment was $ 64.81 but now total earning upto march after last payment is $ 66.22 which is 2.12% increase in overall income which is good fact for me.
4. Less Writing Great Reward
These days, I am writing very less new contents due to my busy-ness in other important projects. Still, it is giving me reward of my past written content. That is the reason my march earning is $ 38.54
So, if you are a publisher, please try it, it is good and valid network of ads. It will surely increase the trend of your earning and bring happiness in your life.
5. Try Inarticle Ads of Infolinks' New Product
If you will activate this ads, infolink will automatically show text or video ads between the article for better engagement of user with advertiser and it will grow your earning.
Related : Infolinks Review on its First Payment of Rs. 3860 to Me