Today (21-06-2016) is International Yoga Day. Yoga word is taken from Ashtang Yog. In the ancient time, Spiritual teacher Patanjali had given the principles of better and healthy life in his book Ashtang Yog. Moreover, you can connect your soul with God through this. There are 8 parts of Yog or Yoga.
1. Yum ( Remove your mind's dust)
2. Niyam ( Purify your mind)
3. Asan ( Meditative pose motionless)
4. Pranayam ( Control on breathing)
5. Pratihar ( Control on mind)
6. Darna ( Focus of mind)
7. Dyan ( Concentrated on God)
8. Smadhi ( Absorption of your soul with God)
Now Step by Step you should teach about these steps by doing the practical lesson of Yoga.
1st Step : Tell the Importance of Yoga
Tell your students about the importance of Yoga. Yoga purifies whole body. With one hour yoga, you will get 10 times more oxygen in your body which will repair and rebirth new cell and help to fit whole body from brain to foot. It will reduce the stress and tension. It will give more peace to brain and mind.
2nd Step : Fix the Target of Your Student
When a student will enroll as student in your Yoga Classes. You should fix his target. There may be many reasons of students who want to join your Yoga Classes. He or she may be accountant and wants to get zero level stress through Yoga. So, as yoga teacher, you should know what your student want from you. On this basis, fix the target of your student. It will also help you to make better lesson plan of your yoga classes.
3rd Step : Take Yum and Niyam Classes for 2 Weeks
before Starting Yoga
First 2 weeks are so important. You have to prepare the lecture on yum and niyam. Yum is to remove the dust of mind and niyam is to purify the mind. Teach which rules and regulation is important. For example, food is important for niyam. It should be simple and better is fruit and milk.
4th : Warm Up Your Student's Whole Body
Simple running for 15 minutes or jumping 10 minutes is enough to warm up whole body. Except this, you can teach to rotate to whole body.
5th Step : Teach Asans
It means, Meditative pose motionless. There are large numbers of Asans which is helpful to sit meditative pose. It is the position where you can sit for long time. There are many asans which you can teach like
a) Tadasana
b) Mukha Vrksasana
c) Savasana
d) Halasana
e) Bhujang Asana
f) Sidh Asana
g) Shish Asana
6th Step : To Teach Proper Pranayam
You should teach to control the breathing with pranayam. First of all, just speak OM with taking long breath. It is beginner pranayam. Now, you can take advance level in pranayam. Take long breath. Stop for few seconds and then send outside slowly.
7th Step : More Time of Practice Give the Good Results
As teacher if you will help to increase the stamina of your students for long practice, it will help your students to achieve target.
Important : With yoga teaching, you also learn to communicate better to student. You also learn to demonstrate to your students.
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Related : How to Teach Yoga to Kids