The Quote "Money is a Good Servant but a Bad Master" is totally correct. If you use the money as servant, it will be your good servant. It will do better work than any physical human servant. Money is like the jin in your "Aladin Ka Chirag" What do you want, you can do with money. But it is bad master, No one can get the money what he want. If you do hard work just like a labourer day and night and money is your master. It will give nothing. That is reason, richest persons of the world are the master and making the servant to money. All the laborers who are the servant of money, are just doing work and for them it is difficult to survive the life.
1. It is Easy to Do Crime If You are Slave of Money
When money will become your master and you will become its slave. This situation is so bad because money is always bad master. You have to obey its order. You do crime because you need money. Money has become your master. It will motivate to do all type of crime. A police officer takes bribe because he got the taste of money. Money has become his master. A judge may be corrupt, if he becomes greedy. At that time, money will automatically become his master. Money will order to Judge to take wrong decision. Hang the innocent and give freedom to criminal. With this, slave judge will do same because he will get big money for this crime. But If a judge loves to do his duty. If he satisfies in his small and honest earning. If he does not become greedy. He will not become the slave of money. He will make money as his servant. At that time, he will take good decisions.
2. Money Follow Your All Orders if Money is under Your Control
Money is good servant because money follow your all orders if money is under your control. For controlling money, you need to use your brain. Few months ago, I did biggest mistake. I started my retail shop. I knew, I did not have the time for retail shop. Still, I invest money for retail shop. Now, I have the stock but shop has closed. Now, I need money. I went to my friend for selling to him because he has same business. But my same friend is not giving even its cost. Because I need money. So, I am servant. My friend has money. He does not want to invest in my stock because he is the master of money. He knows what quantity of stock is best in shop. I did take the foolish decision for investing money in retail products. Before this investment, I must invest money on employees. So, due to wrong decision, money is behaving me like a bad master. Still, it is bad master but I have taken good lesson from it. Because I love to make it servant. So, these days, I am realizing my mistake and do not invest my hard earned money without thinking 100 times.
Remembering point
* Always use money effective way. It is limited. So, never misuse. Otherwise, you have to become slave for getting same money.
3. Understand it From Job Employee
For example, you are the employee in ABC company. You need money. So, you start to sell your time. If you are not intelligent to sell your time better way. Mostly, you do not become so intelligent because because you need the money at any cost. It means, you are fresher. You must need money. So, it is sure, you are allowing the money to become your master. Your interest is not to learn from job but your aim is to get money through job and enjoy the fun of life. At that time, money will always become his master. He will not grow because what he earns, he spent it in useless things.
4. Earn Money for Living But Not Living for Earn Money
Some people earn money for living. They consume it and donate also. All are the master of the money. Because they know the better use of money. Money always helps to perform their duties. Some live his or her life for earning money. They become slave. They do not eat but only save. They do not donate but only save. For such people money will become a bad master because one day they will be unable to use it and someone easy steal from such people.
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