To calculate the daily NAV (net asset value) is important because all the mutual funds shares are bought on this price. Moreover, new investors can check the performance of any mutual fund on the basis of its NAV. NAV is the market value of one share or one unit of mutual fund.
1. Calculate the Total Market value of Assets at the End of Day
If you have to calculate the daily NAV, you have to choose end of day. At the end of day what is the total value of assets of mutual funds in your hand plus all the cash and receivables. This will be the total assets. Both short term and long term asset's current market value will add.
Total Assets = Total investments in mutual funds or shares + Cash + Value of Fixed Assets + Short term Assets + Income Receivables
2. Calculate the Total Liabilities
At the end of day, what is total liabilities. Both current and long term liabilities will include.
Total Liabilities = Long term Liabilities + Short Term Liabilities + Outstanding Expenses
3. Use the Formula of NAV
NAV is the current market price of one unit of mutual fund or share which is calculated by deducting total liabilities from total assets and divided by total no. of outstanding shares or units of mutual funds.
Daily NAV = ( Total Assets - Total Liabilities ) / Total No. of outstanding shares or total no. of units of mutual funds
End of First Day
For example the market value of your current market value of assets is Rs. 1000. Current market value of your total liabilities are Rs. 500. Total no. of units of mutual funds are 50. Then
NAV = 1000-500/50 = 500/50= Rs. 10 per unit
End of Second Day
For example the market value of your current market value of assets is Rs. 1500. Current market value of your total liabilities are Rs. 500. Total no. of units of mutual funds are 50. Then
NAV = 1500-500/50 = 1000/50= Rs. 20 per unit
Important : We take only outstanding shares or outstanding total no. of units of mutual funds because sometime company sells or buys new stock or mutual funds. At that time, we take only the shares or mutual funds which have the ownership.
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1. Calculate the Total Market value of Assets at the End of Day
If you have to calculate the daily NAV, you have to choose end of day. At the end of day what is the total value of assets of mutual funds in your hand plus all the cash and receivables. This will be the total assets. Both short term and long term asset's current market value will add.
Total Assets = Total investments in mutual funds or shares + Cash + Value of Fixed Assets + Short term Assets + Income Receivables
2. Calculate the Total Liabilities
At the end of day, what is total liabilities. Both current and long term liabilities will include.
Total Liabilities = Long term Liabilities + Short Term Liabilities + Outstanding Expenses
3. Use the Formula of NAV
NAV is the current market price of one unit of mutual fund or share which is calculated by deducting total liabilities from total assets and divided by total no. of outstanding shares or units of mutual funds.
Daily NAV = ( Total Assets - Total Liabilities ) / Total No. of outstanding shares or total no. of units of mutual funds
End of First Day
For example the market value of your current market value of assets is Rs. 1000. Current market value of your total liabilities are Rs. 500. Total no. of units of mutual funds are 50. Then
NAV = 1000-500/50 = 500/50= Rs. 10 per unit
End of Second Day
For example the market value of your current market value of assets is Rs. 1500. Current market value of your total liabilities are Rs. 500. Total no. of units of mutual funds are 50. Then
NAV = 1500-500/50 = 1000/50= Rs. 20 per unit
Important : We take only outstanding shares or outstanding total no. of units of mutual funds because sometime company sells or buys new stock or mutual funds. At that time, we take only the shares or mutual funds which have the ownership.
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