MMT means MasterCard money transfer. If you use your mastercard for paying the money to merchant or your supplier online or through ATM, your bank statement will show MMT code.
For example, I paid through my mastercard. I will receive following code and detail of my supplier's bank account
MMT/Ref625614271754/Your 11 digit account no.
First is MMT. It means, I have transferred through mastercard. Second is common code which will show the reference and will same in the bank statement of supplier also. Third is the bank account no. of supplier.
One of the great benefit of Reference no. in MMT code, it will be helpful for refund to customer if there is duplicate transaction. For example, I have received RS. 10,000 and I am checking same reference no. of my customer's MMT with my given reference no. So, I am refunding the money. In the bank statement of supplier it will show as IMPS. It means immediate payment service which is connected with mastercards. See my screenshot.
mastercard is a separate networking usa company and different financial organisation is connected with it. For example, one bank ICICI has connected with mastercard. If a customer of ICICI bank wants to pay through MMT to the customer of SBI which is also connected with mastercard, it will be very easy to transfer from ICICI bank to SBI through MMT.
For example, I paid through my mastercard. I will receive following code and detail of my supplier's bank account
MMT/Ref625614271754/Your 11 digit account no.
First is MMT. It means, I have transferred through mastercard. Second is common code which will show the reference and will same in the bank statement of supplier also. Third is the bank account no. of supplier.
One of the great benefit of Reference no. in MMT code, it will be helpful for refund to customer if there is duplicate transaction. For example, I have received RS. 10,000 and I am checking same reference no. of my customer's MMT with my given reference no. So, I am refunding the money. In the bank statement of supplier it will show as IMPS. It means immediate payment service which is connected with mastercards. See my screenshot.
mastercard is a separate networking usa company and different financial organisation is connected with it. For example, one bank ICICI has connected with mastercard. If a customer of ICICI bank wants to pay through MMT to the customer of SBI which is also connected with mastercard, it will be very easy to transfer from ICICI bank to SBI through MMT.
how to enter the mmt transaction in tally
ReplyDeleteSome person's ICICI Bank statement shows amount received and the description states MMT
ReplyDeleteSome person's ICICI Bank statement shows amount received and the description states MMT, what is should be?