Whether you are studying accounting or finance or any other subject, you need to keep attention on your subject for long time. Without avoiding laziness in studies, you can not grow as a better student. In above, we have made small video tutorial to overcome the laziness problem for all Indians include students who are lazy and want to become active student. Following is the written content specially for overcome the laziness in studies.
1st Step : Find the Reasons of Laziness in Studies
You are student and you can find better what are the reasons of your laziness. Without finding the root of any disease no one can treat. Because you are patient and you are also doctor. So, find your main reason or reasons of laziness. Following may be include in your list.
a) Not understanding the subject
b) Difficulties in solving problems
c) Teacher is not good
d) Heavy home work
e) No energy for study
f) Consuming more Energy on Facebook, twitter, Youtube and other social network sites
g) No Goal in studies
h) Taking Tension Regarding Studies
i) Slow learner
j) No Parent
k) No Financial Support for Food, Clothes and Shelter
l) More Time Consuming for Playing Offline and Online Games
2nd Step : Focus on Solving Your Problem
After writing your all reasons of laziness, you have to focus on solving these problems. Every problem has a specific solution. Why not your problem will be solved. Just email me at my email vinod@svtuition.org , you have no solution of your reason of laziness in studies. I will guide you best without getting a single Rupee from you. Now I try to solve above reasons of laziness.
a) For example you are not understanding the subject. Now, there are lots new and innovative ways in education market for your understanding. For example some teacher are using interactive video way teaching. Some teachers use the infographics and images for teaching better. You should not disappoint. Just go to such tutors or demand online from such study material. For example, I have made 120 video tutorials course for simplify all accounting concepts. You can buy this course. Now, not understanding is not issue at this digital age of education.
b) For example, you are facing the difficulties in solving problem. Now, it is also not your problem. There are lots of tutor who take the fees for solving your per problem. Take the service from them. You should ask same problem to your school teacher or college teacher.
c) If your teacher is not good. Forget your classroom teacher. There are lots of off classroom teacher which teach you will full love and watch your every mistake personally.
d) Heavy Home Work can make your lazy. Everyday when you see more home work, you will become laziness. So, make the habit to do today home work today. Not pending it for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.
e) Sometime, you feel no energy for study. It means, you do not do the exercise. Do not each good food. Start to do the exercise. Eat more fruits. Eat green vegetables. Never drink tea, cold water and never eat sugar and outside fast foods. All will decrease your energy and make you lazy.
f) If you are consuming more energy on internet, you have to make your fixed time table. There are lots of app which you can install for fixing time. Decrease the time for internet and increase time on study will surely change your bad habit of laziness in studies.
g) Fix your goal. Focus on your goal. Concentrate. For example, fix your goal to join Army or becoming CA or becoming Educator. It will your dream which will increase your energy also in nights for studying.
h) Never take tension. Tension take the life. When God has not given us the nano second out of our life, why should we waste our time for taking tension and sleep. Never give the opportunity to tension to inter in your life.
i) If you are slow learner. It is good news for you, you can increase the speed of your learning. Read the concept for 10 times. Now, think same concept for 10 times. It needs patience but it will surely take place in your brain. From this point, your brain will become more sharp for adopting the concept. Now, you can walk fast in learning.
j) You have only no parent. Why are you fearing from this world. There are lots of kind hearted people in this world who will help you if you will continue your study. You have only no parent, there are lots of people who has no eyes or ears or any body organ still they have studied and got success. All are our examples. Follow them and you will have to leave your bad habit of laziness and become more active for getting success.
k) If you have no financial support, try to decrease your expenses or do part time job for getting studies but never do laziness in studies.
l ) Never make the bad habit of playing games instead studying.
3rd Step : Gear Up
If you have found the reasons and focus on solving your problem, following gear up tips will help for overcome laziness in studies.
a) Exercise : Exercise makes us active. It helps our brain to learn more. So, every day runs faster. Every day do some yog, asan and gym. For studying, you need some heat in body, it will increase the attention on subject and class. You see the car if we do not drive the car in first gear, we can not drive car on 4 gear in beginning because car needs heat for driving it on 4 gear, so, we drive car on first gear, then on second gear and then third gear and then on 4th gear. We also increase the speed. So, you also gear up your body for getting study without laziness.
b) Proper dress and study environment is also necessary. If there is winter, use hot dress and in summer, use cotton dress. Make the environment without any distraction.
c) Take Fresh Air after sometime of study. It will decrease the level of your laziness. More fresh air will increase the oxygen level in your body.
4th Step : Stay Motivated
You are in studying area. You are a student. There are lots of talented students who got success in life. You have to read or watch their inspirational stories. It will motivate you to study. It will help you to overcome the laziness in studies.