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20 Reasons Behind I am Thankful to Google Blogger Team

It was the great day in Jan. 2008 when I  opened my account in Google Blogger. Now, I am using Google Blogger from 10 Years. In these 10 years, I got lots of achievements due to free Hosting  service provided by Google Blogger Team to me and my websites including this website "Accounting Education on www.svtuition.org . Due to Google Blogger Team, I have obtained big happiness and positivity. I am thankful to whole Google Blogger Team. I am life time indebted for Kindness of Google Blogger Team. I have no words to express my gratitude toward Google Blogger Team. Recently, I am thinking to write the content where I can show the reasons behind I am thankful to Google Blogger Team for his great all time personal support to me. So, I am happy, today, I am writing on it. It is increasing my positivity.

1st Reason : It has Given me Rs. 50,000+ Per Month Free Hosting Service for My Websites  and It did not the Credit of it

Google Blogger Team is the best example of Great Kindness for helpless person like me.  I was the helpless person who had no money for paying hosting service for websites. I opened my Google Blogger Accounts and hosted my all website in it and saved Rs. 50,000 per month. From Last 10 years, it has saved my Rs. 60,00,000 in 10 years. In other words, it has helped me to earn Rs. 60,00,000 in 10 years. One side, it has supported me and second side, it has given me option of not give them credit. Because, I was selfish from my birth. So, I chose the option not to give credit of its kindness. Every success in my life was due to Google Blogger team and I hid this truth from all the public by not showing credit in all my websites. So, today, I realised my mistake and unplug this truth that all my website hosting are done by Free Service of Google Blogger Team and you can get same free service at here. For this kindness, today, I am heartily thankful to Google Blogger Team.

2nd  Reason : It has Given me Free Advance Content Management Online Software 

I am thankful to Google Blogger team because it has given me free advance content management online software. With this, I can better manage my all online contents. It has increased my productivity 1000 times. It has given me great tools in this content management software. From one account to other account, I can manage my contents. From one system to other system, I can use my contents. From mobile, I can manage my contents. It is great facility which has given me by Google Blogger Team.

3rd Reason : It has Given me the Option of Backup of Both My Website Theme and All Website Contents 

I love the vision of Google Blogger Team. It has given me the option of Backup of Both My Website Them and All Website Contents.

4th Reason : It has Given me the Option of Import of Both My Website Theme and My Contents in Other Website

I am thankful to Google Blogger Team because it has given this import facility which I have used many times for improving my website. One I have smoothly imported from my WordPress website to this website with zero cost. That is great experience with this platform.

5th Reason : It has Allowed Me to Show My Own Domain Name

It has allowed me to show my domain in its Google Blogger account. www.svtuition.org is my domain name and is under blogger account. For this great reward, I am always thankful to Google Blogger Team.

6th Reason : It has Given Me Power to Transfer My Website Ownership

This is big power. From One email id to other email id, I can transfer my website ownership by just making owner to other after inviting author to other. With this, it has increased the power of collaboration between my website community. If any member deserves for getting ownership, he or she can get through this option. So, for this big power, I am always thankful to Google Blogger Team.

7th Reason : It has Given me Wonderful Support for Solving My Problem

I am thankful to Google Blogger team which had solve my so many queries in Blogger support center even after lots of queries. It has also inspired me to solve the problem of my customer also.

8th Reason : It has Saved My Time from Handling Spam on My Website's Comments

There are lots of spammers who send spam to my website's content. It has given me comment moderation and where it has add spam to spam box automatically or I can send it spam manually. With this, my contents quality has increased. For this, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

9th Reason : It has Connected me with Whole World

Because my website is on Google Blogger platform which is the part of Google which is search engine. That is the reason, my contents are fastly indexed in Google. Due to this, I have connected with whole world. It has given me lots of opportunities for success in my life. I give credit to Google Blogger Team for this. I am thankful for this kindness.

10th Reason : It has Opened the Door of Unlimited Publishing

I can open unlimited page in Google Blogger. Due to this, I have written 3000+ contents on it. It is very happy experience. Just open the Google Blogger account and start to write by opening new page in it. For this, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

11th Reasons : It has Given me Free Beautiful Templates

If I feel bored from old template, it brings beautiful templates totally free. That is great feature of Google Blogger. So, for this great feature, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

12th Reasons : It does not Get Share of My Earning from My Website

From 2008, I have earned different ways from my websites on Google Blogger. It did not demand the money from me. It did not demand the share of my earning from this platform use. For this kindness, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team always.

13th Reasons : It never Disabled My Any Website

Google Blogger's Policy are so simple to follow. Without any hard work, I have followed it and I am happy, it never disabled my any website on it. So, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team for this great support.

14th Reason : It has Given me Power to Open 100 Website on Single Google ID in Google Blogger Account

From this point, we can trust the power of Google Blogger. It has given me power to open 100 website on single google id in single google blogger account. If I have more than one id and I have obtained more power. So, simple principle. So, I am thankful for giving me this power.

15th Reason : It has Given me Chance to Grow by Showing Statistics of My Read

By just going stats in Google Blogger, I can find who are my reader which of my content is popular today and what total number of views I have obtained. All these information has helped me to make better strategy of writing new contents in my website. For giving me this chance of growing, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

16th Reason : It has Given Free Store for Keeping My Photos Safely

I have lots of images which are in blogger account. It is like a free store for my images. For this, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

17th Reason : It has Given me Advance Feature in My Content Editor 

When I ready to write new content, I feel happy because I find everything here. Like spelling checker, write in my local language, schedule posting, increase the size of text  and also blocking or allowing comments. For all such great features, I am heartily thankful to Google Blogger Team.

18th Reason : It has Given me Millions Great Blogs for Free Reading

Today, Google blogger is one of popular platform for creating and writing blogs. Moreover without investment, people can earn the money through writing free contents. That is the reason, I can read millions of great blogs for free reading. For this kindness, I have no words for express my gratitude for google blogger. I can say thank you to Google Blogger Team.

19th Reason : It has Given me Fast Support for Opening My Website

I am totally satisfied from Google Blogger. In this platform, my both web and mobile website opens with fast rate. So, I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.

20th Reason : It has Given me More and More New, Creative, Innovative and  Updated Features

From 2008, I am using the service of Google Blogger Team. From that day, I got lots of new, creative, innovative and updated features. It has given me all advance features which is needed making international website. For this Great love for me, I can not give price. I will be always indebted. I am thankful to Google Blogger Team.




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Accounting Education: 20 Reasons Behind I am Thankful to Google Blogger Team
20 Reasons Behind I am Thankful to Google Blogger Team
Accounting Education
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