Yes, an accountant can add value to a company. First of all, accountant has to trust on this great fact. Second, if accountant will add value to a company, company can trust on accountant. If company will trust on accountant, there will be the good relationship between company and accountant. This good relationship is the success of accountant. It will open the way of accountant as future entrepreneur in his own company.
Now, still question is "How can an accountant add value to a company?"
1. To do extra work for company
No, it will decrease the health of accountant. It will increase the stress of accountant due to overburden of work.
2. To spend more hours in Company
No, it will again decrease the health of accountant. It will not increase any value to a company.
Both are the good attitude of accountant who does extra work and spend more hours for completing company's work. But ability will count only when accountant will learn overcome his or her negative thoughts. Only then, he will be able to add value to a company.
So, Accountant has to work for gaining this ability. When any accountant will feel negative, there will no value add to a company. When accountant will be positive, he will add value to a company automatically.
So, every accountant must follow 5 simple steps to overcome of his negative thoughts.
1st Step : For 5 minutes, he or she should start to focus on his or her breathing.
For example, boss has criticized of his accountant. Now, if accountant will focus on it. He can not add value to a company. Boss comes and goes but company will be same. So, accountant must forget this and start to focus on his breathing. It will refresh his brain and mind. Then, accountant will transform and will become as positive accountant.
2nd Step : For 5 minutes, he or she should start to focus on doing some body weight exercise
If accountant felt negative, accountant start to focus on doing some body weight exercise. It will strength his weak muscles. It will give positive energy because exercise gives power. Same power, he or she can use for adding the value to a company.
3rd Step : For 5 minutes, he or she should start to focus on Smiling and Laughing
Yes, it is easy and any accountant can smile and laugh without reason. But it will give extraordinary energy to his or her brain. Accountant must do this. It is addition in the value of company.
4th Step : For 5 Minutes, he or she should start to focus to remember the gratefulness of the person who is the cause of his negative feeling and start to Express His Gratitude by Forgive Same Person
For example, your boss has complained to your senior about your small mistake. With this, you have felt negative. Now, forget this for 5 minute and remember his gratefulness for you. For example, he appointed you for company. Due to this, you earned money. Due to this, you saved some money. Due to this, you can survive if you will be suspended. This is his or her great kindness. So, express his gratitude by forgive if he is the reason of your negative feeling.
5th Step : For 5 minutes, he or she should start to focus to spread positive thoughts in Writing
Yes, we can not win negative thoughts with negative thoughts. If you will get negative thoughts from outside or automatically, you can not win these negative thoughts with negative thoughts. If you will spread your own negative thought, you will capture in bad habit of negativity. It will harmful your health. It will not add value to a company. So, you must start to positive thoughts in writing for 5 minutes. For example, few minutes, ago, I got negative thoughts from outside due to uncontrolled my mind. So, I have written this positive content. Now, I am full of positive. Due this writing this content, I have added value to my company "Accounting Education" automatically. Like this, you will add also value to your company, if you will start to write your positive thoughts in writing and spread positivity in world.