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6 Motivation for Students for Achieving Goal

If you are student or if you are the teacher, this content is really for you because teachers need motivation to motivate their student and students need motivation for grow in studying. If teacher will get motivation for student, he can be more focus on teaching. If student will get motivation, he can more focus on studying. So, come and get same motivation from me.

1st Motivation : You can Get Goal What Your Mind and Brain Accepted

It is very easy to go to Canada. It is very easy to go to moon but it is very difficult to get acceptance from your mind and brain because your mind and brain has the habit of failure as student or teacher. You did not get success as student in past 5 or 10 or 15 years. So, if you will try, your mind and brain brings the barrier in your struggle. So, it is better to teach your mind and brain that both have to accepted that you can get what you want in study or teaching. Teaching to own mind and brain is very easy. You just write and speak your positive mental attitude notebook daily before sleeping. I have explained its process in previous content. Read there. Once your mind and brain will accept your desire, goal and dream, you will get its big power. Your focus level will increase. You will get support of its unlimited memory power and imagination power to get success as teacher and as student.

2nd Motivation : You have to Busy Your Mind and Brain Only for Goal 

You have to keep busy your mind and brain only for Goal. How can it possible. Your goal is to get success in your any subject or any course or any degree or any class of the world. Your goal is to get success in teaching of any class or any course or any subject of the world. What do you need? Better understanding, better focus and better memory. But if your brain is thinking about what happened in TV show? What happened in the world which you will get knowledge from newspaper or What will you eat today? It means, you did not keep busy your mind and brain only for goal. It means, both mind and brain have started function automatically because they are honest servant and they love to serve you by giving world's pleasure. They will start to suggest to go to party and enjoy. They will start to play cards. They will start to suggest to play the games. They will start to suggest to watch latest movie. But you have to stop them. If you are not focusing your subject's book. Start to read motivational book. I have written 4 motivational books " Success MADE Easy" and 100 Steps to Success" and "Self Improvement MADE Easy" and "The Greatest Accountant of the World". You can read. You will get both pleasure and  power to busy your brain for goal.

3rd Motivation : You have to Think about the Difficulties in the Goals of Great Personalities

Why do you give up by seeing the difficulty? Why do you give up when you are unable to solve the problem? It means, there is big need of motivation. You must get motivation by reading the biography of Great personalities. In these biographies, you can read freedom fighter's biographies, world's great scientist biographies, world's great rich people's biographies, world's great motivators' biographies and world's great sport personalities and great saint of world. Now, you will get the brain for thinking their difficulties and how did they overcome these difficulties. It will give you solid way to solve your problem which is very small than their difficulties. When they had solved big problems after facing difficulties, you can also get success to overcome your difficulties.

4th Motivation : Take Action for Achieving Goal 

Action is very necessary for achieving goal. Never think, you are not able for achieving your study or teaching goal. Never think, you have no financial support. Never think, you have not rich equipment for learning or teaching. All will bring only negative emotions like laziness and excuses for doing action for achieving your goal. You do not become lazy. You do not connect with negative emotions like guilt emotion ( for past ), anxiety emotion ( for future ). You just take positive action every day. Like me. I am starting to write. It is action. It will help me to achieve my goal. If I will take the action and write more than 3000 contents and get great rewards, you can also reward from your positive action.

5th Motivation : Trust, You can Achieve Goal more than What is Your Capacity

Trust on your goal is must. Trust on yourself is must. Feel that have unlimited capacity. You can trust it by speaking and writing 50 times "I came in this world for success not for failure." which I have already explained in previous content.  By repeating these worlds daily basis, you will start to trust on you and your goal. It is very necessary because 1st motivation is it. If your mind and brain will accept anything, you can do it. If not, you can not do it. World is the unlimited example of the great personalities who trusted that they can do more their capacity, they did through their willpower instead physical capacity boundaries. Everything possible if you are determined for this.

1. If you are reading only one book in one month, you can read 30 books in one month because you have trusted that you can achieve goal more than your capacity.
2. My weight is 60 kgs. I have trusted that I can lift 65 kgs, I lifted 65 kgs  weight. Still it was more than my physical capacity but with determination and willpower, I achieved this goal.

6th Motivation : Self-Discipline for Achieving Goal is Must 

You have the self-discipline in your life for achieving your goal. With this, you can awake your power of imagination. You can  awake your excitement. You will be the source of attraction like magnet because you have developed the self-discipline habit not other billions of people.

Part 2

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Accounting Education: 6 Motivation for Students for Achieving Goal
6 Motivation for Students for Achieving Goal
Accounting Education
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