Today is what I am, is the result of my teachers' motivation. If my teachers will not give continually motivation for my growth, I make a normal personal only. So, now as a teacher, it is also my responsibility to motivate. So, you will become extraordinary from crowds of normal students. Welcome in 4th part of 6 new motivation to students for achieving goal.
1. Start to Take one new step for success and find its result
As student, you need to take one new step for success in your learning and try to find its result. It is strategy concept. For example, these days, I am learning direct sales skills. My goal is to convert sale talk into sale. So, every step for this is success step. But if I take a new step and find its result, I can change my strategy for taking step.
1. First customer, I showed my sale price. Customer did not buy.
2. Second customer, I asked his detail, customer did not buy.
3. Third Customer, I tried that my product will solve his problem, customer did not buy.
4. Fourth Customer, I did not give up, I solved every problem of customer and customer bought my product. That is my success.
If I applied first strategy for all customer, I did not get success. This is also learning. You must change your strategy for getting success.
2. Just Bring Hope and Hopefulness in Other
Hope is very great and positive desire in all. But sometime, it will low due to attack of disappointment, give up, anger, hate and hurt. So, if you learn first how to bring hope and hopefulness in other, it will become your great treasure. Can you need its proof. For example, a person has HIV Positive and all allopathic doctors hands up but you did not give up because you know naturopathy and started to hope that he or she can live happy life like a normal person after getting your treatment. That man or woman will surely give you big reward for this because you have opened his door of hope. It will be a new oxygen for him or her. In every situation, a person needs the hope and hopefulness. So, start to give it in other's life and see miracle in your life.
3. Goal can be Achieved if it will Accepted by Our Mind and Brain
Instead feeling of soul, two think we can easily feel, one is our mind and other is our brain. For example, try to remember the name of your 5th standard friend. I remembered and his name is Goldi and I hope you remembered the name of your 5th standard friend because you have the brain and you tried to pressure on it and from its memory card, it has told the name of your friend at 5th standard. Now, try to image you and your friend are playing near sea by closing your eyes. Wow, great, you are seeing that you and your old friend is playing new sea. This happened due to your mind's existence into your body. One of the greatest power of mind that you can imagine and virtually see anything which happened in past or which will happen in future. Now, if you have a biggest goal as student, you need to focus on it. You have to show it in your bed room, in your bath room, in your pray room and in your study room and in your kitchen where your brain and mind gets information what do you want. Read it three or four times in a day in loud words for 30 days. Now, your brain and mind has habitual of your biggest goal and it is sure, you will achieve your biggest goal as your student life because your mind and brain has accepted it.
4. Success formula = Positive Thoughts + Positive Attitude + Positive Action
No one get success if there is negative thoughts in mind. No one get success if there is negative attitude in the mind. No one get success if there is negative action. It is not possible if you have negative thoughts, your attitude will positive and your action will positive. Yes it is possible, if your attitude is positive, it will affect on your thoughts and action because more and more positive attitude will help you that you are doing mistake by thinking negative and taking negative action. So, there is big chance of success. So, you must and must focus to make positive attitude. For example, do you write the thankfulness notebook daily. There is lots of chances, we forget to give thankfulness of unknown people who have done lots of work for our happiness from behind the scene. For example, you eat the fruits, it may come from any other state. But, you have given the price of fruits and go to home without thanking all the people. You just bought the fruits of Rs. 20 but it has been possible by producing fruits large number of farmers and due to big competition, you get at low price. So, you will be thankful to all farmers who have created competition for your benefit. Otherwise same fruit will be of Rs. 2000, if there is monopoly in farming area. You should also thankful to transporters. You should also thankful to whole-seller. You should also thankful to retailer.
5. Think about Goal and You will Get Hope to Complete the Goal
I think, you will feel wonder that how can it possible that if I will think about goal, I will get hope to complete the goal. So, get its answer.
If you are thinking about goal, it means, you are not all the things which is not your goal.
If you are thinking about goal, it means, you are passion about achieving your goal.
If you are thinking about your goal, it means, you are sacrificing your all your biggest desires.
If you are thinking about your goal, you are totally focus on it.
6. Overcome the Fear of Failure
This fear is very dangerous, if you want to failure as student, start to think fearful thoughts. You say
1. If I will fail what will people say
2. If I will fail, I will not start again.
3. If I will fail, it will be my insult.
4. If I will fail, I will helpless to grow.
5. If I will fail, I will not time to find other substitute.
What people will say, it means, you are fearing the people who have already failed.
You are so lazy to start again, you are unable to start a new life, it means, you are fearing your current comfort zone of laziness.
Will it not your insult if you will not try for getting success. Not try is also biggest failure in the life.
Will you respect your time by not starting your action and just wasting the time in fear.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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