Renewal of bill means issue of new bill to drawee on his request. At the time of maturity, if there is no money in pocket of drawee, he starts to work on his strategy. He calls the drawer or bill holder for a small meeting. In meeting, he do not dishonor the bill but explain the reasons why he is so tight and unable to pay his bill. He requests to write new bill which he can accept for future date when he will get money for paying this bill.
If bill holder or drawer his new offer and cancel his old bill and write new bill for future date and drawee accepts it. It will be renewal of bill.
On cancel of old bill, and delay of money, bill holder may charge the interest. For example, as per renewal bill, there is delay of 3 months. It means, bill holder will get 3 month interest in cash or increase the bill amount. Following are the journal entries of Renewal of Bill
When Drawer or Holder of Bill Cancel the Old Bill
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Drawee Account Debit
Bill Receivable Account
Logic : Drawee is responsible after bill cancel. So, his personal account will debit because same asset of drawer has increased in his books. Bill receivable asset has decreased with cancel of bill. So, b/r account will credit.
In the books of Drawee
Bill Payable Account Debit
Drawer or Bill Holder Account Credit
Logic : Drawee convinced the drawer to cancel the bill. So, his liability of b/p has converted his direct liability. So, Bill payable liability has decreased and drawer liability has increased. So, b/p account will debit and drawer account will credit.
When Drawer or Bill Holder Gets Interest
In Cash
Bank Account Debit
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Credit
Logic : This interest is the income of drawer or bill holder and bank is increase in current asset. That is reason, above entry has passed.
In account Adjustment
When Drawer or Bill Holder Gets Interest
Drawee Account Debit
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Credit
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Logic : Bill payable liability has increased with new bill. So, bill payable account will credit.
Related Contents
11th Class Accounting eBook
If bill holder or drawer his new offer and cancel his old bill and write new bill for future date and drawee accepts it. It will be renewal of bill.
On cancel of old bill, and delay of money, bill holder may charge the interest. For example, as per renewal bill, there is delay of 3 months. It means, bill holder will get 3 month interest in cash or increase the bill amount. Following are the journal entries of Renewal of Bill
When Drawer or Holder of Bill Cancel the Old Bill
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Drawee Account Debit
Bill Receivable Account
Logic : Drawee is responsible after bill cancel. So, his personal account will debit because same asset of drawer has increased in his books. Bill receivable asset has decreased with cancel of bill. So, b/r account will credit.
In the books of Drawee
Bill Payable Account Debit
Drawer or Bill Holder Account Credit
Logic : Drawee convinced the drawer to cancel the bill. So, his liability of b/p has converted his direct liability. So, Bill payable liability has decreased and drawer liability has increased. So, b/p account will debit and drawer account will credit.
When Drawer or Bill Holder Gets Interest
In Cash
Bank Account Debit
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Credit
Logic : This interest is the income of drawer or bill holder and bank is increase in current asset. That is reason, above entry has passed.
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Debit
Bank Account Credit
Bank Account Credit
Logic : This interest is the loss of drawee and bank has decreased in current asset. That is reason, above entry has passed.
In account Adjustment
When Drawer or Bill Holder Gets Interest
Drawee Account Debit
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Credit
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Interest on Bill Payment Delay Account Debit
Drawer Account Credit
Drawer Account Credit
When Drawer or Bill holder Renew New Bill
In the books of Drawer or Holder of Bill
Bill Receivable Account Debit
Drawee Account Credit
Logic : Bill receivable asset has increased with new bill.
Drawer or Bill Holder Account Debit
Bill Payable Account Credit
Logic : Bill payable liability has increased with new bill. So, bill payable account will credit.
Related Contents
- Bill Dishonour Journal Entries
- Bill Sent for Collection with Bank Journal Entries
- Bill Discounting with Bank Journal Entries
- Journal Entries for Endorsement of Bill
- Journal Entries of Bill of Exchange
- Accounting of Bill of Exchange
11th Class Accounting eBook