Whether you have invested your money in share market, mutual funds, real estates or in your own business or interested to invest, you should learn 10 simple Steps to become better investor.
1. Learn Investing
You need to learn the investing first. If you did not learn and invested money in the share market or in any business, it is just like the gambling. For example, you do not know 5 type of business. You invested in education business Rs. 1 Lakh, you invested in Health care business Rs. 1 and other three business, you have invested Rs. 3 Lakh and its losses has crossed all the limit and you got only Rs. 5 in your hand in the end of year. Is not your story. So, learning the investing is the first step.
Ask following question to yourself.
Q :- 1 Before investing in the company, did you read same business's 10 Books?
Q : - 2 Before investing in any business, did you get training of such business understanding?
Q :- 3 Do you have 10+ years experience of same business before investing the money?
Why Am I saying this, Because money is good slave but bad master. If you will find only profitable project for your money, it will do more hard work and give you profit and it can only possible if you know whole business model. Otherwise, you are throwing the arrow in the dark by investing your money and when you will lose same money, you will face financial stress and be the victim.
Come and Start Learning of Investing From Here.
2. Learn More About Investing
Yes, no just learning is enough before investment, you have to learn more about investing.
For example, If I am studying the balance of A company and analysis its DEBT EQUITY RATIO, I need to compare it with other company, it is learning more. By learning more, you will go to the deep where you have to go to buy the share. Which company is better. If A company has 70% debt and equity is 30% and B company has Debt 40% and equity is 60%.
Now, go more to learn profitability
If A company has 20% Loss of its capital and net return of investment of B company is 30%. By learning more, you can take the better decision, B company is better for buying its Shares
(A) Its debt equity ratio is less than A company, it means, it can repay its debt fastly without any barrier and without any risk of decrease in the value of shareholder in future.
(B) A company is facing loss, it means, it did not get benefit of leverage. In future, it must give the interest which is fixed expenses by selling the assets of shareholder. So, your share value in market will decrease if you will take wrong decision to buy its shares. B has net return and less burden of per month interest, so, it is better to buy B company's share.
This better decision can be possible if you will learn Management Accounting Deeply for becoming better investor.
3. Learn Even More Investing
If you will learn even more investing, you will start to learn ability of sale by company between two quarter. Every quarter is of 3 months, every company publish quarter report of its sale for giving the knowledge to investors. If you are better investor, you can easily company whether company's sale revenue has increased or decreased.
For example, if you have bought A company shares and its market value has decreased 5%, Now, you are thinking to sell it because it is loss making business.
But if you learn even more investing,
You waited one month and see its quarter report. Wow, company has gained 80% more revenue from sale. It means, your learn even more investing helps you. You hold and you see that market has boom of same share and its value has boosted by 40%. If you had sold in past before new sale report, you are in loss and now in profit. Everything happens on the learn even more of investing.
4. Learn Even More than that Investing
Do you have habit of learning investment books and ebook daily for one hr. Everyone wants to rich through investment their salary money, earned money but no one has the time to learn even more than that investing. This habit will give you biggest reward in the life. All the great investor of the world has the habit of reading books daily more than 4 hrs but you can start 1 hr.
5. Learn Investing When You Don't Want to learn About Investing
Yes, you have financial stress, you are anger, you are feeling jealousy. You are nervous and you have mood disorder and you do not want to learn about investing.
Think Again Positive Way
Will same financial stress remove if you will not learn about investing.
Will anger make you rich?
Will your jealousy make you rich
Will your nervous and mood disorder make you rich?
If not then, why are you give up your hard work of learning about investment.
Be bold and be strong. Remember, Hard work is the key of Success.
Hard work is the real pray of God.
Hard work is is the secret of happiness.
You want to become better investor, so, you have to learn investing even when you do not want to learn about investment.
6. Learn Investing When You are Doing Other Work
You are making your food. Good but at this time, you can also listen investment learning lesson on youtube.
You are cleaning your home. Good but at this time, you can also listen a book which you have recorded in your mobile.
You are cleaning your clothes. Great but at that time, you listen the motivational lecture of investment.
If you have the habit of learning investing when you are doing other work, you can go top than all the investors in this world.
7. Learn When You have Something to Invest
Every time, when you are investing, try to again learn same company, its all updates because you will get lots of points which helps you to find the better opportunity and possibility.
8. Learn Investing When Did not Something to Invest
If you are not investing from sometime, no problem but try to shoot your gun for keep active your machine. Weapon will not use if you will not use daily. So, learn daily about investment.
9. Learn Investing Everyday
LAZINESS is poison. Never be lazy, everyday learn something new about investment.
10. Keep Learning Investing
Learn your investing challenge based. Every day take new challenge of learning and keep learning of investing. It is best formula of become better investor.