Hindenburg company has recently published the report that Adani Company is doing accounting fraud and share and market manipulation. It asked 88 questions from Adani Company. I read also Adani response. Before writing this content, I told, I am not favoring anyone of both. This earth is stand on Gravity which is truth. God love truth and justice. But what I research and what I understood, I am writing here.
I read the report but Why is Very Clear Hindeburg company, It is not social worker or NGO for the benefit of investor. It is profit making company of USA. 9 People are working in this company and it has the business of short position. Means,
It is Speaking Load,
Dear Investors FEAR FEAR FEAR and Sell the shares whose company we are telling which is doing cheating business at low price because soon, it will waste your hard earned money
Will investors be fearful. Never
But If I will focus
and I will give you fear through logical fact and you believe and it will be fear.
FEAR Means Fake evidence appear real
Fear is also evidence.
and if investors accepts through its believe system and sell then next secret
We are ready its all share at low price through Short Selling
Whether sell at low price
I am ready to buy it
Loss to final investor
because he is fearful for further loss
When he will not sell
Manipulated company baloon will burst
and you will loss,
you are seeing stock are decreasing very fast rate of ADANI
Loss to final investor
Both situation loss is of Investor
and both side benefit of Others. It is not help to Investor
Never satisfy own growth
but real growth, to think all growth is own growth.
IS Investor fool who bought the share
Investor is smart
and lack of self commitment
Investor remember
I will never sell share before 10 years due to fear and greed which may be through any news or information and compel me to taking wrong decision. If still face long term loan from any share, I will follow this 3 major strategy
WHY Clear
I cleared his why
and you will also clear
So, Will it tell all the truth in the report.
In Indian Culture, it is general saying
Before believing on Other,
we have to see the purpose of his action
If it is
to achieve personal purpose
Every Indian must understood
Do you know who is behind murder of LAL Bahadur Shastri
See Movie Tashkand FILE
OK, I asked some questions from Hindenburg Research
1. Are you feeling Jealousy Indian Adani Came 2nd position from 600 Position in Rich list or Top 1 to 559 richest people feeling jealousy why adani had crossed us.
2. You told, Adani has short audit firm. Who gave you authority to show his personal ID Card and you are told CA age was just 23 and 24.
I think, HIndenburg research team did not read MAHABHARAT
Abhimanu was ZERO age and he learned to cut the Chakrviyu before birth through listening from father in stomach of his mother.
3. You told they have less team of 11 people and they are paying Rs. 32000 rent of office,
Is it logic whether audit of adani is true or not.
You are team of 9 as per wikipedia. Still, you are giving full energy in this report.Yes . Adani is doing business 34 years and you are just started your business 6 years ago.
4. Are you telling through report, only small audit company have lack of knowledge to do better audit but large audit company may also fraud. Is it right?
5. Did you Read Indian Accounting Standard 24? and you are living in USA, do you know difference between IAS and IFRS.
6. Do you know Indian Audit Standard.
In End, I only say
If you want to smart
Give answer of Question in Question
Moreover, I always advice
Every investor asks question from himself
1. Are you investor or trader?
2. Why did you buy shares? Shares is buying of own property or asset.
3. If you will sell the share, know why is other buying
4. Are you agree Corruption, Bribe and cheating is not only in India but there three type people every where
Satoguni, rajoguni and tamsik people
Instead Blam on other person,
Have your own character strong
5. Will you have the capacity like chanakya to remove corruption and bribe from your nation. Will you born the students who will do like Chandergupt.
6. Our Real wealth is Indian Cows. Are you agree, because it gives milk, butter and pure oil and give us brain to think better. Are you agree
7. Our Real wealth is our health physical and mental.
8. Do you think All USA Media Speak truth? Do you think Indian Media speaking truth?
9. Instead taking any fast decision, is not better Hindenburg Report learning and Adani Financial Statement Learn
10. Is it good to take loan.
11. Do you know overvaluation and undervaluation shares and dollar cost averaging
12. Will you keep the share of any company who do not give dividend to you from last 2 years. Because dividend is the earning of business of every investor not selling price appreciation.
13. Are you agree when scams reports come, company fears and takes wrong decision which decreases its value more
Thank You
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