In Accounting of Indian Political Parties 2024, we will learn the incomes and expenses of Indian political parties 2024. We know that voting are in the process and will end on 1st june 2024. As voter of this nation, you should know this.
Total Income Sources of Indian political parties
Main source of indian political parties are donation. Electoral bonds was main source but now supreme court rejected to collect donation through electoral bonds because it is violating right to information act and voter's right to know who is donating political parties.
Total Expenditures of Indian political parties
In 2024 voting, political parties are spending highest money in three main expenses.
1. Marketing Expenses
When political party gives the ticket to any leader for MP, political parties starts to spend money on promotion of same leader through marketing.
This marketing will be two sided
One is to promote the prime minister who will make and second spends for local candidate.
2. Travelling Expenses
Main leader who will become pm and local leader both goes for rallies and road shows. So, there is big expenses on travelling for leaders and its team.
3. PM and Candidate Brand Expenses
Actually, people gives vote to see the face of central pm. So, parties pays to show the pm band on facebook, youtube and internet and offline banners.
Total Amound will spend by Political Parties
1. Total amount will spend 1.20 lakh crores in election 2024 and highest portion will spend by indian political parties instead election commission.
2. Limit of candidate expenses is Rs. 95 Lakh but political parties spend unlimited.
3. 2019 total spending was Rs.55000 crore and in 2014 total expenses of election was Rs. 30,000 crore
4. Highest expenses on Media advertisement, publicity, travel, rally and candidate expenses.
5. Now, its cost is Rs. 1000 per voter and the political party who will win the election 2024 will withdraw from the pocket of Aam admi through tax.
6. Four big parties BJP, Congress, AAP and TMC and paid Rs. 60.5 crore within 30 days ads from 31st march to 29th april on Google and facebook. It means, everyday Rs. 2 Crore is paying ads by political parties on google and facebook. This not include ads spending on otehr websites.
My Big 3 Questions to All Political Parties
Question 1. All of you want to remove poverty. With your spending money Rs. 1.20 Lakh crore, it is not going to poor people of India. It is going to only few big media and travelling companies. Instead publicity and marketing and travelling spending, can you not give directly to public? You all are increasing the gap between rich and poor in India as per above accounting?
Question 2. Do you know how will cover your expenses? It is sure, what ever the party, will it cover from tax money, bribe and corruption? If winning party will add tax more, it means, it is increasing product price and again more burdon on poor and middle class due to this election 2024. Answer this.
Question 3. Your source is donation for spending money. Do you know, no one donate without reason? Electoral bonds opens some secret. So, please tell us, what will do for companies for getting next time donation..?