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Coaching consultations for individuals and groups

Coaching is a just help to students in learning. It is given by educational expert. In many countries, students are poor in maths, so maths coaching industry is growing fast. Here consultant’s main duty is to provide good tutor to students. He must know the fees rates of coaching in area where student wants to learn. Consultant must have good links with coaching centers .time to time he must survey of different coaching centre for looking the level of coaching. I am also giving the commerce coaching. But when I provide accounts coaching, I behave with students as consultant. I see the weak points of my students. Some students do not know the fundamental of accounting but some student are weak in analytical work. Therefore according to need of our students problem, I help my student .like me every coaching consultant must identity the problems in coaching and then treats it. A good consultant must be advance in the field of education. There are so many area like commerce, English, Hindi, Urdu , science , economics , mathematics ,in which consultant must be specialize . If he starts coaching or its consulting to middle standard. Then only graduate level is sufficient it. In my six years experience, I taught thousands of students and i realize that students have the power to learn but they do not know how it uses. I always try to motivate. If any consultants do not have any skill to motivate student then he can not become a good coaching consultant.
There are many different names for different forms of coaching. Lots of coaches and coach schools have marketing names for different types of coaching. In broad terms you can fit most forms of coaching into five categories.

Peak performance coaching

this is very common with sports where a coach is generally a specialist in a particular sport. Peak performance coaches also appear in business, a sales coach for example.

Often peak performance coaches will have specialist skills such as hypnosis. Many coaches have benefited from a good nlp training course.

You will find coaches working in markets that they have credibility in. For example I get a lot of clients from the coaching, training and nlp community simply because they are circles I move in and I am known in them. As a result I have more experience and reference clients in these coaching is usually about personal discovery, so coaches do not need skills and experience from the context they are coaching in. Markets. But since coaching is more about the client’s personal exploration and goals it is not necessary for coaches to have experience of the context.

Life coaching

life coaches cover a broader area and might be looking at different areas of a client’s life and their relationship to each other.

Executive coaching

executives coaching is usually about the challenges and issues of leadership and can cover anything from personal style, stress reduction to finding your passion for the role. Lots of executive coaches will use a personality profiling tool as a vehicle for their client’s to explore and develop their outcomes.

Special events coaching

some coaches will specialize in a niche area like presentations or writing and publishing books. Often they have specific experience, skills or qualifications in the area and they may not conform to traditional coaching models because of their ‘insider’ knowledge.

Accelerated success breakthrough coaching sessions

this is a highly specialised area of coaching involving leading edge psychological, nlp and hypnosis tools to facilitate great changes very quickly. There are only a small number of coaches skilled in this area and also not all clients are suitable for this approach. Hence there is a lot of pre-qualification before using this form of coaching. For those it suits it has great impact very quickly.
One more thing in coaching is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy and coaching help people grow, in part by emphasizing adaptive behaviors. However, the emphasis in coaching is on the future, on achieving personal and professional success, and on positive thinking. Psychotherapy often involves historical examination and a focus on the etiology of negative emotions.
Whereas executive coaching focuses on an individuals performance, process consultation focuses on an entire organization's health. The consultant uses information from phone calls, interviews, on-site observations, and documentation to learn how management and interpersonal processes contribute or detract from the camp's stated mission.
The top coaches charge as much as $100,000 per person that they coach! Many coaches charge $10,000 to as much as $25,000 for a two-day executive retreat (which Andrew shows you how to lead; see the additional resources included with your program, described below).



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Accounting Education: Coaching consultations for individuals and groups
Coaching consultations for individuals and groups
Accounting Education
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