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Expert Usage Create Multiple Cost Centres

Gateway of Tally —> Accounts Info. —> Cost Centres —> Multiple Create
This is a quick way to create a number of cost centres at a time.

Under Cost Centre

You would select a particular cost centre as the parent cost centre if you wish to create a number of cost centres under it. In the above screen, we have selected Finance as we would like to create the cost centres Taxation, Management Accounts and Financial Accounts under it. If you do not want to be restricted to one parent cost centre while creating cost centres, choose 'All Items'.

All Items

In case the parent cost centre is 'All Items', you will have to fill up all the columns. The table below 'Under Cost Centre' has the columns Name of Cost Centre and Under (Parent cost centre). If your parent cost centre (the field 'Under Cost Centre') is not 'All Items', your cursor would only go the column Name of Cost Centre. This is obviously because the information is already known.

Name of Cost Centre

Give the name of the new cost centre. In the above screen, rapidly create cost centres Taxation, Management Accounts and Financial Accounts. The alias facility is not available in this mode. Select single alter to give aliases to cost centres being created in multiple mode. To accept the screen and end entry select End of List from the List of Cost Centres.

You are not permitted to accept a blank table.


Give the parent cost centre here. You may not create a parent here - the ubiquitous + is not available for this field.

Alter Cost Centres in multiple mode
Gateway of Tally —> Accounts Info. —> Cost Centres —> Multiple Cost Centres Alter —>Select from List of Cost Centres
Under Cost Centre
Since you selected Finance from the popup List of Cost Centres, it fills up this field and the cursor goes to the field Name of Cost Centre. In case you had selected 'All Items' from the popup List of Cost Centres, the cursor would go to the field Name of Cost Centre in the table. You are allowed to use to move back to the field 'Under Cost Centre' or use the button F4 to Change Parent.
Name of Cost Centre
You may alter the name of the cost centre
Select from the available list of Cost Centres under the specified category. Observe that other cost centres are available for selection as a parent.
Delete Cost Centre in multiple mode
You cannot delete a cost centre here. IF you need to delete, go through the Single Alter mode.
Explanation on Buttons
F3:Company: To work with a different company. In the creation mode, you can create cost categories in the other company. In alter mode, you can copy the information by accepting the screen ( or +). The old company's information remains. Not available in Display mode.
F3: New Comp: To work on the same report of another company. Available only in display mode.
F4: Parent:To move the cursor to the field 'Under Cost Centre'
F4: New Parent:To bring up the list of cost centres to select a new parent cost centre.
F6: Skip names: For faster data entry when you need to alter only the Category and the Parent Cost Centre but not the names. When you skip names, you might change the category or the parent cost centre to one which belongs to another category. Since this violates categorization rules, Tally complains after you accept the screen. (The error message is reproduced after the explanation on buttons.
F7:Skip Parent: For faster data entry when you do not need to alter the parent cost centres but only the name of the cost centre. The same error as is possible with Skip names should be avoided.
Groups, Ledgers, Cost Centres:
To enable you to switch to these areas without having to quit from the current screen.
F11:Features:To change company features. A detailed discussion on features has been done in earlier section under Gateway of Tally.

Advanced Usage
How to manage and operate Cost Categories
To use Cost Categories, you must activate the option 'More than One Cost Category' in [F11] Company Accounting Features.
** The default is No for 'more than ONE Cost Category'. In this state, Tally creates a single Cost Category called 'Primary Cost Category'. All cost centres created, prior to enabling this feature, go into this category. Now after activating it, you would need to create the new cost categories, and alter the existing cost centres to bring them under respective cost categories.
Create a Cost Category
Gateway of Tally —> Accounts Info. —> Cost Categories —> Single Create
The name of the cost category, e.g., Products. Earlier, we had created Departments, Branches and Executives.
** There is no sub-classification of cost categories and hence you do not find an 'Under' option. Though there is a primary cost category, it is not a parent of other categories.
You may call the category by another name or even a code number.
The following information is additionally available when you have opted for Advanced Information in [F12] Accounts Configuration.
Allocate Revenue Items (Yes/No)
Enable this option to allocate all sales, purchase, expenses and income related transactions to cost centres that you will create under cost categories. Normally, you would enable this option. However, should you need to allocate only capital/non-revenue items only to cost centres in this cost category, disable it by selecting 'No'.
Allocate Non-Revenue Items (Yes/No)
You would, normally, disable this option as most cost centres need only revenue allocation. However, should you wish to allocate items of non-revenue (capital) or Balance Sheet items, you may select 'Yes'. Organisations are increasingly requiring allocation of capital items to cost centres. They wish to monitor the capital expenditure incurred on cost centres and measure them against revenue earned. Hence, recognising this trend, Tally has provided this facility.
** Remember that you must enable either revenue or non-revenue item or both. You may not disable both. Tally sets a default of Yes for revenue items and No for Non-revenue.
Alter a cost category
Gateway of Tally —> Accounts Info. —> Cost Categories —> Single Alter —>List of Categories
Simply alter any detail in the cost category. The display option is exactly like alter but without the ability to modify anything in the screen.
Delete a cost category
Gateway of Tally —> Accounts Info. —> Cost Categories —> Single Alter —>List of Categories
You may delete a cost category that does not have any cost centre under it. Use + to delete. Tally does not allow deletion of a cost category which has cost centres.
Buttons in single cost category screens
F3:Company: To work with a different company. In the creation mode, you can create cost categories in the other company. In alter mode, you can copy the information by accepting the screen  or + . The old company's information remains. Not available in Display mode.
F3: New Comp: To work on the same report of another company. Available only in display mode.
Groups, Ledgers, Cost Categories, Cost Centres, Voucher Types:
To enable you to switch to these areas without having to quit from the current screen.
F11:Features:To change company features. A detailed discussion on features has been done in earlier section under Gateway of Tally.
F12:Configure:To change configuration of master information.
NOTE: Configuration changes affect all companies whereas Features changes affect on the current company.



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Accounting Education: Expert Usage Create Multiple Cost Centres
Expert Usage Create Multiple Cost Centres
Accounting Education
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