Student life is the best life because when we study in school and college , we feel enjoy with our friends . There are many benefits of making friends in class room which I can explain you in following points
- You can discuss every problem of accounting with your friend and get good solution after discussion.
- If you have many friends , then after talking with them you can develop your communication and leadership skill in class room .
- I think friendship is the holy relation in this world and true friend is the best partner of the world . You can share him / her your personal problem also .
- I have some best friend which I made in my school and college time . I often discuss my personal problem with them and they provide me the best solution . In other words , I can say that they are my best advisers and guide .
- We can also learn the life of our friends . One of my friend name is Pardeep Dhingra .He is area sales manager in ICICI Bank . I have learnt many things from his life . He is so hard worker , fully disciplined , well educated , punctual , dedicated to his job and profession , passion to his work , innovative mind , promoter of life development , best communicator and leader . He got high position with struggle and hard work . From his life , I always get guidance to become like him . My another friend is Vikram Verma . Now he is Govt. teacher . I know him from school time . He is very peaceful personality . He always thinks very high and spiritual . His thinking level is very wide . I always learn how to increase my thinking level from him . He faced every problem of life with smile and talk everyone with sweet voice . Manish is also my friend and I can explain what he is . He is scholar and professor of English and Education . He got this position by day and night hard work . I learnt him , if a person takes challenge to do any thing he can do only after do it by passion. His Enthusiasm and strenuousness for doing the work always guides me how to get success in life .
- Dear students , do not waste time just chatting with classmates . Make classmates your best and true friend . They are your real asset who will be helpful to you in whole life . They will become your partner in your happiness and sorrow . They will give you support and direct your life . You should also ready to help your friends also . Friendship is the other name of Cooperation , sacrifice and love .
So , Enjoy friendship in class room.