B.Com. is commerce graduation in Indian commerce education system . It is also abysmal ocean of accounting knowledge which is divided into theoretical and practical questions . If you are admitted first year in B.Com. first year , then you should really interested to know how to write big theoretical questions in B.Com's accounting subjects . I think , its answer is not so easy because , every question has its own philosophy and in accounting , we see many things before attempting them . But in short , I will advice to you , think before write and write in such a way that will be special . Its impression on teacher will be good and by writing special in accounting's theoretical question , you can gain special marks .
For writing special in big accounting question , you have to research deeply . Simple reading only single book of accounting is not enough for B.Com. student . You can write only in deep , if you have habit to study current news relating to finance and accounting . I also suggest you to read accounting and finance blogs of commerce professors . They often wrote their personal experience relating to accounting subject and they can give you special idea . In June 2009 , UGC NET has asked one question which is objective type .
" What will we say online diary ?"
1. website 2. blog 3. forum 4. vlog .
and correct answer is 2. blog . It means University grant commission's professor's eye is also on blog . What are people writing today and surely its effect will be on your big theoretical accounting paper . So , make habit to read daily , many accounting blog by searching google blog , like me , provide free facility to get daily newsletter . You can sign up for subscription .
One more thing , I want to write that is relating to words limits . Try to summarize your thoughts with important contents when you will write theoretical accounting question . Try to prove each title of body of answer with suitable examples . Examples are wonderful way to express your answer . It also increase your words , if you have not any other idea relating to question and you want to reach that specific pages or words .
In end , I will say you both starting and end para of your theoretical accounting question's answer must be full of sense of spirit of answer .
related : M.Com. Correspondence from University of Delhi
For writing special in big accounting question , you have to research deeply . Simple reading only single book of accounting is not enough for B.Com. student . You can write only in deep , if you have habit to study current news relating to finance and accounting . I also suggest you to read accounting and finance blogs of commerce professors . They often wrote their personal experience relating to accounting subject and they can give you special idea . In June 2009 , UGC NET has asked one question which is objective type .
" What will we say online diary ?"
1. website 2. blog 3. forum 4. vlog .
and correct answer is 2. blog . It means University grant commission's professor's eye is also on blog . What are people writing today and surely its effect will be on your big theoretical accounting paper . So , make habit to read daily , many accounting blog by searching google blog , like me , provide free facility to get daily newsletter . You can sign up for subscription .
One more thing , I want to write that is relating to words limits . Try to summarize your thoughts with important contents when you will write theoretical accounting question . Try to prove each title of body of answer with suitable examples . Examples are wonderful way to express your answer . It also increase your words , if you have not any other idea relating to question and you want to reach that specific pages or words .
In end , I will say you both starting and end para of your theoretical accounting question's answer must be full of sense of spirit of answer .
related : M.Com. Correspondence from University of Delhi