1st Tip 

Learn and remember in morning time. Get up 4:00 A.M. and after clean and fresh your body, start remembering your topic. In the school days, I got up early in the morning and what I did learn, I remembered.
2nd Tip

Learn by speaking loudly.
Reason: It is scientific theory that when we speak loudly, our brain concentrate on the topic and it catches automatically what we are speaking. Thus we remember everything.
3rd Tip

Learn by Walking
Reason: It is any other way to remembering anything. By walking, you feel relax. In the position of relax, you brain feel more active. Your brain learn and store the words very fastly, if you walk and learn.
4th Tip

Remember by Repeating
Reason: When you repeat any word, your brain make a permanent store of that word or group of words or anything what are you remembering. In the field of education, repeating is very powerful tool. Psychologically, if we repeat any thing by understanding not by cramming, we can remember that thing life long.
5th Tip

Remember by Revision
Reason: After week, or two week or month, when you revise the old topic, your remembering power increases. Revision is the best tool of education or learning. Make the time table for revision and revise on same time table.
6th Tip

Forget is Base of Remembering. Never take the tension that you forget everything. New research is telling us that if we fastly forget everything, it is good to remember everything.
Reason: Never understand your brain a computer. We are human being. We are not machine. If you have to increase your memory, try to start forget everything because, when your brain have zero database, you can remember easy any new thing for long time. I can give my example. You know, my name is vinod, I am the author of this blog. I have been writing since Jan. 2008 and I have written more than 1000 articles in this blog. But in reality, I do not remember any one of them. So, I have remember, my name. I can tell you that I am vinod. Yes, I am 100% sure that my name is vinod. I also remember that I am the author of this blog. Actually, in this earth, we should not remember everything.
7th Tip

Recall by telling others
Reason: When we learn and then tell other, our memory is increased 20 times by memory system. Technically, it is called sharing. If you want to remember everything, start sharing by making your own video, start sharing by writing on same topic like me. When you share other, you will receive comments and many good and bad response. I can take my own example. One day, I open my blog and I have obtained one comment, " your English is very bad.", Next day I opened my blog and found another comment and the person who read my article, commented," Don't be smart, try to learn English first." I remember all those articles which I shared and found bad response from commenters. Wow, what a great idea of learning and remembering. After this, I opened that article by my blog's edit posts button and corrected my spelling and other grammatical mistakes. You can also try this way for remembering whole life.
8th Tip

Recollect Your Death day
It is also good way to remember.
Reason: To recollect your death day is very scientific tool to remember everything. Remembering word is used for recalling old things. But death is future thing. You can only estimate your death. You can say me that I can die on or after 100 years. You can also say me that I can die before 100 years, if any other event happens. If you calculate its probability, you can find that more than 101% chance that you will surely die before 100 years. All things will happen in future and you are remembering in present. Feel it that you are very advance than super computer. Computer can tell only past things. Even Google can tell you 1 minute previous search update result. But you are remembering that event whose no time, no date sheet. Good, if you remember this, you can remember everything. I can give you 100% guarantee because I recollect my death day.
9th Tip

Keep in Mind Your Guru
Before remembering everything, please keep in mind, your Guru, master or teacher.
Reason: Your main source of learning is Guru, master or teacher who knows everything. Without physical body, he always near you. If you forget his knowledge, remember your Guru. If you keep in mind your Guru, you will soon remember what are you forgetting.
10th Tip

Never Pride that You know everything
Reason: In this word there are 5 weak point of any human being. Even you are living any part of world, you can not save from these weak points. I can not tell about you but I can only tell about me. I am suffering from Kama (sex), Krotha ( Anger), Lobh ( Greed), Moh ( Fascination) and Ahankar( Pride). First four things, I can easily control but to control fifth weakness is very difficult because you can not know this weakness without the help of Guru who can tell you about this mistake. It also effect our remembering badly because in pride, your brain growth will stop and you can not think nothing about other and you only think that you know everything. Others are dull and I am very smart. After this when you remember, you feel that you are forgetting something. Remember one thing, only God is perfect in this world, so never pride that you know everything.
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Hey Nepali dude(I too am a Nepali). Though, your grammar is some more terrific bad you write wonderful. But, don't develop ego for what I told to you (you write wonderful).
Thank you sir
ReplyDeletefor this coaching.
i will always remember these tips..