There is big need of accountants in India. All small, large, public and private companies and organisation demands accountants for completing their accounting records in India. In India, when a new company will set up, it is sure, one more accountant will require compulsory because as per company law, it is mandatory to prepare financial statements of company and without accountant, it is not possible. All these companies and organisation follow the process for finding the best accountant for their requirement. Here, we will discuss, what should you do for becoming accountant in India?
1st Step : Get Commerce Graduate Degree
If you are 10+2 commerce or 10+2 from art or science. It will not enough to becoming accountant in India. You should have the commerce graduate degree. It is one of basic conditions for becoming accountant in India. Student can also complete CA or M.Com after commerce graduate degree. It will be plus point.
Remember : In India, there is trend of lots of changes in taxation due to political reason and economic reason. So, accountant should update all these matters. Life is second name of learning. So, learn accounting everyday and become the perfect in accounting.
Accounting Education is most popular site for students who want to become accountant in India. At accounting education, we have made the step-by-step accounting guide specially for Indian students, and complete the activities to practice what you learn in accounting. See also visit our step by step accounting guide.
1st Step : Get Commerce Graduate Degree
If you are 10+2 commerce or 10+2 from art or science. It will not enough to becoming accountant in India. You should have the commerce graduate degree. It is one of basic conditions for becoming accountant in India. Student can also complete CA or M.Com after commerce graduate degree. It will be plus point.
- There are lots of universities which provide B.Com. honors in which students will become specialize in accounting. In three years, students have to study financial accounting, cost accounting, corporate accounting, management accounting and finance for becoming perfect for giving advice on financial matter.
- Students have to also study auditing, economics and management for better managing accounting department independently.
2nd Step : Get Computer Accounting Course Certificate
We all know days are gone of manually accounting. Now, everywhere is the computer and all are connected with internet. So, It is the second step to get computer accounting course certificate from any specialized accounting institute. There is one more reason of this. During commerce degree, students are busy to cover all theoretical portion. So, after commerce graduate, they should do a practical computer accounting course in which they have to learn different accounting software. If they will not learn it due to money problem, they should register them-self from accounting software knowledge providing websites and blogs. It is self learning course. If they have self-learning habit, they can cover them-self equal to computer accounting course. But if student does not know basic computer course, he or she must learn it from any computer institute.
3rd Step : Get Audit Trainee Certificate
If you become audit trainee first before becoming accountant in India, there are lots of benefit of this.
- You find lots of organisation who are auditing their accounts from CA. All have accountant. Sometime, any organisation's accountant leaves their position. You can apply and adjust yourself in that position.
- Auditing is next step after accounting. So, if you have learnt practical auditing, you will also become perfect in accounting because auditor asks lots of question to accountant and accountant has to responsible for answering these questions. From these questions, you will become so careful and no one can compel you to leave the position because you have done lots mistakes which will be harmful for company's wealth and profitability.
4th Step : Get Experience in Small Organisation
In India, there is animal spirit. Due to animal spirit, organisation asks experience before appointing any candidate as accountant. They do not give the chance to fresh candidate. No one get experience from mother's abdomen except Abhimanyu. So, you can also get experience by working as account assistant in small organisation. Now, after working one or two years, you can work in middle and large organisation.
Remember : In India, there is trend of lots of changes in taxation due to political reason and economic reason. So, accountant should update all these matters. Life is second name of learning. So, learn accounting everyday and become the perfect in accounting.
Accounting Education is most popular site for students who want to become accountant in India. At accounting education, we have made the step-by-step accounting guide specially for Indian students, and complete the activities to practice what you learn in accounting. See also visit our step by step accounting guide.
DeletePls tell me if you have finished your M.COM and to work as an accountant do you need any licensing or certification.
Very useful article Thank you