To claim unclaimed money is very necessary because if you will not claim in the proper time, it will deposit the treasure of Govt. account. So, best is to identify yours unclaimed money and then claim for this. In unclaimed money, we can include unclaimed cash, saving account bank balance, fixed deposits, dividend balance, shares bonds, unclaimed lockers and other properties.
All these money will become unclaimed when its real owner will not claim. It happens when real owner dies or he is killed or lost from long period. Following are the main Step for claiming unclaimed money in India.
1st Step : Get Death Certification
You are real heir of your expired relative. It is enough to get all money which is unclaimed of your relative. For this, you have the death certificate which you should get within 21 days of death of person. Death should be natural. It should not be killed or try to kill by any way or through poison. Otherwise, investigation will be done for finding the real causes of death. For example, anybody's relative died two years ago in road accident. You are only heir of his $ 10 million cash in bank. For this, you have to apply his death certificate and then you have to show it as proof of his natural death without cause of his murder due to your greed.
2nd Step : Search All Unclaimed Money
Some Unclaimed money you can find in the personal room of expired relative. You can find his or her saving account's passbook, you can also find his or her FD documents and his properties registries. It is very easy to claim such identified unclaimed money. But there are lots of other unclaimed money whose information, you did not get from expired relative's room or pocket. For this, you have to search other sources. In foreign countries, there are lots database websites from where you can get the information of unclaimed money but still, there is no such facility in India but it is sure all the banks and companies knows what is the total amount of unclaimed money.
As per RBI notification, unclaimed deposits of around Rs 1,700 crores in India whose owner were died. If such amount will convert in public property, it is very easy to open best Government free Hospital in every city and lots of people will from death in emergency like mother dies due to lack of advance heart specialist in my city's Govt. hospital's emergency department.
If you have doubt, you can contact personally in any bank for finding the detail of your expired relative's unclaimed money. If bank will satisfy from your provided information, he will surely help you.
3rd Step : Apply for Claim of Unclaimed Money
Now, next step is to apply for claim of unclaimed money. Bank and companies who have the unclaimed money of expired client will be trustee. So, he will not give the money to unauthorized person. You have to prove that your are the real heir by presenting application.
4th Step : Attach the Attested Proof of Your Identification
With application of claim, you have to attach the attested proof of your address and your own identity. In this, you can show, your voter card photocopy, your licence copy, your adhar card copy, your pan card's copy.
All these money will become unclaimed when its real owner will not claim. It happens when real owner dies or he is killed or lost from long period. Following are the main Step for claiming unclaimed money in India.
1st Step : Get Death Certification
You are real heir of your expired relative. It is enough to get all money which is unclaimed of your relative. For this, you have the death certificate which you should get within 21 days of death of person. Death should be natural. It should not be killed or try to kill by any way or through poison. Otherwise, investigation will be done for finding the real causes of death. For example, anybody's relative died two years ago in road accident. You are only heir of his $ 10 million cash in bank. For this, you have to apply his death certificate and then you have to show it as proof of his natural death without cause of his murder due to your greed.
2nd Step : Search All Unclaimed Money
Some Unclaimed money you can find in the personal room of expired relative. You can find his or her saving account's passbook, you can also find his or her FD documents and his properties registries. It is very easy to claim such identified unclaimed money. But there are lots of other unclaimed money whose information, you did not get from expired relative's room or pocket. For this, you have to search other sources. In foreign countries, there are lots database websites from where you can get the information of unclaimed money but still, there is no such facility in India but it is sure all the banks and companies knows what is the total amount of unclaimed money.
As per RBI notification, unclaimed deposits of around Rs 1,700 crores in India whose owner were died. If such amount will convert in public property, it is very easy to open best Government free Hospital in every city and lots of people will from death in emergency like mother dies due to lack of advance heart specialist in my city's Govt. hospital's emergency department.
If you have doubt, you can contact personally in any bank for finding the detail of your expired relative's unclaimed money. If bank will satisfy from your provided information, he will surely help you.
3rd Step : Apply for Claim of Unclaimed Money
Now, next step is to apply for claim of unclaimed money. Bank and companies who have the unclaimed money of expired client will be trustee. So, he will not give the money to unauthorized person. You have to prove that your are the real heir by presenting application.
4th Step : Attach the Attested Proof of Your Identification
With application of claim, you have to attach the attested proof of your address and your own identity. In this, you can show, your voter card photocopy, your licence copy, your adhar card copy, your pan card's copy.