Loan documentation means to show all the documents to bank or financial institutions for getting loan. These documents are very necessary for security of loan. If loan is given without documents, it is the chance that bank or financial institution will failure to get same loan from borrower.
Such documents are relating to income and assets which is in the hand of borrower. Both income and assets can be used in case if borrower does not repay the loan. Following is its list.
A. Documents Required for Income Verification
It is the proof, he is earning what he is telling.
B. Documents Required for Assets Verification
Such documents are relating to income and assets which is in the hand of borrower. Both income and assets can be used in case if borrower does not repay the loan. Following is its list.
A. Documents Required for Income Verification
It is the proof, he is earning what he is telling.
- Proof of Identity:- Passport / Driving License / Voters ID / PAN Card (any one)
- Proof of Residence:- Leave and License Agreement / Utility Bill (not more than 3 months old) / Passport (any one).
- Income Tax Return for Past Three Years
- Past 6 Months Bank statements and copies of pay slip where his incomes added
- Profit and Loss account of three years if he has own business
- Show the proof of any other type of incomes
- Proof of continuity of business
B. Documents Required for Assets Verification
- Balance sheet of past three years
- Stocks and bonds investments proofs
- All the vehicles ownership proof which has been paid in full
C. Documents Required for Already Taken Debt
- Credit Card Bills of Past 6 Months
- Proofs of the Debt which You have Taken
- Proofs of Past 6 months Purchases
- Proofs of committing for purchases