Today, we have completed 71 years on 15th August 2018. India is now going to 72nd year of independence on 15th Aug. 2018.
From 200 years slavery was broken by Indian Freedom fighters. That is we are free to live our life and spread our thoughts freely. It could only be possible by great and inspiring freedom fighters' blood. All freedom fighters were young and think the dream of free India which was completed on 15th Aug. 1947. As your teacher, I want to give my message on this day
1. Need of strength of Character
Our freedom fighters love mother land. They gave their life because they have strength in their character. They were follower of brahmcharya. If they were not follower of brahmcharya, still, we were slave because they were just going to lela majnu game instead true love. We are free and enjoy in their family because there was burning desire to be life time following of brahmcharya and self less service for freedom of motherland.
In this 2018, we are just going reverse the mission of our freedom fighter. At the time of getting education and doing something for growing of our motherland, we are just going to capture in lust and only fulfill own selfish sexual desire. That is reason India is no. one of opening of porn sites by its people. Are we protecting our motherland by doing this. Porn is addiction and you can easily overcome porn addiction by setting your patriotic goal in your life. Except this, you need to overcome masturbation addiction.
Have we proud to be son and daughters of our freedom fighters who gave freedom in 15th Aug. 1947. No my dear, it is time to change. It is the time to take self commitment if we want to give true tribute to our freedom fighters that we will stop to watch all porn and focus on the strength of our character. We will stop to watch our all lustful movies, lustful songs.
It is simple quote
Saw the good thoughts, you will reap the good act
Saw the good act, you will reap good habit.
Saw the good habit, you will reap good character
Saw the good character, you will reap good destiny.
Read freedom fighters books, you will saw the patriotic thoughts
Do selfless work for motherland, you will saw patriotic action
both will bring patriotic habits in you. That will increase strength your character.
2. Start to Fight Poverty, Illiteracy Health Problems and Environment Problems
1. Poverty can easily stop by proper money management education and learning the steps of success. Because if you will learn yourself you can work to fight proverty for your brothers and sisters and friends also.
2. You also need to fight illiteracy, for this, you need to read good books for one hr daily. If you can read, you can teach also. If you will not read, you can not teach.
3. Only following naturopathy, you can fight all health problems of India. For this, you need to learn naturopathy.
4. Plant the trees. Grow your own organic food. Stop the use more of petrol and diesel vehicles. Stop the use of polythene.