Everyone wants to get extra income but do not know from where to start. Due to this ignorance, they waste lots of their time, energy and efforts. So, today content will give you the knowledge of very clear about extra income. It is so easy and you can do it with your job or full time work.
Yes if you have the land, you can get extra income from it. Following are the ways for getting extra income from your land.
A) Use it Producing Veg and fruits and Grains
You can produce green veg. and fruits and grains on your free land.
For this, you need three things.
a) Your free land b) Your Domestic Manure and c) Water
For getting Domestic manure and water, you have to do small efforts. If you do not have animal stock, you have to pick the domestic manure from the person who has the animal or you can buy from online store.
b) For Water, you can
(i) Collect Rain Free Water
(ii) Invest your Money in Hand pump
Now, buy cheap seed of green veg. and start to produce. You can produce also fruits by planting fruits tree. Both will give you extra income in the form of saving your expenses in the form of buying fruits and green veg.
B ) You Can Give Your Free Land on Rent
There are lots of farmer who did not land. You can give your land on rent and earn extra income.
C) You Can Keep Your Milk Producing Animal on it
Either you can keep your milk producing animal on the land or you can open your own dairy farm on your own free land.
For this,
a) You have to invest some money to make the shed of animals
b) Buying the animals
c) Invest some money in employee who will care your animals
Yes, your house will give your extra income. You can earn extra income with following way.
A) Give it on Rent
If you have house, electricity facility and bathroom facility, you can give it on rent and earn extra money from it.
B) Use Your House as Your Business Office
You need not to take the office on the rent. You can use your house as your business office. Either you or your employee can do any business and earn money. Your house will earn extra money in the form of saving of rent.
You have the Car. Every year, it is depreciating. This asset value is decreasing day by day. So, never keep it free for your personal use. It must be use daily.
a) Give it on Rent to Other
b) Keep it on Taxi Stand and Your Employee Earn money for you.
c) You can Use it for Marriage Purpose.
d) You can Use for Advertising for promoting your own products and services.
You have the cash and you are keeping it in just saving account of earning 4% saving interest. Withdraw it and invest it for increasing your extra income
A) Invest in Govt. FD and Post office FDs
These are zero risk and you can earn big through use of power of compounding. It means, if you will not touch money upto double of your money, it will double your money fastly because, you are getting interest on interest.
B) Invest it in Mutual funds
Investment in mutual funds has lowest risk because your money is invested by expert mutual fund managers.
C) Invest it in Share Market
Investment in share market is very risk but if you will hedge and RD basis, you can decrease this risk. You can earn extra income.
D) Invest it in Your Business
You can invest in your business to grow your business.
E) Invest it in Others Business
If you have seen that your friend's business is booming but he needs money to invest for growth. You can invest and fix your extra income. For example, I have invested in my friend's business and I am hopeful, it will generate 8% net profit per month on my income. You can do it but be careful and start with less and try to back of your principle amount from its net profit first.
F) Invest it in Loan to Other
Instead of getting only 6.5% pa from govt. bank, you can start to give your cash to other on loan and you can earn 10% to 15% per year.
Your furniture can Earn money for you with following ways.
A) Rent Your Furniture
Just open Olx and ad your furniture on rent. You can rent your bed, sofaset, chair and anything.
A) Video Creation Skill
You can use your video creation skill and you can earn through youtube.
B) Writing Skill
You can write your blog daily and earn from direct advertising
C) Create eBook
You can create your ebook and earn its royalty through amazon kindle.
If you have selling skill, you can start to open your own offline shop and
Sell Offline
A) Sell your products
B) Sell others product
Sell Online
You can also use your selling skill online by opening your own ecommerce website and sell.