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Think like a Rich Person - Part 2

Welcome in the part 2 of "Think like a Rich person". In part 1, I taught you that if you think about luck means give less and earn big or pity of other, you can not become rich because your poor thinking will bring your bad habit of blaming other and complain each things and bringing fake mind logic that you are accurate in everything. With this, you will be far from people, community and success. So, you have to leave your bad habits of blame, not improving yourself and complaining and backbite.

In part 2, we go forward to compare Thinking Like a Rich Person and Thinking Like a Poor Person

Thinking Like a Rich Person Vs Thinking Like a Poor Person

Thinking Like a Rich Person 

(A) I will Invest My Money for Getting Big Return from it

Every investment has the risk. It is normal saying. More risk and more profit. Rich people make the goal to invest money for getting highest return from it. They behave like a hunter. They think like a tiger whose goal is to kill the deer at any cost and eat as big reward. Here is not investment of money. Here is investment of your money, time and energy. Money is called invested money. Time is called invested time. Energy is called invested energy.

(i) Tiger does not fear, how much run far for getting deer.
(ii) Tiger does not fear, how long battle with any animal for killing him.
(iii) Tiger does not fear, if other animal will harm him. He only thinks that God made him tiger and other is his food.

Now, rich people apply it on his thinking

(i) I am tiger and it is my goal to invest the money, time and energy to achieve my goal return.

(ii ) I am tiger and it is my goal to fight with every obstacle to win my fight for getting return on my investment. For example, you are the salesman and your customer will reject to buy your product. You have invested your money for its marketing, you have invested your time to find same customer. You have invested your energy for getting same customer.

Now, think like the tiger, you do not give up. 

(i) If customer says, he needs cash on delivery accept it. or make your strategy to convince that he should buy by paying advance.

(ii) If customer says, he needs only one product. Accept it or make your strategy to convince that there are lots of benefits of buying all. Make the list of these benefits advance.

(iii) If customer says, he does not have money. Try to give option to pay in installment.

(iv) If customer says, I will talk in evening. Write in copy. Remind him because you have the burning desire to reward from your time, money and investment. Why did call and pay your mobile bill. If you are lazy for not call in evening. Your mobile bill is waste of your investment. But rich people manage it by appointing the employee who remind the customer and achieve his goal.

(v) If customer say, your price is high. Make the strategy to give superior quality of your product. Make advance list of your product quality.

Tiger has every solution because he is determined to kill deer and get its meat. Rich people has solution because he or she has determined to achieve his goal

Learning Point For You

Set Your Annual Investment Goal

You have to set the investment goal. How must investment, you will do in a year in your project. Write detail of your investment

I will invest Rs. 2,00,000 in my online business in one year.

I will invest my 120 Days full in my online business in one year.

I will invest my 8 hrs full energy in 120 days in my online business. I will take every action.

Set Your Annual Income Goal

You have to Set Annual Income Goal

I will earn equal from my investment in one year as 100% return on my investment of my time, money and energy  in one year.

Thinking Like a Poor Person

(B) I will Invest My Money for safety of my invested money

This thinking like a poor makes him stress and change his focus. If safety is more important than return, he spends the whole energy only safety. He will make only goal for paying bills because paying bills is important to survive his life and it is law of nature, you will get only money for paying monthly bills.

He will make the goal of living only comfort zone. This comfort zone brings lots of fear in his mind. One side fear of future happening, if he will unable to pay the bills and second fear of future when he bought out of budget due to living in comfort zone and unable to pay same bills.

Learning Point for You

Never think like poor person. Never set the goal for paying bills. Set big goal of net worth for one year. Set big goal of annual income. Never live in comfort zone. Take small risks daily. To fear and live in comfort zone is the quality of deer. But you are tiger and come out from comfort zone and increase your self confidence.

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Part 1


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Accounting Education: Think like a Rich Person - Part 2
Think like a Rich Person - Part 2
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