Thinking of a Rich Person
(A) I have full Commitment to Become Rich
You know that marriage is commitment. You know when a mother gives the birth, it is automatically commitment that she will care her baby. When you sell the product, you are giving the commitment that you will deliver the products on the time. When you are buying something, you are committing that you will pay its bill. Everything on this world is based on the commitment. Commitment is totally connected with your truthfulness. If you are committed, you are truthful what are you doing. If you are not committed, it means, there is no possibility of completing same thing.
Rich people are committed to become Rich. They say in big voice. I have full commitment to become rich. I am committed to become Rich. My commitment will fulfill when I achieve the goal of becoming rich at any cost. He gives commitment like the commitment to fight of tiger. Either, I win or I will die. This is do or die commitment.
For example, I have committed to sell my Journal Entries eBook 10,000 copies in One Year. I am taking its all Action Because I am committed to become rich by selling this ebook.
1. Opening Journal Entries eBook Help and written 2 Contents in it.
2. Making Facebook Community Page for its Promotion.
3. Showing Facebook Ads for this.
4. Showing below the title and right side ads in this Accounting Education Website All Time
5. Writing New and Updated Contents Relating to Journal Entries
6. Showing Home Page Ads of Journal Entries Ebook in My Accounting education Website
7. Showing New Posts in Facebook Page
These are 7 actions which I have taken. I am committed to take 10,000 more action to achieve my goal.
Like this, if you are committed to promote your business. No one can stop you. Whole universe will come for your support. You have to take the decision and no chance to take step back. All rich people thinks like this.
Thinking of a Poor Person
( B) I want to Become Rich Person But I can not Give its Commitment
Poor person also wants to become rich person. India's current population is 1.3 Billion or 133 Crore. Only 10% people ( means 13 Crore are rich in India ) and rest 90% ( means 119 Crores are still poor ). All 90% population of India wants to become rich but they are not committed.
When I told them to become rich is very easy. Just write ebook and sell it online. I wrote my Journal Entries eBook in my 7 years hard work and sold its already about 200 copies and earned Rs. 2 Lakh. ( approximately ). They told me impossible for them.
It is difficult who will spend 7 years for writing an ebook.
Who will buy my ebook.
I have no money to promote it
I am new.
If my ebook will reject how will I face this failure.
But I say, there is no investment. Only need your laptop and for promoting net pack. You can promote free on facebook, twitter and YouTube and free blogger services. All tools are totally free for showing ads. But all wants to become rich without efforts because they are not committed to become rich at any cost.
Because they all 90% people of India are thinking like a poor person which is so negative
a) What happens if their hard earned money will loss after becoming rich
b) I have to pay big tax
c) I have to work hard. I am so weak
d) I can adjust my life in poverty
e) I will less time for my health
f) All earned money will steal and be cheated by others
All these people does not have burning desire to become rich.
Learning Points
Open your burning desire to become rich by answer following questions in yes
A) Do you want to work 16 hrs
B) Do you ready to work all 7 days
C) Do you ready to sacrifice your time to give to your family and friends
D) Do you invest your time, money and energy in your business where there is no guarantee to any return or profit
E) Do you do everything for achieving your goal
If you are committed Say Always
I am committed to become rich at any cost upto specific time
God has given me the brain to become rich. I only have to use it.
Write your big why you want to become rich.
Speak your written commitment daily.
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